Cheshire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Merseyside & North Wales
Our next Social Event/Meet will be on 8th June for our North West Mid-week Drive, see below.
June's Mid-week Drive is a 'Dales and Rails' run around the South Cumbria and Yorkshire Dales area.
Members can meet up at Cafe Ambio, Crooklands (post code LA7 7PF). Exit Junction 36 M6 for the A65 to Kirkby Lonsdale. After ¼ mile take the 3rd exit at the roundabout to the B6070, the cafe will be on the left just past an auction centre. Departure time is 11 am.
The first stop will be at the Station Inn, Ribbleshead, a run of 20 miles or so, followed by a run of 18 miles to the second stop at the Moorcock, Garsdale Head. Next, the third stop will be at the Cross Keys Temperance Hotel, a run of 20 miles then a further run of around 21 miles to the final stop at the Plough, Cow Brow, Lupton (arrival around 5.30 pm) where a meal can be had if desired.
Please let Dale know asap should you like a meal at the Plough as he has to know numbers for the booking, he can be contacted to book the meal and for further information on 07979 736271.
Our next North West regional meeting will be on the 13th June at the New Hall Tavern.
From Junction 31 M6, take the A59 exit to Preston/Blackburn/Clitheroe. At the roundabout, take the 4th exit onto Preston Road/A59. Go straight on at the next roundabout. Taking the right hand lane, turn right onto Vicarage Lane. In approx. ½ mile at the crossroads on Cuerdale Road, the New Hall Tavern is on the right,cross straight over onto Roach Road, the car park is on the right behind the pub.
Wirral Mid-week Drive 10th May
Nine members in four Wolseleys took part in the mid-week drive round the Wirral Peninsula.
The first stop was New Brighton before they headed for Royden Park where they swapped roads for rails on the Wirral Model Engineers Railway round part of the park. W.M.E.R host Alan Pennell gave most of the members a new experience by letting them take the driving seat on the engine to have a go at driving the train round the track! The day out concluded with a great meal at the Boat Inn at Park Gate. Many thanks to Alan for the driving experience and to Bob Leyland for organising a splendid days run and for ordering the glorious weather.
Ian Ashcroft at the controls Alan takes over
New Events news
We've just received information from the British Commercial Museum, Leyland on an event taking place there on Sunday 11th June. 'The Austin, Morris, Wolseley and MG Classics Day' is also open to cars, pickups, and commercials.
To enter, go to their website . Find 'EVENTS', then drop down 'ENTER AN EVENT'. You can then either complete an on-line form and email it back to them or alternatively print off the separate form and send it the the address below.
Rick Roberton, Trustee for and on behalf of:- The British Commercial Museum, King Street, Leyland PR25 2LE. Telephone 01772 451011
Coming club events
Tatton Park Classic spectacular is imminent on the 3rd/4th of this month, it's always a great event, the auto jumble alone can take a couple of hours to get round, it's quite an adventure looking for that hard to get spare part for your car. All the clubs put on fine displays along with the many individual exhibitors.
We of course will be there with a stand, look for us on row E, we are on E11.
Mike and everyone will be pleased to see you there. Look out for pictures and a report in July's edition of Wolseley News.
Everyone is welcome at our activities/Social meets usually held the 2nd Tuesday of the month and 'Technical' socials are held every 3rd Tuesday with Bob Langston unless advised otherwise. If visiting an event and you think we should have a club stand there, please let us know, all suggestions welcome.
CLUB EVENTS FOR 2017 All events/dates subject to confirmation
June 3rd/4th Tatton Park. Contact Mike Stanley
June 8th North West Mid-week Drive , Cumbria/Yorks area . Contact Dale Lodge 07979 736271
July 13th North West Mid-week Drive, South Cumbria to Barrow Docklands Museum. TBC Contact Colin Briggs
July 28th/30th Wolseley Register National Rally, Belton House nr. Grantham (see Wolseley World)
August Possible run out around Hebden Bridge TBC. contact Mike Stanley
September 16th/17th. Manchester Classic Car Show, EventCity, Manchester. Contact Peter Cope
Non-Club events Section for your interest
10th/11th Road & Water. Lion Salt Works. Philip Cox. Ollershaw Lane, Marston,Northwich, Ches. CW9 6ES. 01606 275040
18th Trentham Gardens Classic Event 0845 879 1028 email info@geminievents . By 25/5
24th/25th Kelsall Steam Fair. Email
8th/9th Cheshire Steam Fair. Daresbury. 01751 200839 email info@outdoorshow
23rd Cheshire Classic Car & Motorcycle Show. Capesthorne Hall, 01484 6677706 email info@classicshows by14/7 with SAE
30th Bodelwyddan Castle Classic Event email info@classicshows. By 21/7 with SAE
12th/13th Astle Park Traction Engine Rally. 01751 200839 email info@outdoorshow
27th Cheshire Classic Car & Motorcycle Show, Capesthorne Hall. 01484 6677706 email info@classicshows by 18/6 with SAE
3rd. Cholmondeley Castle Classic Event. 01484 6677706 email info@classicshows by 18/6 with SAE
9th/10th Malpas Yesteryear Fair. MVMAPO Box 102 Wrexham LL13 0ZS 01978 780749
Chairman Mike Stanley 01254 247963
Secretary Colin Briggs 01254 246965
Editor Peter Cope 0161 368 2388 or 07956 029939
Contributions can be sent to: Peter Cope, Wolseley News, Albert House, Albert Road, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1DH
Any photographs/written work can be returned after use if required.
If a reply is required, please include a stamped addressed envelope.
Deadline for contributions is the third Tuesday of each month
Any opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Wolseley Register North West Region.
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Photographic Images used in this newsletter may have been obtained from various sources.
If through no fault of our own, photographic images or articles used from other publications or media have been used without due credit or acknowledgement, apologies are offered. If anyone believes this to be the case please let the editor know and the necessary credit will be published at the earliest opportunity. Copyright of all articles, images including photographic and other material in Wolseley News is with the named author of the material or by default the Wolseley Register North West Region. No unauthorised production, in part or in whole, is permitted without expressed permission. Permission should be sort from the editor of Wolseley News in the first instance.