2012 OVAAOfficial General Rules
- The Ohio State High School rules are the final guidelines in Girls Softball, unless a specific exception is noted for that league. Boys Baseball will use the "2012 Little League Rule Book."
- There is a 1/2hour grace period for the start of all games. Any team which cannot field a minimum teamwithin 30 minutes of the Official starting time must forfeit the game.
- No tobacco products are allowed on the playing field or in the coaching boxes.
- Postponed games - Must be rescheduled within 2 weeks of missed game. (Definition of a postponed game isa game that has to be cancelled due to weather or extenuating circumstances such as death. Vacations arenot considered extenuating circumstances. The presidents from each team will decide if it is an extenuatingcircumstance. )
- If the coaches cannot agree on a time, the 1st Saturday after 2 weeks is the automatic date. It is to beheld on the home field. If the rainout is a Saturday game, the Sunday following 2 weeks is theautomatic date. Association home team sets time. If the automatic date is rained out the followingSaturday or Sunday, as the previous mandatory date, is the make-up date. This procedure.is followed until the game is played.
- "No Show" forfeits the game. Both no shows - both lose game in league records.
- In all cases, all games need to be completed prior to the tournament starting game at the end of theseason.
- All outstanding games that have not been played will be considered losses unless approved to playlater by OVAA president.
- Teams may forfeit only after informing their association president and receiving his/her approval.
- Appeal for unusual conditions must be reported to league representatives and will be referred to thearbitration committee for action. Their decision will be final.
- All games shall start @ 6:00pm unless both coaches agree to a different time or schedule states differentstarting time.
- All coaches must have a copy of the appropriate rulebook and OVAA exceptions.
- Home plate umpires must be at least 18, (or 17 if a high school graduate), while umpires in the field may be16 or older. Umpires should be familiar with all league rules. It is strongly recommended that there be twoumpires on the field. T-ball can have just one umpire. If you cannot get two umpires then both coachesmust agree to play with one. If they do not agree, then home team forfeits. Please note: A parent orgrandparent of player pitching cannot umpire game behind the plate, unless both coaches agree.
- Umpires discretion on people behind the backstop.
- The home coach should make every attempt to call the opposing Coach at least 1 1/2hours prior to thescheduled game time – ifhis/her field is unable due to weather conditions.
- Playing DistrictAll players have two options as where they play.
- The school which they attend. (Ohio Valley Christian School must play with Washington Elementary or Gallia Academy).
- The elementary school district in which they currently reside. All players must sign up inorder to be eligible to play. If you quit during sign-ups, you will no longer be eligible to playin the OVAA or Big Bend League that year.
- If the player ever returns to his home district, he must play there for the duration of hiscareer.
- If a district does not field a team in a player's category, they may apply to the board to playelsewhere. Should their home district field a team the next season, they must return to it.
NOTE: The place ofresidence/school of attendance at the start of the season determines the player's
home district. If he/she moves in the future, he must play with the new team.
- All eligible players on T-Ball, B-Ball, Baseball and Softball will be placed in a batting order and will batconsecutively until the games ends. Each player must play 2 consecutive or nonconsecutive innings.
- Player may be benched for disciplinary reasons prior to the game as long as the opposing
coach is informed.
- Mercy rule game - the player must start the next game.
- All eligible players on Little League, A-Ball Boys, A-Ball Girls and Jr. Girls Softball must play 2
consecutive or nonconsecutive innings and have one at bat.
- Player may be benched for disciplinary reasons prior to the game as long as the opposing
coach is informed.
- Mercy rule game - the player must start the next game.
- Teams in any division may begin a game with 8 players. Games must be forfeited if fewer than 8 playersare available at any time during the game.
- Players may play on only one team full time within the OVAA during the year. A team may get substitutesfrom one league down, up to 2 players over the players allowed on the field. They may not play in place ofa roster player on that team. Players brought up are not allowed to pitch.
- Little League re-entry rule will be used for Little League and A-Ball Boys. A player in the starting line-upwho has been removed for a sub may re-enter the game once in any position in the batting order, provided:
- His or her sub has completed one time at bat.
- Has played defensively for a minimum of 6 consecutive outs.
- A pitcher may not re-enter the game as a pitcher.
- Only a starter in the starting line-up may re-enter the game.
- A starter (S 1) re-entering the game as a sub for another starter (S2) must then fulfill all conditions of asub (once at bat and 6 defensive outs) before starter (S2) can re-enter the game.
- A pitcher, withdrawn for a substitute, may not re-enter the game as a pitcher.
(EXCEPTION: A pitcher may re-enter the game as a pitcher, if withdrawn for a pinch-hitter or pinchrunner, and then returned to the game at the beginning of the next half-inning.)
- A pitcher remaining in the game, but moving to a different position, can return as a pitcher anytime inthe remainder of the game, but only once in the same inning as he/she was removed as pitcher.
- All baseball, T-Ball thru A-Ball and all Girls Softball must wear face guards on helmets. Little League is optional but strongly recommended.
- First offense of pitching rule violations will result in the forfeit of game and written warning to coach.Second violation is forfeit and coach suspended for one year. Third offense forfeit of game and lifebanishment for coach.
- Outfielders must play more than IS" behind the base line in all leagues. Infield positions consist of 6players including the pitcher and catcher. Only exception is the short fielder in Girls Softball League andthey must play more than 10' behind the baselines.
- Mercy rule in all leagues after 5 innings if team is ahead by 10 runs, at 4 1/2if home team is ahead. 4 inningsif home team is up by 15.
- Two games maximum are allowed to be played on the same day.
- Baseball Ages
- Use the age the player is on April 30, 2012.
T-Ball 4-6
B-Ball 7-8
A-Ball 9-10
Little League 11-12
Jr.Pony 13-15
- Softball Ages
- Use the age of the player as of December 31, 2011.
T-Ball 4-6
B-Ball 7-8-9
A-Ball Girls 10-11-12
Junior 13-15
- There will be no protests allowed in any league.
- If a player moves up to the next league, they must stay up for that season but may move back the followingyear if age permits.
- If dangerous weather or darkness is a concern for either the coaches or umpires, either one may suspend thegame at that point and complete that game at a later date at the point the game was at (no matter what inningyou are in). Ifboth coaches agree, they may end the game.
- If there is a tie in the standings in any division, the 1st place trophies will go to the winner of a head to headcompetition. Teams will play at a neutral field with neutral umpires. 3 way tie: coaches will 2 teams toplay and third team will receive a bye.
- Any person ejected from a game will miss that game plus the next game. If ejected a 2nd time in the sameseason that person will be out for the year. Any appeals of this rule must be made to the OVAA ArbitrationCommittee.
- Make sure you list all players on your roster for the games and mark them absent ifthey are not there. Ifthey are not listed they will not be eligible to play in the make-up games.
- Siblings are always allowed to play together even if they attend separate schools.
- League Tournaments are mandatory this year. All tournaments will follow OVAA rules without anychanges.
- All leagues have a 2 hour time limit for games. No inning may be started after that point. In the case of atie after 2 hours you must schedule a time to complete the game.