The Department of Biological Sciences
Bio Sci 104--Lecture 401, 402, 403 - Spring 2011
Office:Lapham Hall--LAP N313
Class Hours: 401: MW 11:00am-11:50am
402: TR 2:00pm-2:50pm
403: M 5:30pm-7:10pm
Office Hours:TBA or by appointment
Purpose of Course
The general purpose of this course is to providestudents with a fundamental understanding of:
1) the structure & function of plants
2) how plants are used by man
3) the relationship of plants to contemporary environmental/conservation issues.
GER Credit
The general education requirement (GER) is met by providing a basic knowledge of plant science from which students can understand how we are integrated into our living world. Some specific goals are: to increase the student’s understanding of the plant kingdom, how these organisms differ from other life forms, and to increase the student’s awareness of how plants function and how they are used by humans. In addition, students will learn about related technologies, such as genetically engineered food crops and biofuel production. These goals are evaluated in both lecture and lab throughout the semester via exams, quizzes, and lab reports. The potometer experiment is specifically used to assess the following goals: 1) the ability to formulate hypotheses, 2) the development of a scientifically sound experimental design with controls, and 3) reporting the student’s unique findings in a scientifically formatted report.
Plant & Society, 5th edition, Levetin & McMahon
Required Materials
Text:Note that all the material in the text will not be covered in lecture. Therefore, readings from assigned chapters should focus on relevant topics from lectureThese readings are intended to enhance your understanding of the lecture material.
Clicker:Student response system will be used in lecture to assess student background knowledge and comprehension of lecture material.
Online Access:To access powerpoint slides, quizzes and course grades go to: for the course D2L site.
Laboratory:Text as above and lab materials will also be posted on a separate lab D2L site.
Examination Policy
There will be three 50-minute exams. The last one will be during final exam week. The exams will be objective questions (multiple choice, matching, True/False). Questions will be answered on scantron sheets (fill in the dots with #2 pencil). Exam questions will come from the lecture material (I will not ask questions on material from the book that I do not cover in lecture). Make-up exams will be oral or written, at the discretion of the instructor. In order to qualify for a make-up exam, you must call Robert Clare (229-6806) or email Robert Clare () within 24 hours of the scheduled examination time. Requests for make-up exams should be supported by documentation when possible. The final exam will be given on the date found in the schedule of classes.
Exam ITBAlecture periodlecture hall
Exam IITBAlecture periodlecture hall
Exam III (Final Exam)TBAfinal exam weekTBA
Grading Policy
Grades will be calculated on the basis of 3 lecture exams, D2L quizzes, class participation and laboratory work. Performance on Lecture component of this course will comprise 60% of your course grade, and performance in the laboratory (lab reports, lab quizzes, etc.) will comprise 40% of your course grade. Your final grade will be determined based on the following weighted system.
Exam I0.15
Exam II0.15
Exam III0.15
D2L quizzes0.10
Class Participation0.05
At the end of the semester, your final percent score will be calculated by multiplying your percent score in each category by the weight of that category (as above) and then summing the weighted value of each grade category. Letter grades will be assigned based on the final % grade.
Attendance in laboratory is required. If you will be absent due to extenuating circumstances or illness, notify your instructor. Due to the instability of the materials used in the lab, make-up labs cannot be scheduled. Registered students not attending Lab during the first week of the semester may be dropped unless they contact their instructor and lab TA. (See 'Administrative Drop for Non-Attendance' policy under 'Course Restrictions' in the Schedule of Classes).
Registration Policy
Last day to drop class without “W” appearing on academic record is 18 Feb. 2011. No drops will be allowed after 18 Mar. 2011, except for exceptional non-academic reasons. In the event of excess enrollment, priority will be given to students who are registering for the course for the first time.
Accomodations for Students with disabilities. If you are a student with a disability and require special accommodations contact the instructor early in the semester, and also contact the StudentAccessibilityCenter (Mitchell Hall Room 112, 229-6287, ).
In the event of disruption of normal classroom activities due to a weather emergency (Call 229-4444) or a disease outbreak, such as H1N1 swine flu, the format for this course may be modified to enable completion of the course. In that event, you will be provided an addendum to this syllabus that will supersede this version