Islam: Empire of Faith Video Presentation

Name: ______

Part I: The Messenger:

  1. Describe Muhammad’s childhood.
  1. Discuss Muhammad’s early professional experiences.
  1. What were some personal characteristics of Muhammad?
  1. Describe Muhammad’s introduction to Monotheism?
  1. Why did Muhammad’s abilities as an orator/poet effect his ability to win converts?
  1. What was the orginal message of Islam?
  1. How did the geography of the Arabian peninsula factor into the development of Islam?
  1. Why were some skeptical of his message?
  1. What acts of Muhammad began to win converts?
  1. How were his early converts treated?
  1. How does Muhammad intervene in clan warfare to bring about a peaceful solution?
  1. Describe the creation of the Islamic calendar…what year is it now?
  1. How did Muhammad reach a conclusion in reference to the direction of prayer?
  1. Describe the Heigra.
  1. Describe the battle between Muhammad’s’ forces and those of the non believers.
  1. What problems did Islam have after Muhammad’s death?
  1. How was Islam a contradiction to the beliefs of the pre-existing Bedouin groups?
  1. Describe a Shia and a Shiite.

Part II: Development of Islamic Culture

  1. What is the Hajj?
  1. How did the Hajj facilitate global learning and cultural diffusion?
  1. Describe the city of Baghdad at the height of Abbasid power.
  1. Describe the achievements of the house of wisdom.
  1. How was the scientific process born?
  1. Was Baghdad the beginning of the Renaissance? Why/not?
  1. Describe the creation of paper.
  1. Describe Islamic architecture.
  1. Describe the city of Cordoba at its height.
  1. Compare/contrast the Islamic world to the Medieval European World.
  1. What impacts did the Crusades have on Islam?
  1. Describe the displays of tolerance by early Muslims.
  1. Why are the Dome of the Rock and the Church of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher so significant to Muslim, Christian, and Jew?
  1. What does this tell us about modern conflicts in the Mid East?
  1. Describe the creation of the Islamic Empires.
  1. Describe the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties at their height (may involve text).
  1. What impact did the Mongols have on the development of Islam?

Islam, Empire of Faith: The Messenger
Vocabulary Sheet
Match the terms below with their definitions.
_____ .1 oasis
_____ .2 nomad
_____ .3 tribe
_____ .4 idol
_____ .5 bazaar
_____ .6 pilgrimage
_____ .7 Koran
_____ .8 monotheism
_____ .9 Islam
_____ .10 Muslim
_____ .11 Mosque
_____ .12 Sunna
_____ .13 caliph
_____ .14 council
_____ .15 Shiite
_____ .16 Sunni
_____ .17 Muhammad
_____ .18 Allah
_____ .19 muezzin
_____ .20 Kaaba
_____ .21 Hegira /
  1. A member of a group that has no fixed home and moves from place to place
  2. An open-air market with shops and goods for sale
  3. A religion based on the teachings of the prophet Muhammad
  4. An assembly called to help determine the next Muslim caliph
  5. Square building in Mecca believed by Muslims to be the house Ibrahim erected for God and the focus of Muslim worship
  6. A small area in the desert watered by springs and wells
  7. An image used as an object of worship
  8. The belief that there is only one God
  9. The civil and religious ruler of a Muslim state
  10. One that calls Muslim worshippers to prayer
  11. Muhammad's emigration with his followers from Mecca to Medina in 622.
  12. Any system of social organization made up of villages, bands, or other groups with a common ancestry, language, culture, and name
  13. A journey to a sacred place or shrine
  14. The sacred book of Islam
  15. A believer in Islam
  16. Customary procedures of living, specifically the ways and customs of Muhammad
  17. A place of Muslim worship
  18. Founder of Islam, prophet of God
  19. One who follows the way s and customs of Muhammad, specifically those who accept that authority was passed down through consensus of the Muslim community
  20. From the Arabic "party;" one who believes that authority passed from the Prophet Muhammad to his lineal descendants
  21. Arabic word for God