Minutes of Shawlands Academy PTC Meeting Monday 21st Sept 2009
Present: Cherif Merrouche, Peter Alexander, Mark Symon, Lindsay Hall, Kevin Kane, Omar Noor, Ann Grant, Cath Sinclair, Marjorie Phillips.Susan Lawson (minutes)
1. Apologies from John Donnelly, Mara Roelfse, Kathy Nicholson
2. The minutes of the meeting of 31st August were approved
3. Matters arising from previous minutes:
- Eco-school contribution to website. Basia Gordon is unfortunately still off sick but is planning to attend to this on her return.
- SPTC mail now to be sent to Susan. Susan will check withLaurawhether they have her details.
- Communications sub-group. Still no progress on a dedicated email address for the PTC. Several people have gathered information on display stands, will discuss later.
- Closure of gate- this is now in effect with no problems
- Email from parent regarding lockers, Mrs Grant has still to deal with this
- Mountain Biking Club- this is now underway
- Homework issues- Mark Symon has arranged staff groups to discuss and plan.
- Availability of information on results and generally about subjects- this has not yet been improved on the school website. There is information on results on Scottish Schools OnLine site, and Shawlands does very well so it would be good to make this known and celebrate it.
4.Office Bearers Vacancies
- Cherif suggested that it would be better to wait to the AGM to decide this, and the meeting agreed. There were only 7 parents in attendance tonight, and this decision must be democratic. Parents who have suggestions or ideas could speak to Susan Lawson, secretary.
- Peter Alexander offered to take responsibility for refreshments for future PTC monthly meetings.
5. Website Discussion
Cherif would like to see the school website made more informative and appealing and to celebrate success (especially our good results), and for out-of-date items to be removed. Marjorie thought our website was user friendly compared to others she had looked at, but particularly wanted the calendar to be updated. Kevin suggested a new front page item every week to keep up interest- this could be news or a profile, for example. Mark Symon is now the staff member with responsibility for the website (previously Jacqui Crooks). Contributions should be emailed to him . He would like to add some ideas of how parents can help their children with Standard Grades, and asked if any parent could review a recent book on this subject. Linsday will read it and give him feedback. Mark has been looking at other Glasgow School websites and found those of Bellahouston and Kings Park to be good. In our own website, he agreed that there is too much variation in the information on staff and subjects. The Maths section is particularly good, with links to a wikispace which Higher Maths pupils can contribute to.
At present the website is part of Gateway, which Glasgow City Council encourages. This does have some restrictions. Mark told us that if it was found to be too restrictive it would be possible to register our own web domain and rent server space, altogether around £40 a year.
Mark is working through tidying up the site and changing aspects of it. He would welcome suggestions from the PTC of specific or general changes to the site. Any PTC member may email him with ideas/areas needing attention. After initial changes Mark will come back to the PTC to ask for any other help or input he needs. Kevin suggested a subgroup of parents, staff and pupils, particularly to discuss the big picture of who the website is for, and what do they want from it. This will be considered when Mark feels it is appropriate.
6. Preparation for AGM, Monday 19th October.
- Discussion on how best to communicate this to parents. It is already on the website. There is no newsletter due out, as Mrs Grant told us the newsletter is changing to be a better production with frequency decreasing to 4 per year.
- Lindsay suggested an invitation to all parents, with a clear message as to the purpose of the AGM (an annual report, with plans for the future), this should be welcoming, informative, and have a reminder of the history of the PTC arising 2 years ago. The time will be 7pm to 7.45pm, with light refreshments.Susan will draft an invitation and email it to the PTC members for improvement/ approval.
- Omar suggested a text reminder a few days before. Mrs Grant said this was possible.
- The minutes of last years AGM should be put on the website (Susan to do). Also a copy of the constitution should be available there. Cherif may have a digital copy of this. He can photocopy a paper copy for members who wish to have it meantime and will do this for Kevin.
- Mrs Grant is happy to speak at the AGM. Cherif is willing to give a chairman’s report, also the treasurer’s report, subject to work travel commitments.
- Susan to book the “Brick Room” for the AGM; this room is a good size and quite near the entrance and facilities, Mrs Grant suggested it for future PTC meetings.
- Refreshments afterwards- soft drinks and some finger food. Peter will bring drink and plastic cups. Susan will bring savoury snacks and plates and napkins. Others may contribute if they wish.
- Following the AGM and refreshments, we will have a brief committee meeting.
7. Correspondence
- Susan had received an email from Lesley Turan, chair of Shawlands Primary PTC, to say that a Stakeholders meeting in regard to the planned mobile phone mast had been arranged for Monday 5th October in Shawlands Academy, 5.30-6.30pm. People who wish to go should let Lesley know .
- Kathy Nicholson had sent an email with apologies but also to say she would be attending the stakeholders meeting.
- Susan had received an email from a parent whose 2nd year child was upset after a certain incident. This was discussed briefly and it was agreed it would be appropriate for Susan to email the parent again to encourage contact with staff so that the incident could be discussed. As the issue involved staff intervention in the event of a playground fight, Susan asked the Senior Management Team members present at the meeting what the policy is. They confirmed that policy and practice in such a situation is for staff to intervene promptly.
8. Treasurer’s Report
Cherif reported that at the last statement the balance was £1882.87. There are 2 cheques remaining to be cashed.
9. Head Teacher’s report
- Work Experience Week. Due to extra work by Donnie McLeod as Enterprise Officer , a greater number of pupils had been involved in work experience this year than previous years, though still not all 4th years. There has been a lot of positive feedback from employers regarding the students.
- During the same week there were two unfortunate incidents. A boy was bitten on the hand by a dog on a lead. Pupils have been advised not to approach even friendly looking dogs.
A 3rd year girl was knocked down outside school. She had to go to hospital but thankfully had no serious injuries. Cars were double parked outside the school at the time. The school had already identified this double parking as a problem and asked the Community Police and Community Action Team to help. Ironically the day after the accident they put up a 20mph sign on the school railings. This incident does highlight the dangerous traffic situation outside the school at the end of the school day. Mrs Grant asked if the PTC could be involved in trying to increase safety.
- The visit by poet Levi Tafari as part of the Indie project was very successful, and might be repeated if funding is available.
- The City Council is funding a Holocaust Memorial Visit, and 12-14 young people from Shawlands Academy will be offered the chance to go. They will be from 2nd, 3rd and 6th Years, suggested by the humanities dept. In the trip to Auschwitz they will make scenarios to be filmed for dvd, a cameraman from Red Snapper will accompany them.
- Tim Simons, Head of the International Team of the Schools Directorate of the Scottish Government, will visit Shawlands Academy at the end of September.
- The Art Dept has asked if the PTC might be willing to fund the framing of 20 pictures by pupils, so that they can be displayed around the school. This would cost about £10 per picture. To be discussed at a future meeting.
- Mrs Grant would like to engage parents in future discussions about school uniform. Those present agreed the PTC could help with this.
- A request had been received from Elaine Walker asking for parents’ views on this question: what do parents expect from a head teacher? Answers to be emailed to Mrs Grant to be passed on to her.
10. AOCB
- Several people had brought information regarding a stand with a banner (for the PTC to use at events such as Parents Evenings or visits to Primary Schools). It was agreed that we want one or two tall narrow banners which roll down to be carried easily. The prices for this start from under £100. Susan will contact the Art Dept to discuss ideas of design for the banners.
11. Date of next meeting: Monday 19th Oct at 7-7.45pm for the AGM, then refreshments, then a brief committee meeting.