GIS 481: GIS for Business

Spring Semester 2010


Seth Soman

e-mail: ()

Office: 100 G Agriculture Building

Phone: 483-2475

Seth's Office Hours: T, Th: 11:00 -12:00 noon (Or by Appointment)

Course Timings:

Lectures: 8:30-9:45 T, Th (Ag 103)

Course Description

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for business are computer programs that are designed to store, analyze and display spatial data. This course provides an introduction to GIS, and its use in storing and processing spatial data for business analysis. Among other components, this course will cover the following aspects in detail: Definition of GIS, Data Structures for storing, spatial data, Relational databases for aspatial data, Analytical Capabilities of GIS, Sources of spatial data on the Internet, Using GIS for business analysis

This course has two closely related components: the lectures and the labs. Topics discussed in the labs will be demonstrated during the lectures. In addition, lab assignments will be handed out that must be completed within a week. Labs will also consist of quizzes and a final project.

Text Books

Introduction to Geographical Information System by Kang-sung Chang (Fifth Edition, 2008, McGraw Hill)

Lab materials will be handed out in the class

GIS Software (available in the Ag Lab)

ArcGIS 9.3

Grades will be assigned using a combination of three exams and laboratory assignments (including quizzes and a final project). Attendance is required (see requirements below).

Student learning outcomes:

A. Institutional.

·  To develop basic academic skills in the application of specific GIS principles to business concerns.

·  Learn to implement various GIS tools to analyze business.

·  Enhance their personal growth and development throughout the course.

·  Encourage the personal development of students in order to maximize this potential for productive careers and the ability to embrace a life-long learning model.

B. Business Studies program.

·  Basic proficiency in the use of spatial tools in the marketing of goods and services.

·  Objectives and up-to-date understanding of the importance of entrepreneurship and value added enterprises for business ventures. Students will discuss the importance of spatial data and its analysis in making important business decisions.

C. Student Learning Outcomes:

·  Use of geographical knowledge in business.

·  Geographic information for decision support.

·  Experience with ArcMap9.3, and Business Map 5.0


Lab Assignments …………………………………………………………..30%

Two Exams (100 points each)..……….……………………………………50%

Final Project and paper……………………………………………………..20%

Class policy and Attendance: Each student is expected to attend every class period, be prepared to respond to questions in the class, and be prepared for summarizing the materials covered in the previous class. Students are also encouraged to ask questions related to the course topics. Class attendance will be checked regularly. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to make up anything missed Class attendance and participation is critical for your success in this course. If you are unable to attend a class period, please contact me. If you miss three classes with unexcused absence then your grade will drop by one letter grade. If a student is on the margin between two grades for the semester (e.g., A-B), class attendance and participation will be used in assigning the final grade. In the case of missed exams with prior arrangements made, and if I feel genuine reasons exist, and then arrangements can be made to reschedule the exam. Requests to take a make-up exam must be approved prior to the scheduled exam.

Academic Honesty: Each student is expected to work independently on all assignments and during examinations. All students are expected to adhere to a strict code of academic honesty. Academic dishonesty will be addressed according to the “Policies and Procedures Applicable to Academic Dishonesty” as stated in the “Important Information for Students, Faculty & Staff” booklet.

Accommodation for Disability Students with disabilities who believe they may need an accommodation in this course are encouraged to contact the Coordinator of Disability Services at 483-2999 in the Academic Success Center to ensure that accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.


Week 1: The Big picture of GIS

Week 2: Functions of GIS, GIS maps, Getting used to ArcMap9.3

Week 3: Coordinate Systems, Getting used to ArcMap9.3

Week 4: Understanding Geographic data, Vector and Raster Data

Explore vector and Rater Data, Feature-Attribute relationship, thematic maps

Week 5: Analyzing geographic Data, Exam 1

Week 6: Spatial Data Editing

Week 7: Attribute data management, Lab1

Week 8: Data exploration, Lab2

Week 9: Vector data analysis, Lab3

Week 10: Spring Break

Week 11: Raster data analysis, Lab4

Week 12: Path analysis and network application, Lab5

Week13: Spatial interpolation, Individual Project

Week14: Individual Project

Week15: Project presentation and paper.

Week16: Final Exam