· Welcome to the MD, DE, DC Moose Association Mid Year Conference. It is an honor for me to be back with you once again.
· This afternoon I would like to talk a little about Membership and Membership Retention. Each year Moose International assigns each Lodge a quota that is based on previous years activity. This year our total combined lodge quota is 4,188 new or former members.
· I am happy to report that five of our Lodges have achieved their quota. They are Silver Spring #658 with 108.33%. Milford #236 with 119.64%, Lewes Rehoboth #646 with 149.87%, Middletown #1295 with 157.14% and Capitol Region #2680 with 160%.
· There are three lodges that are the top producing lodges of this association. They are Annapolis #296, Mechanicsville #495 and Edgemere #537. Just these three lodges have produced a total of 229 members. Congratulations and thanks.
· With our total quota set at 4,188 members, the Lodges have produced a total of 1,655 members which is about 39.5% of our assigned quota.
· At the end of April 2009, the Lodges of this Association had a total of 27,406 members. However, by the end of January this year, we had a total of 25,530 members.
· That is a loss of 1,868 members in just 9 months. This is unacceptable for this association. We are better than this.
· We have in place a great team of dedicated Deputy Regional Managers that have accepted the challenge to do whatever they can by way of assisting the Lodges in their respective territories. Assisting the Deputy Regional Managers are the District Presidents. These are just a few of the Fraternal Team of this Association. Each of these men work tirelessly to see that their Lodges are functioning in a fraternal manner that brings honor to the Loyal Order of Moose and our Association.
When we were enrolled in the Moose, we made a promise to take care of our children and seniors. To do this we have to set goals not only for ourselves, but for our Lodges, our Districts and our Association as well.
· Every effective team needs to set goals. Right now our goal is a work in process.
· Our first goal of this team is to stop the reduction of members and increase the recruitment of members as well as insuring that all Lodges are operating in a fraternal manner and it is a work in progress.
· The other goals we have set forth for this Association are: 75% of all fraternal units achieve at least one membership quota, 70% of the Lodges attain the Premier Lodge Award. Another goal is that 100% of the Lodges submit a Moose of the Year recommendation. We would also like to see the Moose International indebtedness reduced by at least 20%. 100% of our Lodges should be submitting Family Activities and
· Community Service reports. Along with an increase in active members, we should be striving to increase our Moose Charities donations by 20%. Monthly Endowment Fund donations to Moose Charities should occur each and every month. If the records are reviewed and Endowment Fund collections were taken, but never sent to Moose Charities it can be construed as embezzlement.
· So you see, our Fraternal Team has some goals, and we will achieve, just remember, no goals – no gains!. It’s just that simple.
· Are you willing to be a Piece of the Solution so that these goals can be attained?
· In today’s economy everyone is trying to stretch the dollars. Moose Lodges are no different. Our overhead costs just seem to be skyrocketing, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be successful. We have to be frugal and we have to offer our members a good return for their investment. In short, we have to be
· The Friendliest Place in Town. We must provide a good clean facility for our members; we need to have activities for all ages on a regular basis and if you have the ability to serve food, it should be of good quality and served in a pleasant environment. If possible, provide a location where families can dine together in comfort. Make them feel welcome so they will want to make the Moose Lodge their first choice when taking the family out to dinner. If your Lodge operates a fraternal operation in all areas, there should be no reason why you shouldn’t show growth in members and finances. If you were present to see the Community Service presentation, it contained a lot of good information on how your Lodge and members can reach out to the community. You must be inventive in your thinking, positive in the production of your events and have a good team of volunteers to carry out the event. There are a variety of activities that can be held that cost the Lodge very little, but reap big benefits. Every positive event you have within your communities reinforces your existence and a positive community image.
· If your Lodge displays a sign that advertises it is a Moose Family Center, here is another sign that should be displayed for all to see. We are a Private Organization and admittance to your facility should be for Members Only and their qualified guests. A good rule to remember is 1st time guest, 2nd time is to complete an application for membership. Lodges that continually allow non-members to come into the Lodge without being a member are asking for troubles. If non-members are allowed to come and go, then why would anyone want to pay to be a member? So many times I have heard that someone grew up in the Moose. Just last week I received an e-mail from a gentleman conveying that very message. His father had just passed away at the ripe old age of 91 and he just wanted to let me know that he had many good memories of growing up in the Lodge with his father and siblings. You probably have heard the same thing. They came with their parents and grandparents when they were children and remember all the good times they had. When they became of age, there was no question about joining – it was automatic.
· We are building memories from one generation to the next. Whether it is the life of a child at Mooseheart or a senior at Moosehaven, or future members in our own neighborhoods,
· we are making a difference and that’s what we are about.
· I am happy to announce that this Association now has an official weekend to visit Mooseheart. This year the date will be the first weekend in October. I would hope that we could have a good group of our members that will want to be a part of this great adventure. Encourage those that have never been to Mooseheart to make this trip and see first hand why we do what we do. It is a fraternal experience that can change the lives of all who visit.
· I am sure Danny Williams will be trying to get a group committed so he can arrange for a bus.
· With all the weather we have been experiencing throughout the country, I couldn’t help but not use this picture. It reminds us that we may be snow covered, but we are not snow bound. Moose members always find a way. Please travel carefully when returning home. Thank you.