Week 9: Student Presentations 19-25
- Responses due on June 3rd
A bit of a break this week from the homework:
- As I read your homework, many of you have found super curricula. This is an effort to share your finds.
- List your two favorites. First, identify which category it best fits:
- About Education
- Scientific Method (Inquiry Investigation)
- Change, Scale, Space and Time
- Universe
- Galaxies
- Solar System
- Earth/Moon System
- Climate
- Oceans
- Dynamic Earth
- Geologic Cycles
- Title of the home page.
- Give the URL address
- Write 1 paragraph, “What is so great about this lesson.”
- Turn in next week. I will compile the list by the above categories and post it on our website. You have the fabulous finds of everyone in class!
These sites MUST be science approved. Verify that you are on a legitimate site – NASA, NOAA, University, Natural History Museum, most school districts, ESDs or State Department of Education. Remember to separate religious knowledge from scientific knowledge for this.
Week 9: Student Presentations 19-25
- Responses due on June 3rd
A bit of a break this week from the homework:
- As I read your homework, many of you have found super curricula. This is an effort to share your finds.
- List your two favorites. First, identify which category it best fits:
- About Education
- Scientific Method (Inquiry Investigation)
- Change, Scale, Space and Time
- Universe
- Galaxies
- Solar System
- Earth/Moon System
- Climate
- Oceans
- Dynamic Earth
- Geologic Cycles
- Title of the home page.
- Give the URL address
- Write 1 paragraph, “What is so great about this lesson.”
- Turn in next week. I will compile the list by the above categories and post it on our website. You have the fabulous finds of everyone in class!
These sites MUST be science approved. Verify that you are on a legitimate site – NASA, NOAA, University, Natural History Museum, most school districts, ESDs or State Department of Education. Remember to separate religious knowledge from scientific knowledge for this.
Barb’s Finds:
Category: Astronomy (Universe, Galaxies, Solar System, Earth and Moon, Planet Earth, Meteorology, Oceanography, and Geology)
Title: NASA Instructional Units and Lesson Plans
NASA has for decades provided teachers with FREE lesson units on all aspects of its mission. This site lists these units, for all grade levels, including K-2. These are downloadable, or you can order them from NASA. OMSI is a NASA repository. You can schedule time in the NASA library through Teacher Education. It has videos, books, lesson plans, pictures, etc.
Category: Earth Cycles
Title: Geological Society of America
There is just not enough time for this course. We could have taken any single day’s lecture and expanded it to an entire term of presenting concepts to K-5 students. GSA has these wonderful lesson plans on fossils, including dinosaurs. What better hook into science than dinosaurs!
Barb’s Finds:
Category: Astronomy (Universe, Galaxies, Solar System, Earth and Moon, Planet Earth, Meteorology, Oceanography, and Geology)
Title: NASA Instructional Units and Lesson Plans
NASA has for decades provided teachers with FREE lesson units on all aspects of its mission. This site lists these units, for all grade levels, including K-2. These are downloadable, or you can order them from NASA. OMSI is a NASA repository. You can schedule time in the NASA library through Teacher Education. It has videos, books, lesson plans, pictures, etc.
Category: Earth Cycles
Title: Geological Society of America
There is just not enough time for this course. We could have taken any single day’s lecture and expanded it to an entire term of presenting concepts to K-5 students. GSA has these wonderful lesson plans on fossils, including dinosaurs. What better hook into science than dinosaurs!