REMEMBER: If you construct your introduction paragraph with this structure, you can then refer to it as a “skeleton” for your entire essay: you only need to add the “meaty” parts to these bones in your body paragraphs.

Refer to FOCUS REQUIREMENTS on the rubric:

  • Identifies and examines the cause and effect of a local or global problem
  • Presents specific policy for addressing the issue
  • Argues how this strategy positively affect the economy (required), AND human health (choice) and/or environment (choice)

BEGIN WITH A HOOK (but only if it draws the reader in to the subject with an original take – otherwise, don’t shoot yourself right out of the gate).

IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM: Be brief and specific in answering this exact question: What is the problem? *Maybe try a little pathos (emotion)here – say something that will tug the reader’s heartstrings (but don’t shoot yourself with “too much cheesiness.”)

CAUSE: Provide reason(s) how/why this problem is occurring (including where the problem is happening).

EFFECT: Now specify how/why these cause(s) (above) are creating a negative effect(s). (NOTE: this is where you elaborate a bit more of the underlying problem that you’ve identified above.

INTRODUCE SOLUTION/POLICY: Be brief and specific in stating your idea(s) to solve the problem. (Make sure to write the word “policy”).

STATE YOUR ARGUMENT (POSITIVE IMPACT OF YOUR POLICY): Say why/how your policy solution will change the negative problem into a positive solution (making sure this solution impacts the economy; and either health and or environment.)

Refer to CONTROLLING IDEA and DEVELOPMENT (LINK) on the rubric:

  • Addresses CAP topic requirements for each paragraph, which should involve an examination of the problem/solution through different lenses POVs (economy, environment, human health)
  • Establishes and maintains a substantive and credible claim or proposal
  • Presents thorough and detailed commentary to effectivelysupport and develop the focus, control.

NOTE: This is essentially the same “SAY (Claim)…Give EVIDENCE…Explain what this evidence MEANS…and elaborate on why this evidence MATTERS to your overall argument toward the topic.



-Topic Sentence (introduce problem under a these lenses– economy; environment; human health).

-Elaborate on how/whythis problem causes negative outcomes (effects) on economy; and/or environment; and/or human health

-Provide evidence which proves this problem is causing negative effects on economy; and/or environment; and/or human health

-Explain what the evidence means(paraphrase the meaning – the explain it)

-Explain why your position/answer matters (argue the importance of this evidence toward your argument about the problem)


NOTE: You can give more than one piece of evidence in one paragraph; try combiningsimilar situations into one concise idea. For example, you could claim how the cause of the problem is affecting the both economy and health – and use 2 or 3 pieces of evidence that supports your claim.