Bethel Christian Reformed Church

The Lord’s Day ~ October 2, 2011




Welcome & Announcements

*Call to Worship

Sung Response: “Gather Us In” (soloist st 1-2, congregation joins on st 4)

4) Not in the dark of buildings confining, not in some heaven, light years away

Here in this place the new light is shining, now is the kingdom, and now is the day.

Gather us in and hold us forever, gather us in and make us your own;

Gather us in, all peoples together, fire of love in our flesh and our bone.

*Prayer of Invocation

*God’s Greeting

*Mutual Greeting

*Hymn of Praise:“Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee” st 1, 3-4

1) Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love,

Hearts unfold like flow’rs before Thee, opening to the sun above

Melt the clouds of sin and sadness; Drive the dark of doubt away

Giver of immortal gladness, fill us with the light of day!

3) Thou art giving and forgiving, ever blessing, ever blest,

Wellspring of the joy of living, ocean depth of happy rest!

Thou our Father, Christ our Brother – all who live in love are Thine

Teach us how to love each other, lift us to the joy divine!

4) Mortals, join the mighty chorus which the morning stars began

Love divine is reigning o’er us, leading us with mercy’s hand

Ever singing, march we onward, victors in the midst of strife

Joyful music leads us sunward in the triumph song of life!


Reading of the Law: Exodus 20:1-17

Song of Confession: PH #255 “God, Be Merciful to Me” st 1-3

Assurance of Pardon

Choral response: “Uncreated One”


Prayer for Right Hearing

Scripture: James 2:1-13

Sermon: Visible Faith: Favoritism

Prayer of Application


*Hymn: PH #601 “Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love” st 2-4

Pastoral Prayer


Offerings 1) Bethel Church Budget; 2) Bethel Christian Education Fund


*God’s Parting Blessing

*Hymn: PH #320 “Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing” st 1-2


Minister of the Word: Pastor John Lee

Organist: Jennifer Frens

Vocalist: Maria Bouwkamp

Bethel Christian Reformed Church

The Lord’s Day ~ October 2, 2011




Welcome & Announcements

*Prayer of Invocation

*Call to Worship

*Opening Hymn: PH #240 “Come, All Who Fear the Lord God” st 1-3

*God’s Greeting

*Mutual Greeting

Hymn Sing: PH #2 “Wherefore Do the Nations Rage” st 1, 4


Prayer for Right Hearing

Lord’s Day 51

Scripture:Exodus 21:22-24

Sermon: 5th Petition: There Will Be Blood!

Prayer of Application


*Hymn: “Here is Love” st 1-3

Here is love, vast as the ocean, loving kindness as the flood,
When the Prince of Life, our Ransom, shed for us His precious blood.
Who His love will not remember? Who can cease to sing His praise?
He can never be forgotten, throughout Heav’n’s eternal days.

On the mount of crucifixion, fountains opened deep and wide;
Through the floodgates of God’s mercy flowed a vast and gracious tide.
Grace and love, like mighty rivers, poured incessant from above,
And Heav’n’s peace and perfect justice kissed a guilty world in love.

Through Christ’s blood we are forgiven, by his blood, we can forgive.

Evidencing grace within us, by God’s mercy we will live.

Mercy found us poor and broken; mercy gives us healing grace,

At the cross, all reconciling, we will stand before his face.

Pastoral Prayer


Offering for Benevolence / Tuition Assistance

*Profession of Faith: Apostle’s Creed


*Parting Hymn: “Nothing but the Blood” st 1-2

1) What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus

What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Refrain:O precious is the flow that makes me white as snow;

No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus.

2) For my pardon this I see, nothing but the blood of Jesus

For my cleansing, this my plea, nothing but the blood of Jesus (refrain)


*Parting Hymn: “Nothing but the Blood” st 4

4) This is all my hope and peace, nothing but the blood of Jesus

This is all my righteousness, nothing but the blood of Jesus (refrain)


Minister of the Word: Pastor John Lee

Organist: Karen Vreugdenhil

Hymn Sing Leader: Harold Schiebout

WELCOME TO BETHELCRC ~ October 2, 2011

Welcome to all who worship with us! We encourage any visitors and those who may be seeking a new church home to join us regularly. The guest book is located by the sanctuary entrance. Everyone is invited to stay for refreshments following the morning service.

Children ages 3-4 are invited to Children & Worship during the morning service. The morning worship order will indicate when the children may be dismissed to the back of church. Helpers will be there to greet the children as they arrive. Parents are asked to pick up their children from the council room immediately after the service.


This Week

  • This morning Pastor John will be preaching on Visible Faith and “Favoritism”(James 2:1-13).
  • Our evening service will be on Lord’s Day 51 “Forgive Us Our Debts.” We also look forward to a Hymn Sing led by Harold Schiebout.

Next Week

  • We continue in the Visible Faith sermon series, this time looking at Visible Faith and “Works”(James 2:14-26).
  • Next Sunday afternoon at 4:30pm we will gather for worship in a combined service with Amistad Christiana with a shared potluck meal following. This will be our final Sunday in our Mission Awareness season.

**Each family is asked to bring a hot and cold dish; singles bring one dish. Table service and drink will be provided.


  • We express our sympathy to Donna Obbink at the unexpected death last Sunday of her older sister, Myva Larson of Hawarden.
  • Rod Wielenga had neck surgery last Wednesday. He is recovering in Sioux Falls and anticipated returning home Friday or Saturday.


SoundBruce Dooyema

VideoBernie Punt

Power PointLuke Wielenga

Welcome CenterGerald & Marcia Van Voorst

UshersAMAllen Beukelman, Matt Van Schouwen, Terry Hubers, Verlyn De Weerd

PMJonathan Hoogland, Neil Van Schouwen, Paul Ross, Harlan Van Voorst

GreetersAMDel & Sue Van Regenmorter, David & Mandy Van Schouwen

PMMatt & Karen Van Schouwen, Paul & Judy Van Voorst

Coffee & JuiceAMDoug & Valerie Vreugdenhil, Neil & Patti Van Schouwen

Nursery AMKristine De Koning, Dani Postma, Kristen Fedders, Alexis Haverhals

PMMike & Karen Vreugdenhil family, Jackie Hoogland

Children & WorshipShawn Meyers, Verla Hoogland, Tricia Van Regenmorter, Cara Wieringa

Bus DriverStan Haak

Evening OfferingBenevolence / Tuition Assistance


SoundDarin Vreugdenhil

VideoDalton De Haan

Power PointMary Jo Lee

Welcome CenterJoleen Vande Kamp

GreetersAM Harlan & Linda Van Voorst, Neil & Patti Van Schouwen

PMTom & Annette Van Voorst, Shannon & Anita Van Wyk

CoffeeAM Bernie & Pam Punt, Dave & Lisa Wielenga

Nursery AMMaria Mulder, Melinda Scholten, Hayley Visser, Melissa Moget

PMDarrel & Lynn Wielenga family, Courtney Vreugdenhil

Children & WorshipShawn Meyers, Verla Hoogland, Tricia Van Regenmorter, Cara Wieringa

Bus DriverJerry Reisma

Evening OfferingMission & Evangelism Outreach Fund


These groups will meet for Prayer Time after the evening service:

Group 1 (VandeKamp/DeKoning/Franken & Mulder)fellowship hall overflow

Group 2 (VanVoorst/VanVoorst/VanVoorst) Council Room

Group 3 (Vos/VanVoorst/Bos) NW Classroom

The annual Harvest Sale is this Wednesday, October 5 at the SCCS gym!Check your mailbox for a list of items that will auctioned off. Extra copies are available at the Welcome Center. Supper will be served from 5:30-7:00pm. We are serving Pizza Ranch chicken, broasted potatoes, pizza & lettuce with pie and ice cream for dessert. The auction will begin at 6:30. There will be movies for the kids and a pop and candy table. All proceeds go to the Bethel Christian Education Fund.

Reminder for all Cadets: youare asked to help at the Harvest Sale this Wednesday.

GEMS Card Sales is wrapping up. If you are still interested in ordering, please be sure to get your order into Jody Haverhals' Church mailbox by this Sunday morning, October 2. There are a variety of boxed cards in the Church Library that will be available for purchase throughout the year. Thank you for your support of the GEMS Girls Club!

The Cadets are selling subs through October 12. Subs will be sold in ½ dozen increments

(½ dozen $15; dozen $30). Anyone who wishes to buy subs should contact any cadet or call Steve Alexander (722-2483).

Cadets: The fall overnight campout will be October 7-8. We will leave church at 1:00pm on the 7th and return around 11:00am on the 8th. Contact Steve Alexander (722-2483) if you have any questions.

The Men’s Bible Study group will resume meeting on the first and fourth Monday nights of each month starting tomorrow, October 3, at 7:00pm. Pastor Tinklenberg will be leading us in our study of the book of Acts. Men of all ages are invited to participate. Contact Bernie Punt (722-4083) if you have any questions.

Mid-Sioux Food Drive: For the month of October, we are conducting a food drive to help stock the Mid-Sioux Food Pantry. Bring your non-perishable food donations to the table in the back of church (by the council room). Money donations may be placed in the Welcome Center drop slot.

Today’s greeters are encouraged to write our missionaries this week:

Tom & Cheryl SoerensEmail:

Apartado 349-1002

San Jose’, Costa Rica


For those who may be interested, there are extra copies at the Welcome Center of the Dordt College report to Classis Iakotaand the Classis Report from their recent meeting.



5Harvest Sale

12Large Group Sr. Supper

19Large Group: @ New life- Student leaders meet


26Small Group

* Dates and times are subject to change

Junior High monthly “youth group” meetingsbegin tonight after the evening service.


TODAY9:30 AM Prayer for Worship

10:00 AM Morning Worship

11:15 AMSunday School & Catechism Classes

11:20 AMChoir

6:00 PMEvening Worship

7:15 PMCare & Concern Prayer Time

#1 – VandeKamp / DeKoning / Franken & Mulder

#2 – VanVoorst / VanVoorst / VanVoorst

#3 – Vos / VanVoorst / Bos

7:30 PMJr High youth group

MONDAY7:00 PMBuilding Committee

7:00 PMEvangelism Committee

7:00 PMMen’s Bible Study

TUESDAY7:00PMWorship Committee

WEDNESDAY5:30 PMHarvest Sale/SCCS gym

THURSDAY8:00 PMChurch Education Committee

FRIDAY1:00 PMCadets overnight campout

NEXT SUNDAY 9:30 AM Prayer for Worship


Pastor John Lee – Teaching and Preaching PastorChurch Office:(712)722-3101

Office/Parsonage Phone: (712)722-3102Prayer Line:(712)722-3105

Cell Phone: (712)441-5871Website:

Email: Email:

Pastor Duane Tinklenberg – Visitation Pastor Emily Entsminger – Youth Director

Phone: (712)722-4473Cell Phone: (712)441-1597

Cell Phone: (712)441-3142Email:
