Crosby Thesis -Chapter 5
Internal and External Sources of Variability in Knickpoint Form
Benjamin T. Crosby1,2
Kelin X Whipple1,3
1 Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, Massachusetts02139
2 Now at: Department of Geosciences, IdahoStateUniversity, Pocatello, ID
3 Now at: School of Earth and Space Exploration, ArizonaStateUniversity, Tempe, AZ
Primary Contact: Benjamin Crosby at
The form of a knickpoint can be attributed to the combined influence of external forces such as the downstream base level fall and internal forces such as the water and sediment discharge from upstream of the knickpoint. To identify and characterize these internal and external influences on knickpoint form, we execute a field survey of a trunk stream and 15 tributaries tothe upper Waihuka Stream, a sub-catchment of the WaipaoaRiver on the North Island of New Zealand. In each tributary, a distinct knickpoint designates the present upstream extent of a transient pulse of incision that has lowered the mainstem Waihuka on the order of 40 meters in the last 18,000 years. Because the study catchment is relatively small (6.4 x 107 m2and ~17 km long) and a previous study already established a high resolution time series of the mainstem incision history in the lower 2 km of our study reach, we anticipated that the range of internal and external influences on knickpoint form would be relatively small. To constrain the base level signalexperienced at each tributary, we surveyed well-exposed and abundant terrace surfaces along the entire length of the mainstem Waihuka. Thisrevealed that the mainstem incision history is not consistent upstream but is complicated by along-stream variation in substrate erodibility and lateral inputs of sediment from tributaries. Surveys of the tributaries reveal three basic knickpoint forms: (1) those hung directly at the tributary-mainstem junction; (2) those retreated upstream retaining their single-step form and (3) those that are composed of multiple smaller steps over an extended distance. Though we do find that hanging valley knickpoints are correlated with limited lateral incision in the mainstem and that multi-step knickpoints are correlated with the largest drainage area tributaries, we conclude that the form of most knickpoints simply reflects local internal and external influences that are unique to each knickpoint. This suggests for that a limited set of circumstances, knickpoint form can be anticipated, but for the majority of cases, the diversity of internal and external influences inhibits the emergence of deterministic behavior.
1. Introduction
Records of bedrock channel incision are often utilized to infer recent changes in tectonic or climatic conditions. Landforms such as strath or bedrock terraces and knickpoints may delineate the boundary separating the downstream portion of the landscape that has begun to respond to the incision signal from the upper portion of the landscape that retains its relict, unadjusted form. When carefully analyzed, interpretations of strath terrace heights, extents, compositions and slopes canprovide insight into the rates and patterns of the incision event, as well as provide some information regarding hydraulic and sediment supply conditions prior to the incision event(Merritts et al., 1994). The form and distribution of knickpoints within fluvial networks has been less successfully exploited in inferring past conditions because, unlike terraces, they are mobile erosional features that leave little record of previous location or form as they migrate upstream. Though less useful than terraces for studying temporal histories, knickpoints do offer the unique benefit of delineating the present upstream extent of the incision signal and their propagation is often considered the primary mechanism by which the incision signal extends throughout the basin, thus setting the fluvial portion of the basin’s response time following disturbance(Bishop et al., 2005; Crosby and Whipple, in press; Harbor et al., 2005; Weissel and Seidl, 1998). Paired observations of modern, mainstem knickpoint positions and the fluvial terraces created by the upstream passage of that knickpoint have been frequently used as evidence of landscape response to external forcing (Garcia et al., 2004; Reneau, 2000; Reusser et al., 2004; Seidl and Dietrich, 1992; Stock and Montgomery, 1999; Zaprowski et al., 2001). The two major weaknesses in existing studies using terraces and knickpoints to study bedrock incision are (1), few acknowledge the along-stream variation in fill deposit thickness above the strath terrace surface and (2),most focus on the response of the mainstem channel and do not evaluate the communication of the incision signal into the tributaries. In this work we discuss the necessity to include these observations in future studies and provide a case study from the Waihuka tributary of the WaipaoaRiver in the North Island of New Zealand (Figure 1).
1.1 Fill Thicknesses on Strath Terraces
Variations in alluvial fill thickness above the strath terrace surface are sometimes difficult to measure and thus most workers simply observe the elevation of the terrace tread. The tread, or top surface of the overlying fill deposit, is the final surface occupied and shaped by the channel prior to abandonment by incision. Because of the accessibility and visibility of the tread surface, is often the one measured and correlated downstream using methods such as field surveying with GPS or traditional techniques, aerial photograph analysis or measurement using topographic data sets such as paper contour maps, or digital elevation data (via contour interpolation or LIDAR/SARmeasurement). Elevations of the terrace tread surface are often plotted above the fluvial stream profile as a means of evaluating variation in incision along stream. Comparing the elevations of the terrace’s fill-top or tread with the elevation of the modern channel as a means of evaluating a bedrock incision rate requires the assumptions that (a) the thickness of fill above the strath is negligible relative to the height of the terrace above the present channel and (b) fill thickness does not increase of decrease along stream. Fill thickness is difficult to quantify and can be measured using three techniques:(1), physical measurement in outcrops where the terrace has been incised by trunk or tributary streams, (2) by geophysical methods such ground-penetrating radar or (3), by digging pits or using drilling techniques. Issues with limited outcrop exposure, equipment mobility and time expense frequently prevent quantification of fill thickness and limit studies of terraces to tread elevation only. In environments were aggradation precedes incision the assumption of constant fill thickness is often in error. Channel slopes (dictated by local sediment flux, water discharge and base level conditions) at the time of strath development may be significantly different from those established during aggradation. During the modern pulse of incision that abandoned the terrace surface, if fill thickness varies along-stream, then the bedrock incision also varies along stream. In this study we collect 106 local measurements of fill thickness above strath in channel exposures to constrain along-stream variation in trunk stream bedrock incision (Figure 2).
1.2 Variability in Knickpoint Form and Function
The along-stream variation in bedrock incision ratewithin the trunk stream dictates the local base level fall signal experienced at each tributary junction. At each junction, the trunk stream incision signal is passed from the mainstem to the tributary, forming the knickpointsresponsible for propagating the incision signal throughout the channel network. If the base level fall is too rapid or the sediment flux from within the tributary is to slow to respond to the base level fall, then it is possible for the tributary junction to oversteepen to the point that the knickpoint cannot viably retreat upstream by fluvial processes, thus stagnating the propagation of the incision signal and forming a hanging tributary (Crosby et al., submitted; Wobus et al., in press). Between the extremes of base level fall so slow that the tributary never forms a knickpoint and the case where hanging valleys are created, we hypothesize that the subsequent form and evolution of each mobile tributary knickpoint is a consequence of internal (within the tributary) and external (downstream of the tributary) influences. If the combination of internal and external influences is similar for two particular tributaries, then it is likely that their knickpoints may share similar attributes. In the more likely case that the internal and external influences are different, then the knickpoints will vary in form and function. This variability is documented in a another study (Crosby and Whipple, in preparation) where the morphological and bedstate parameters describing 27 channels that contain knickpoint are compared. We seek to understand whether the variability can be segregated into knickpoint ‘types’ that share relatively similar internal and external influences or whether the knickpoints and their influences are each unique.
In this study, we document variability in knickpoint form in 15 tributaries of the Waihuka Stream, a large tributary of the WaipaoaRiver on the North Island of New Zealand (Figure 2). The Waipaoa River catchment provides an excellent location for studies of knickpoint distribution and form because it is actively responding to a pulse of incision initiated ~ 18,000 years ago(Berryman et al., 2000; Eden et al., 2001) and some 236 knickpoints consequent to that incision have been mapped and characterized (Crosby and Whipple, in press). By focusing on tributaries within a single sub-basin of the Waipaoa we attempt to reduce the variability in the base level fall signal that would be present in an all-basin analysis. The Waihuka sub-basin also is the site of a focused study using terraces and abandoned meanders to constrain the 18,000 year old incision history within a 2.2 km stretch of the Waihuka (Berryman et al., in preparation). By studying knickpoints in 15 tributaries to a single trunk stream with a well constrained incision history and well exposed mainstem fluvial terraces, we have been able to identify and characterize the internal and external influences the create the observed variability in knickpoint form.
This project utilizes a focused, experimental-style approach, attempting to control variables through careful site selection and collection of pertinent data only. In January of 2004, we completed one ~2 km survey of a tributary (# 10, Figure 2) and visually inspected 4 othersin preparation for the following field season. During two weeks of work in February, 2005, we surveyed ~17 kilometers of the mainstem Waihuka and another 9 kilometers in14 tributaries. Collected data was compiled onto a master longitudinal along-stream profile including all mainstem, tributary and terrace data (Figure 2). This study provides the analysis and interpretation of the mainstem incision history and its influence on the observed from of knickpoints in the surveyed tributaries. In theproceeding section we present the geologic setting of the field area, a discussion regarding the initiation of the pulse of incision 18,000 years ago and the methods used to collect and process the data.
2 Field area
2.1 Tectonic and Geologic Setting
The WaipaoaRiver catchment, located in the Northeast corner of the North Island of New Zealand, is etched into the accretionary sediments of the Hikurangi subduction zone.In this subduction zone the west dipping Pacific Plate is subducting under acontinental fragment of the Australian plate, producing active arc magmatism in the Taupo Volcanic Zone which runs parallel to the trench, ~140 km east of the Waipaoa River catchment. The Pacific Plate in this region is characterized by abundant, large seamounts that destabilize the accretionary wedge, producing large mass failures of the continental slope(Collot et al., 2001; Lewis and Skinner, 1997). It is argued that seamount subduction and underplating of the accretionary wedge provide two viable mechanisms for the unsteady, non-uniform uplift histories recorded along the east coast of the North Island(Litchfield et al., submitted).
Though there are few observed active faults within the Waipaoa catchment, this may reflect the generally poor exposure and rapid erosional modification of landforms. There is frequent seismicity and anecdotal evidence for surface displacements on the order of half a meter in some locations. It is unclear whether these observations are consequence of surface-rupturing faults or scarps of large deep seated landslides in this characteristically unstable landscape. Bedrock units in the Waipaoa are dominated by Cretaceous to Pliocene accretionary wedge sediments(Black, 1980; Mazengarb and Speden, 2000). Though limestones, conglomerates and shelly clastic beds are locally observed, the most pervasive lithology in the Waihuka catchment (Figure 3) is the early Miocene Tolaga Group(eMt) which is composed of clay rich mudstones and siltstones interbedded with infrequent planar sandstone layers(Mazengarb and Speden, 2000). Other units observed in the study area include (in decreasing aerial extent): a more erosion resistant sandstone unit within the Tolaga Group (eMta); a softer calcareous mudstone known as the Weber Formation within the Mangatu Group (Ogw); a sandstone unit called the Wanstead Formation within the Mangatu Group (Egwg); and a marine sandstone within the Tolaga Group (Emts). Extensive vegetation coverage limits the certainty of the mapped contacts and many are estimated using landform characterization alone (personal communication, Mazengarb, 2000). During our field surveys, it was very difficult to discern differences between many of the rock types, though channels sourced in the eMTa did containa larger percentage of coarse, resilient sandstone cobbles and boulders. The Otoko-Totangi normal fault in the eastern portion of the study catchment as well as the south vergent thrust in the southern portion of the catchment are not considered active(Mazengarb and Speden, 2000). We assume that these faults have been inactive since the initiation of incision because there is no observable deflection or deformation of terrace treads or DEM-collected stream profiles where they intersect the mapped faults. Though these local faults are apparently inactive, recent compilations of marine and fluvial terrace datasets suggest that the Waipaoa is experiencing rock uplift rates around 1 mm/year (Berryman, 1993; Berryman et al., 2000; Litchfield and Berryman, 2006; Ota et al., 1988).
2.2 Aggradation during the Last Glacial Maximum and the Subsequent Initiation of Incision
During the last glacial maximum (LGM), prior to the initiation of incision ~ 18,000 years ago, the Waipaoa River and all other major east-draining catchments on the North Island of New Zealand experienced network-wide aggradation(Litchfield and Berryman, 2005). This valley-filling event persisted between ~30ka and 18ka, burying bedrock-floored trunk streams and constructing alluvial fans at tributary junctions that extended upstream into these sub-basins. Throughout the Waipaoa catchment, we observe fill thicknesses between 5 and 45 meters, and within the study area fill thicknesses range between 3 and 20 meters. We will refer to this basin-wide aggradation surface as the “Waipaoa 1” (W1) terrace as defined in Berryman et al. (2000). We use this terrace to define the initial topographic condition prior to the initiation of the pulse of incision. The aggradation is attributed to colder and dryer climatic conditions(McGlone, 2001, 2002; McLea, 1990) that resulted in less vegetation to provide cohesion on unstable hillslopes and less water discharge to transport the sediment supplied from local hillslopes.
The timing of the initiation of incision is constrained by characterizing thestratigraphic accumulation of undisturbed tephra deposits on the abandoned W1 terrace surface (Berryman et al., 2000; Eden et al., 2001). The eruptive age of the lowest (or oldest) tephra establishes when stream incision into the aggraded sediments abandoned the W1 alluvial surface. Throughout the WaipaoaRiver catchment, the first tephra observed above the alluvial terrace deposits is the Rerewhakaaitu, erupted from the OkatainaVolcanicCenter ~17.6 ka (Lowe et al., 1999). The next two oldest tephras, the Okareka (21ka) and the Kawakawa (26.6ka) (Lowe et al., 1999) are only observed within active fluvial deposits in the W1 terrace, suggesting that the river channel had not yet incised as was continuing to deposit sediment (Berryman et al., in preparation; Eden et al., 2001). As this brackets the time of initiation of incision between 21 ka and 17.6 ka, we elect to refer to theinitiation of incision event as occurring ~18 ka.
It is not certain why incision initiated at ~18 ka in the WaipaoaRiver catchment, but it was likely triggered by changes in climate at the end of the LGM and enhanced by a change in rock uplift rate. A detailed comparison of threeproposed mechanisms are elaborated upon in a another publication (Crosby and Whipple, in preparation) and will be briefly summarized here. First, previous workers proposed that a warming and moistening climate decreased sediment supply (increasing vegetation density,and thus increasing hillslope stability) and increased the rivers’ transport capacity (increased discharge)(Berryman et al., 2000; Eden et al., 2001; Litchfield and Berryman, 2005). Second, we have also suggest that during the LGM sea level dropped below the shelf-slope break, potentially initiating the transmission of a of a rapid base level fall signal through the channel network (Crosby and Whipple, in preparation, in press). The third potential driver for incision is related to subduction dynamics and attributes the large magnitude of the incision signal to either seamount subduction or underplating within the accretionary wedge (Litchfield et al., submitted). Any combination of these three mechanisms could be working in concert to create the observed incision response.
In thestudy presentedhere, the important information is not why incision initiated, but how incision progressed through time. Downstream of the Waihuka study catchment, near its confluence with the Waipaoa River, Eden et al. (2001) recognized that the Rerewhakaaitu was the oldest tephra preserved both on the top of a W1 terrace and on another terrace 15 m lower than the W1. This suggests that the initial pulse of incision was rapid, as anticipated considering that the valleys were aggraded with unconsolidated alluvium. Recent work by Berryman et al. (in preparation) examines a high resolution record of river incision within our study reach in the Waihuka tributary (Figure 2), taking advantage of organic and tephra rich deposits preserved in a tiered sequence of terraces and cut-off meander loops within a 2.1 km long reach. Their efforts to constrain the progressive time-history of incision in the Waihuka provide a rich resource regarding our examination of the local and upstream tributaries’ response to base level fall. The fundamental result of their work is that incision in the Waihuka was initially slow (~1.5 mm/yr) between ~ 18 ka and ~9.3 ka, but then jumped to ~10 mm/yr between ~9.3 ka and ~8 ka, slowing to ~3 mm/yr between 8 ka and the present. They hypothesize that the rapid pulse in base level fall was during the passage of a knickpoint through their study reach. Given this local observation of a slow-fast-slow pattern in base level fall, we can examine both the response of the trunkstream and tributaries upstream to find whether this incision pattern is consistent throughout the catchment.