Budget Position Number(s):
UW System Title:
Working Title:
(all positions besides Faculty) Supervisor drafts/updates position description and sends to Human Resources for review.
Supervisor completes the Authorization for Recruitment, gathers position description and other necessary forms, and forwards electronically to the Dean/Division Head/Director in Business and Finance.
Dean/Division Head/Director reviews Authorization for Recruitment. If approved, the Authorization for Recruitment (with attachments) is forwardedelectronically to the Area Leader (cc: ),along with the appropriate page from the post-merit budget worksheet, position description and organizational chart.
Area Leader reviews Authorization for Recruitmentand attachments. If approved, Area Leader distributes documentsto the Position Review Committee for review and approval.
Approval email is received from Position Review Committee.
Original Authorization for Recruitmentis returned toHuman Resources for retention in the recruitment file. A scanned copy will be sent to the recruitment chair and the Dean/Division Head/Director.
Recruitment Chair, with assistance from the Administrative Support Personnel, starts a recruitment file for all documents related to the recruitment.
Human Resources prepares the Position Announcement within Talent Acquisition Manager (TAM) and routes for approvals. Once approved, position is posted on HR website and the HR Connect blog.
If necessary, arecruitment meeting is held byHuman Resources with theRecruitment Chairand Administrative Support Personnel.
Applicants apply via TAM.
Members of the Recruitment Pane/Committee mustn’t communicate with applicants at this stage. Any communication with applicants regarding questions about the recruitment process or the position should be directed to the recruitment chair.
If screening questions weren’t used, optional step: Recruitment Chair or Administrative Support Personnel sends an email indicating any missing application materials through TAM. Applicants whose files remain incomplete will be excluded from further consideration
Recruitment Chair (optional: in collaboration with the RecruitmentPanel/Committee)develops recruitment materials and submits to the Designated Approver for review and approval (cc: ):
Recruitment Plan
Applicant Review Form
Telephone Interview Questions(optional)
Reference Interview Questions
Candidate Interview Plan
On-Campus Interview Questions
Designated Approveremails approval of the Applicant Screening Documents to the Recruitment Chair (cc: ).
If screening questions weren’t used:
Before the first screen date, theRecruitment Chair reviews application materials and screens out applicants who do not meet minimum qualifications.
If screening questions were used:
After the first screen date, Human Resources runs the screening process in TAM and dispositions are changed accordingly.
Optional step:Recruitment Chair or Administrative Support Personnel sends an email indicating any missing application materials through TAM. Applicants whose files remain incomplete will be excluded from further consideration.
All dispositions in TAM should be updated to reflect the applicant status based on the appropriate Disposition Status Chartprior to the first screen date.
No recruitmentpanel/committee members should have access to applicant files at this time.
After the first screen date has passed, Human Resources sends the Applicant Pool Summary Reports to the Designated Approverfor approval of the candidate pool.
Designated Approveremails approval of the Applicant Pool Summary Reports to Human Resources, and also instructs whether or not they would like the posting removed from the HR website.
If a panelis being used: Human Resources provisions SME for access to candidate files in TAM.
If a committeeis being used: Human Resources provisions Recruitment Committee members for access to candidate files in TAM.
Human Resources sends the Applicant Roster to the Recruitment Chair and Administrative Support Personnel. Recruitment Chair completes non-selection codes asthe recruitment progresses.
Human Resources sends the Applicant Review Form with Candidate names to the Recruitment Chair and SME or Recruitment Committee.
RecruitmentChair, in collaboration with SME orRecruitment Committee, reviews and evaluates the files of applicants who have been coded as “Screen” within TAM using the developed Applicant Review Form.
From this point forward, if the determination is made to move to an external recruitment, please review the Recruitment Panel Proceduresor the Recruitment Committee Procedures, and start on the applicable step in the process.
Recruitment Chair, in collaboration with SME or Recruitment Panel/Committee completes the Telephone Interview/Reference Check Listand sends to Designated Approver for approval (cc: ).
Designated Approver emails approval of Telephone Interview/Reference Check List to the Recruitment Chair (cc:).
If a panel is being used: Human Resources provisions RecruitmentPanel members for access to candidate files in TAM.
Optional step:Phone Interviews are completed using the developed Telephone Interview Questions. If possible, all Recruitment Committee members should be present for telephone interviews.
TAM Dispositions for candidates selected for phone interviews and/or reference checks are changed to “Considered for Interview”.
Reference checks are conducted on all candidates moving forward in the process using the developed Reference InterviewQuestions. At least two RecruitmentPanel/Committee members must be present for each reference check.
Recruitment Chair, in collaboration with the RecruitmentPanel/Committee completes the On-Campus Interview List and sends to the Designated Approver and Interdisciplinary Budget Unit Chair (if applicable) for approval (cc: )
Designated Approver emails approval of On-Campus Interview List to the Recruitment Chair (cc: )
If applicable, Authorization to Reimburse Applicant Interview Expensesis completed for each candidate being brought to campus.
TAM dispositionsfor candidates selected for on-campus interview are changed to “Interview”.
The Recruitment Chair negotiates interview times.
Recruitment Chair or Administrative Support Personnel completes a Candidate Interview Plan for each candidate.
The Administrative Support Personnel forwards the Candidate Interview Plan to each candidate.
On-Campus Interviews are completed using the developed On-Campus Interview Questions.
Recruitment Chair and the RecruitmentPanel/Committee create the Final Candidate Justification Memoindicating those candidates who are acceptable for hire, and submitit to the Designated Approver.
Recruitment Chair with input from the RecruitmentPanel creates the Final Candidate Justification & Authorization to Offerindicating those candidates who are acceptable for hire, and submit it to the Designated Approver for review and approval (cc: ).
Designated Approvermay decide to extend an offer to one of the acceptable candidates, reject candidates put forth for hire and direct the recruitment to continue, or close the recruitment.
If the Designated Approver chooses to extend an offer to one of the acceptable candidates, the next section of the Final Candidate Justification & Authorization to Offer is completed and forwarded on to Human Resources.
Human Resources provides comments on the Final Candidate Justification & Authorization to Offer, and forwards to Area Leader via the Dean/Division Head (if applicable).
Area Leader approves the Final Candidate Justification &Authorization to Offerand forwards it back to the Designated Approver.
Designated Approver orRecruitment Chair contacts candidate to negotiate offer of employment, and completes the bottom portion of the Final Candidate Justification &Authorization to Offer.
Recruitment Chair completes University Staff Personnel Action Form and submits to HR along with the completed Final Candidate Justification & Authorization to Offer.
Human Resources initiates Criminal Background Check for candidate.
Human Resources drafts the appointment letter and sends to the candidate.
Recruitment Chair with input from the RecruitmentPanel creates the Final Candidate Justification Memoindicating those candidates who are acceptable for hire, and submit it to the Designated Approver for review and approval (cc: ).
Designated Approvermay decide to extend an offer to one of the acceptable candidates, reject candidates put forth for hire and direct the recruitment to continue, or close the recruitment.
If the Designated Approver chooses to extend an offer to one of the acceptable candidates, the top portion of the Authorization to Extend Offeris completed and forwarded on to the Area Leader for approval.
Area Leader approves the Authorization to Extend Offerand forwards it back to the Designated Approver.
Designated Approver orRecruitment Chair contacts candidate to negotiate offer of employment, and completes the bottom portion of the Authorization to Extend Offer.
Dean/Division Head Office or Administrative Support Personnel initiate Criminal Background Check for candidate.
The formal Offer Letteris drafted, and sent to Area Leader or designee for review and approval.
When approved, the Offer Letter is sent along with any other necessary information to the candidate electronically.
Candidate reviews, signs and returns offer letter to accept terms of employment.
Once offer letter is received by Dean/Division Heador Designee, items are compiled and sent to Human Resources:
  • Completed Authorization to Extend Offerform
  • The original, signed Offer Letter
  • Official Transcript (if applicable)
  • W-4 and Self-Identification Formcompleted by the new employee
Direct Deposit Formcompleted by the new employee
  • completed Personnel Action (PA) Form

OriginalI-9with a completed Section 1 is forwarded to the new Faculty or Academic Staff member’s unit c/o the administrative support personnel for verification and submission to HR when the individual begins employment.
Supervisor completes Orientation Checklist.
The Recruitment Chair (with assistance fromAdministrative Support Personnel) completes the Applicant Roster, being sure to correctly fill all non-selection codes (including incomplete and late applicants).
The Recruitment Chair notifies via phone, all candidates that were interviewed of their non-selection.Administrative Support Personnel notify all unsuccessful candidates through TAM that the recruitment has been completed.
Human Resources sets up a meeting with the Recruitment Chair and Administrative Support Personnel to close out the recruitment and obtain all documents generated from the recruitment for filing.

Office of Human Resources

(920) 465-2390 • •

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