Environment Funding Opportunities

January Briefing 2010

LIFE + - 3rd call - Environment

Information based on previous call- 4th call due May 2010

The objective of LIFE+ is to contribute to the implementation and development of the EU’s environmental policy and the integration of environmental concerns into other policy areas. In particular, the LIFE+ funding Programme shall support the implementation of the Sixth Environmental Action Programme, which sets out four priority actions to ensure sustainable development:
1. combating climate change
2. halting biodiversity loss and protecting nature
3. reducing environmental impacts on health, and
4. reversing the unsustainable management of natural resources and waste.
The Life+ funding programme is based on three thematic approaches:
1. Life+ nature & biodiversity - best practice anddelivery of birds and habitats directives – co-financing 75% maximum, normally 50%
2. Life+ environment policy and governance - delivery of Community environmental policy, the development of innovative policy approaches, technologies, methods and instruments, the knowledge base as regards environment policy and legislation, and the monitoring of environmental pressures – co-financing 50% maximum
3. Life+ information and communication - communication, training and awareness raising campaigns on environmental issues e.g. climate change, nature protection or biodiversity conservation issues, as well as projects related to forest fire prevention.

Funding criteria is dependent upon the thematic approach you select so please visit the website listed below.

Preparatory costs reimbursed for successful applications up to €100,000 for activities carried out up to 12 months prior to call opening.

EC prefers national projects –DEFRA decides and EC checks assessment criteria

Type of project eligible for funding:
Physical installation, knowledge sharing and raising awareness

Who can apply:
• public authorities
• public organisations
• private organisations
• private non-commercial organisations
Budget: €20m
Community contribution: 50% - 75%

Previous Call

Previous Deadlinefor applicants: 15 September 2009

Deadline for states to send proposals to the Commission: 22 October 2009

Decisions on selection: Jan/Feb 2010 delayed

Commission Revision: March 2010

Projects start: 1 September 2010

Project Approvals: July 2010

Applications Received: 196 Funding Requested: €207.5m

UK projects: 7 submitted €17m (85.17% of total funding available)

Next call opens: May 2010

Deadline:September 2010

Funding available: €24m (UK exclusive)



Forms part of the Competitive and Innovation Programme (CIP) 2007-13 with the central objective to support competitiveness of enterprises focusing on SMEs.

It is implemented by the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI), formerly IEEA, and concentrates on sustainable energy.

EACI has 3 components:

  • Renewable energies(ALTENER) – electricity, biofuels, heating & cooling, domestic and small scale applications
  • Energy in transport(STEER) – alternative fuels, clean vehicles
  • Energy efficiency (SAVE) – buildings, industry, products
  • Integrated initiatives – successful projects have included bio business, intelligent energy education, product standards, European networking for local action, combined heat and power, sustainable energy communities, accelerate growth of EU markets for energy efficient and renewable energy products and services, creation of local and regional energy agencies
  • Commission provides 75% of project funding and applicants to find 25%
  • Budget: €727 million allocated for IEE 2007-13 programme
  • Average duration of project: 2-3 years
  • 3 member states required as partners minimum
  • Public and private organisations can apply
  • Creative and innovative ideas required which will help to achieve European targets
  • Successful projects will have a significant impact on market e.g. knowledge transfer, improving processes, addressing gaps in provision, availability of technologies, and monitoring
  • It will not fund: research, technology development, hardware investments, no single actions at national or local level
  • London Borough of Bromley successfully received funding in 2008 to increase walking and cycling using education and training measures

Last deadline: 25 June 2009

Callexpected: 1st quarter 2010 – €70m


Helpline: 0161 874 3636

INTERREG IVB NWE - Jobs, Growth, Environment

This is one of the structural fund’s community initiatives funded by the European Regional Development Programme (ERDF) promoting cooperation between territories. The UK is assigned to the North West Europe (NWE) area which means we can work with the Republic of Ireland, Belgium, Luxembourg, parts of France, Germany and the Netherlands.

It is directly linked to Europe’s Cohesion Policy with the aim of making the NWE area more competitive, environmentally friendly and cohesive. 60% of successful applications relate to the Lisbon Strategypromoting growth, skills and jobs and all projects have to relate to the Gothenburg Strategy, environmental sustainability.

There is a deadline every 6 months and the next funding criteria is due to be announced on 12 March2010 but it takes time to develop an application,so this information is based on the last call’s funding criteria. It is anticipated that it will change slightly. Successful applications can claim 50% of preparation costs incurred.

Eligible projects to include action projects, small-scale investments, feasibility or supporting studies linked to delivery.

  • 50% of project costs funded by EU – 50% match required by applicant
  • match funding from other European projects eligible except INTELLIGENT ENERGY
  • no maximum limits for projects e.g. €30 million allocated for project in 2008
  • 2 member states required minimum
  • need to involve local and regional authorities, include different policy sectors
  • partnerships to include transnational, national, regional and local organisations including public-private
  • average duration 3-4 yrs - projects to be completed by 30 September 2015
  • need concrete outputs – can fund capital
  • 2007-13: €355 million ERDF

4 Priorities include:

  1. knowledge-based economy via innovation–more and better jobs* sustainable management of natural resources or natural and technological risks
  2. intelligent sustainable transport & ICT solutions
  3. strong and prosperous communities at transnational level

Priority 1 has 70% funding remaining out of allocation from 2007-12 budget programme. Priorities 3 and 4 have 50% allocation approximately.

Previous Call

Call: 9 September 2009

Deadline: 7 October 2009

Steering Committee Decision: 8 & 9 December 2009

Projects submitted: 3 (total of €98.7m 50.6% of remaining funding)

Projects approved: 7 projects out of 37 €99m – 51% remaining now (14 applications submitted for strengthening communities €38.6m)

Next Call: 12 March 2010

Deadline: 9 April 2010 12pm


INTERREG IVC– good practice exchange

INTERREG IVC is part of the European Regional Development Programme and is focused upon exchange of knowledge and policy experience, and good practice of authorities and stakeholders at local and regional level. This fund is aimed at national, regional or local public bodies or bodies governed by public law.

Priorities are linked to European sustainable growth, innovation and employment and will:

  • Enable local and regional organisations in EU to exchange knowledge and experience
  • Match regions less experienced in a certain policy field with more advanced regions
  • Ensure transfer of good practices into mainstream funding programmes

It addresses business innovation, research and development, and eco-efficiency & access to new markets, finance, sustainable urban regeneration & technical assistance. Areas eligible include deprived communities & London Plan priorities.

Please note the call has not yet been released but generally the priorities do not change significantly. The emphasis on priority or budget allocation may change. Information provided is based on the previous call.

Priority 1 – Innovation & knowledge economy innovation, research & technical development; entrepreneurship & SMEs; information society; employment, human capital & education

Priority 2 – The environment & risk preventionnatural & technological risks (climate change) water management; waste management; biodiversity & preservation of natural heritage; energy & sustainable transport; cultural heritage & landscape

  • Projects must be transnational with at least 3 member states
  • 75% of project costs funded by EU – applicants must fund 25%
  • Budgets must be between €500,000 and €5 million – funds revenue and small capital projects
  • €154 million available – no national allocation, no priority allocation
  • Regional Initiative Projects – 3-4 year duration, Capitalisation Projects - 2 years
  • All projects must include exchange of experience and good practice and deliver concrete outputs e.g. good practice guide
  • Projects can include study visits, training sessions, expert secondment, studies/case interregional events, awareness raising, pilot experiments to test tools, methodologies or project development

Call expected: Spring/Summer 2010

Deadline: Autumn/Winter 2010

Previous deadline: 30 Jan 2009


Seventh Framework Programme(FP7)- Research

FP7 is research focused and projects are large and based on 4 programmes with public sector bodies eligible to apply across all 4:

  • Cooperation - €32.4 billion – transnational cooperation in science & technology
  • Ideas - €7.5 billion – competition and excellence in research
  • People - €4.7 billion – research fellowships for training and career development in public and private sectors
  • Capacities - €4.2 billion –scientific and technological capacity building

There are 10 themes including:

  • Environment: the promotion of sustainable management of the environment with grants for research activities related to:

-the interaction between the climate, biosphere, ecosystems and human activities

-the development of new environmentally-friendly technologies, tools and services

It is anticipated that the next call will feature “bottom up” projects which can feature any type of project related to environmental technology involving SME industries.

  • Energy: the objective is to find new technologies to move to a more sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply. Activities to be funded would relate to hydrogen and fuel cells; renewable electricity generation; renewable fuel production; renewables for heating and cooling; C02 capture and storage; clean and coal technologies; smart energy network; energy efficiency savings; knowledge for energy policy making.

The call is not yet out but is due shortly.

  • Programme budget 07-13: €1.9 billion approximately


1st stage deadline: October 2009

2nd stage deadline:March 2010


UK National Energy Contact Tel: 0161 874 3636

Advice on general policy UK National Contact tel: Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills +44 20 33008566


Work Programme Themes: Due for release end July 2010

Deadline:Due early 2011

Environment Tel: 01302 322 633/020 7238 1629e-mail: betaeurope.co.uk

UK FP7 national website: or

Tel: 0870 600 6080

European FP7 Website:

For support and queries on all programmesincluding general European funding opportunities, writing bids, networks, partner searches, research, lobbying and good practice please contact:

Lisa-Marie Bowles - European and Funding Officer at Southwark Council

email: tel: 020 7525 1022