CLERK:S.Mansfield Tel: 01298 83308/07464002767Email:

TO: The Chairman and Members of Eyam Parish Council. Issued 12th December 2016

You are summoned to attend the meeting of Eyam Parish Council to be held at 7.15pm on Monday 19th December 2016 in the Mechanics Institute, Church Street, Eyam, S32 5QH for the purpose of transaction of the following business.

Signed Clerk/RFO to Eyam Parish Council......


Part I – Non-confidential information

1.To receive apologies for absence. Councillor Sue Longden gave apologies in advance.

2.To consider requests for Variations of Order of Business.

3.To hear and make any Declarations of Members’ Interests.

4.To consider requests for Dispensations from members on matters in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest.

5.To determine which items, if any, from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960).

6.To hear Public speaking: A period of not more than 10 minutes will be made available for members of the public to comment on any matter.

7.To confirm the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 28th November 2016.

8.To report on village works.

  • Handyman’s report
  • Highways, etc. defects needing reporting to DCC
  • Eyam New Road, B6521 – current position re repairs
  • Removal of old Give Way signs at Junction Church Rd/Little Dale
  • Tree maintenance at the Quarry on The Dale


9.1. To discuss Parish Council responses to applications –

9.1.1 NP/DDD/1116/1121 – re Hall Farm Main Rd Eyam replacement windows

Listed Buiding Consent

9.2. To note Planning Decisions received – none received by Clerk to date.

10.10.1 To discuss budget & precept requirements

11.To hear Chairman’s announcements.

11.1 TBA by Chair of Parish Council.

12.To hear updates from the Clerk;

12.1 Grounds maintenance tenders.

12.2Reconciliation of Monies for PWLB rebate - John Plant/Steve Mansfield.

12.3 Ditto – Ian Jackson/Steve Mansfield

12.4 Defibrillator Insurance payments

13.13.1 Review of street light on/off timings.

13.2 Issuing of co-option documents for new Parish Councillor.

14.To discuss Parish Council's policies/representation at other meetings

No notifications of relevant meetings in coming months have been received.

15.To plan CCTV for Car Park and Mechanics Institute – to review progress to date and agree next steps.

16.To consider HR Matters – Contracts of Employment.

17.To review and manage Finance including;

17.1. To note bank balances at 30th November 2016:

(i) Community Directplus Account balance £2500.00

(ii) Business Select Instant Access balance £42976.95 on 30thNovember 2016.

iii) Business Select Instant Access Account, with cheques issued at November meeting assumed cleared,and credits added now stands at £42274.19p

17.2. To authorise payment of the following liabilities of the Parish Council

(total not yet known);

Cheque No / Payee / Item / Amount
Costs - CCTV installation / Equipment, materials, labour / ??
S.Mansfield - expense / Printing 350 Info Sheets / £12.75
Mechanics Institute / Hire of meeting room / £155.25
Com. Heartbeat Trust / Defibrillator Insurance / ??
Electrical Contractor / Market Hall Electric lights / £225.00
Blachere Lighting / Eyam Square new lights / £640 est.
A Webster / Pay & Expenses / ??
G E Davies / Grass mowing Sep / £420 est.
S. Mansfield / Pay & Allowance / ??
HMRC&E / PAYE & NI for 2 employees / ??

18. To agree next meeting date; Proposed Monday 23rdJanuary, 2017 at 7.15pm.

Part II – To consider business concerning Confidential information – if any.

19. To move the following resolution: In view of the confidential nature of the business about to

be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily

excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.