Prairieview-Ogden Community Consolidated School District #197

Royal, Illinois 61871

Regular Board of Education Meeting

Prairieview-Ogden North Elementary Board Room

106 N. Vine St.

Royal, IL 61873

September 19, 2016

President Darrin Flessnercalled the meeting to order at8:00P.M. The meeting was held in the Board Room of the Prairieview-Ogden North Elementary Building, 106 N. Vine St., Royal, IL 61871.

Members PresentNot Present

Darrin Flessner

Tim Harms

Kyle Rademacher

Chad Barnes

Chad Goldenstein

Dirk Harms

Chad Pruitt

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the August 15, 2016Regular Board of Education Meeting were included in the board packet. Chad Goldenstein made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 15, 2016 Regular Board of Education Meeting. Kyle Rademacherseconded. The following roll call was recorded;Dirk Harms, Chad Pruitt, Darrin Flessner, Kyle Rademacher, Chad Goldenstein, Chad Barnes, and Tim Harms. The motion carried. (7-0)

Approval of Payment of Bill

The payment of bills list for the month of Septemberwas in the packet. Chad Goldenstein made a motion to approve the payment of bills (see attached). Education Fund $30,035.01, Building Fund $19,838.47, and Transportation $11,036.10. Dirk Harms seconded. The following roll call was recorded; “Aye” Dirk Harms, Kyle Rademacher, Chad Pruitt, Chad Goldenstein, Darrin Flessner, Chad Barnes, and Tim Harms. The motion carried. (7-0)

Approval of Treasurer's Report and Financial Report

The Treasurer's Report and Financial Report for the month of Augustwere in the packet. Chad Barnesmade a motion to approve the Treasurer and Financial Report. Chad Pruittseconded. The following roll call was recorded; “Aye”Kyle Rademacher, Chad Barnes, Dirk Harms, Chad Pruitt, Chad Goldenstein, Tim Harms, and Darrin Flessner. The motion carried. (7-0)


Public Participation

Public members present at the meeting included Jeff Isenhower and Heather Bushman. There was no public participation at the meeting.

Presidents Report

Jeff Isenhower’s principal report was shared with the Board members. Baseball record is 8-6 and 2nd seed in Regional.

Thank You

The following Thank You cards were shared with the Board: Tabby Hill and Debra Siuts to the Board for their expression of appreciation.


Action Items

1. Second Reading of Policies

Tim Harms made a motion to approve the second reading of policies: 2:70-Board of Education; 2:270 E 0 Board of Education Checklist; 2:240 E1 Board Press Issues; 2:240 E2 Local policies; 6:100-Instructions-Animals; 7:10 E Equal Education; 7:270-Medicine; 8:90-Communicty Relations; and 8:110-Public Suggestions. Chad Goldenstein seconded. The motion carried. (voice vote)

Discussion item

  1. Mower/Snow Blower for Jr. High

The Board discussed option for getting a mower/snow blower for the Jr. High Building. They asked Superintendent White to get more quotes.


Action Items

  1. Extra-Curricular Contracts

Dirk Harms made a motion to hire Jordan Ehmen as Assistant 5th/6thgirls’volleyball coach. Chad Pruitt seconded. The following roll call was recorded; “Aye” Kyle Rademacher, Chad Barnes, Dirk Harms, Chad Pruitt, Chad Goldenstein, Tim Harms, and Darrin Flessner. The motion carried. (7-0)

2. Jr. High Custodian

Chad Pruitt made a motion to hire Heather Bushman as the new janitor/custodian for PVO Jr. High School at $12 per hour (pro-rated) for FY17. Dirk Harms seconded. The following roll call was recorded; “Aye” Kyle Rademacher, Chad Barnes, Dirk Harms, Chad Pruitt, Chad Goldenstein, Tim Harms, and Darrin Flessner. The motion carried. (7-0)

  1. Intergovernmental Agreement with Thomasboro GS for Speech Services

Chad Goldenstein made a motion to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with Thomasboro Grade School for Speech Services. Tim Harms seconded. The following roll call was recorded; “Aye” Kyle Rademacher, Chad Barnes, Dirk Harms, Chad Pruitt, Chad Goldenstein, Tim Harms, and Darrin Flessner. The motion carried. (7-0)

4. FY17 Budget

Chad Goldenstein made a motion to approve the FY17 Budget. Chad Barnes Seconded. The following roll call was recorded; “Aye” Tim Harms, Kyle Rademacher, Dirk Harms, Chad Barnes, Chad Pruitt, Chad Goldenstein, and Darrin Flessner. The motion carried. (7-0)

  1. 7/8th Boys’Basketball Fundraiser

Tim Harms made a motion to approve to approve the 7th/8th Grade Boys’ Basketball October 30, 2016 Fundraiser. Chad Barnes Seconded. The motion carried. (Voice Vote)

6. Annual Audit done by Russell Leigh and Associates

Dirk Harms made a motion to approve the annual audit 6-30-16 done by Russell Leigh and Associates. Tim Harms Seconded. The following roll call was recorded; “Aye” Kyle Rademacher, Tim Harms, Dirk Harms, Chad Barnes, Chad Pruitt, Chad Goldenstein, and Darrin Flessner. The motion carried. (7-0)

7. Filing of Annual Report and Application for Recognition with ISBE

Tim Harms made a motion to approve the Annual Report and Application for Recognition with ISBE. Chad Barnes Seconded. The motion carried. (Voice Vote)

  1. E-Rate Technology Grant PVO Received

Chad Goldenstein made a motion to recognize the E-rate Technology Grant of $4,004that PVO received. Chad Pruitt seconded. The motion carried. (Voice Vote)

  1. PTO Fundraiser – HMD Academy of Tae Kwon Do

Dirk Harms made a motion to approve the HMD Academy of Tae Kwon Do PTO Fundraiser. Chad Barnes seconded. The motion carried. (Voice Vote)

Discussion Items

1. Champaign County 1% School Facilities Sales Tax

On 9/2/16 $15,228.20 was received from the ROE for the Champaign County 1% School Facilities Tax.

  1. Open House on First Pupil Attendance Date

Open House will be moved to the first ½ day student attendance of school each year.


Chad Goldensteinmadea motion, seconded by Tim Harmsto adjourn the meeting at 9:10p.m.


Darrin FlessnerChad Barnes

President, Board of EducationSecretary, Board of Education