The Sustainable Food Trade Association’s (SFTA) members have collaboratively developed a set of ‘sustainability metrics’ for the organic food and agriculture industry to use in assessing their sustainability performance from farm to retail.

In creating the standardized set of metrics, SFTA sought to identify specific areas of focus for the organic food industry and collectively identified 11 areas that form the SFTA Declaration of Sustainability — 1.Organic and Land Use Practices, 2.Distribution and Sourcing, 3.Energy Use, 4.Climate Change and Air Emissions, 5.Water Use and Quality, 6.Solid Waste Reduction, 7.Packaging and Marketing Materials, 8.Labor, 9.Animal Care, 10.Sustainability Education, 11.Governance and Community Engagement.

A company can adopt the metrics and start focusing its efforts right away knowing that they are measuring and reporting the same key sustainability performance metrics as industry peers. Ultimately this means that greater collaboration can be achieved through peer-to-peer comparisons, sharing of best practices, and aggregation of data for the wider organic industry.

The SFTA sustainability metrics were co-developed through extensive research, industry and expert stakeholder review, and use and evaluation by member companies from 2010-2013. Widely accepted reporting frameworks such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the EPA’s Climate Lead Inventory Protocol, helped inform which sustainability measurements are most critical to companies in the organic industry.

The SFTA sustainability metrics are an “open source” set of metrics designed for the organic food industry. The goal of the public release of the metrics is to bring optimization and harmonization of metrics in analyzing and reporting sustainability impacts in the industry. Should you modify the metrics for your own use please share your revisions with SFTA () in order for the changes to be considered during our next metrics revision review process.

Reporting Information for Sustainability Metrics

The SFTA metrics are broken down by the 11 Declaration of Sustainability areas. Each declaration area has prioritized “core” metrics identified by the icon that reads “Core Metrics” as in the icon below.

The core metrics are the required metrics for each section. Core metrics are defined as the priority impact or issue for that declaration area. All SFTA members are required to report on these core metrics, thus allowing for benchmarking and aggregation of data.

SFTA offers additional benefits to members to support the sustainability metrics including:

• Metrics tracking template

• Reporting template

• Staff and peer review of final report

• Tools and guidance documents for improving sustainability programs

• Continuous evaluation and goal-setting consulting

For more information on SFTA membership please email .

SFTA Sustainability Metrics Table of Contents








8. LABOR 18






Policy, Practices, Guidelines, and Goals
1.01 Policy, Practices, Guidelines and Goals: Please answer the following:
a) What is your company’s current organic and land use policy? (Note: You may also provide document or URL.)
b) Describe your organic practices and efforts related to biodiversity, forests and native ecosystems. Please include progress made since last report, if applicable.
c) Please state any quantitative and qualitative objectives and goals for your next reporting year.
1.02 Year your operation was first certified, name of certifier / 1.03 Please list crops, ingredients, and products that are certified organic.
1.04 Percentage organic of total Sales (95% organic): / 1.05 Percent Increase / Decrease of Organic Sales (95% organic):
1.06 Describe in narrative any company position or policy on GMO’s.
1.07 What percentage of products are 3rd-party non-GMO verified? / 1.08 Total Certified Organic Acres: / 1.09 Percentage Increase/Decrease Certified Organic Acres
1.10 Acres in Organic Conversion in Past Year (Total Acres): / 1.11 Acres in Organic Conversion vs. Last Year (% +/-):
1.12 Total Organic Products/Ingredients Sold in Dollars: / 1.13 Percentage of Total Organic Products/Ingredients Sold in Dollars
Organic Other
1.14 Describe farming practices and organic materials for all other agriculturally-derived materials involved in your operation (bio-based fuels, and packaging, company meals, fiber-based materials, and other products)
1.15 Provide any measured benefits of your organic practices (activities or purchasing). Such as soil, air or water quality, biodiversity, avoided synthetic inputs, climate benefits, energy or non-renewable resource savings.
1.16 List and Land Use or Agricultural Practices Certifications: (Include acreage or percent of total purchases covered e.g., Biodynamic, Forest Stewardship Council, Salmon Safe, Rainforest Alliance).


Policy, Practices, Guidelines, and Goals
2.01 Policy, Practices, Guidelines and Goals: Please answer the following:
a) What is your company’s current policy regarding minimization of the environmental footprint of Distribution Sourcing? (Note: You may also provide document or URL.)
b) Describe your Distribution & Sourcing practices. Include definitions of ‘local’ and ‘regional’. Please include any conservation and efficiency upgrades made since last report.
c) Please state any quantitative and qualitative objectives and goals for your next reporting year.
Fuel Efficiency & Vehicles
2.02 Number, Type, Average MPG of Vehicles owned, leased, or controlled
2.03 Total Fuel Consumed (Gallons): / 2.04 Percentage Increase/Decrease in Fuel Consumption:
2.05 Normalized Annual Fuel Use Per Revenue: / 2.06 Normalized Annual Fuel Use Per Square Foot: / 2.07 Normalized Annual Fuel Use Per [Insert Operating Unit Here]:
2.08 Percentage Increase/Decrease of Gallons per Revenue: / 2.09 Percentage Renewable Fuel (State type and blend used):
Modes of Transport
Category / Sourcing/Inbound / Distribution/Outbound
Percentage Product Shipped by Truck (by Weight) / 2.12 / 2.17
Percentage Product Shipped by Rail (by Weight) / 2.13 / 2.18
Percentage Product Shipped by Boat (by Weight) / 2.14 / 2.19
Percentage Product Shipped by Air (by Weight) / 2.15 / 2.20
Percentage Product Shipped by Bike/Other (by Weight) / 2.16 / 2.21
2.22 Percentage Local & Regional Ingredients Sourced
(define “Local” & Regional”) / 2.23 Dollar Value of Local & Regional Ingredients Sourced
2.24 Percentage Domestically Purchased Product. / 2.25 Percentage Internationally Purchased Product / 2.26 Percentage Suppliers Screened Using Social & Environmental Criteria


Policy, Practices, Guidelines, and Goals
3.01 Policy, Practices, Guidelines and Goals: Please answer the following:
a) What is your company’s current policy regarding Energy Use? (Note: You may also provide document or URL.)
b) Describe your Energy Use practices, including Green Building Standards related to Energy Use and electrical use (lighting, heavy equipment, etc.). Please include any conservation and efficiency upgrades made since last report.
c) Please state any quantitative and qualitative objectives and goals for your next reporting year.
Traditional Energy Use
Category / Unit / BTUs
Total Electricity Purchased (Specify utility mix: % coal, nuclear, geothermal, wind, hydro, solar, etc.) / 3.02 / __ kWh / 3.03
Total Natural Gas Purchased / 3.04 / __ Therms / 3.05
Total Propane Purchased / 3.06 / __ Gallons / 3.07
Total Other Facility Power Purchased (e.g., steam, wood) / 3.08
Category / Unit / BTUs / %
Total Renewable Electricity Purchased (wind, solar, small-scale low-impact hydro) / 3.09 / __ kWh / 3.10 / 3.11
Total Renewable Electricity Produced Onsite / 3.12 / __ kWh / 3.13 / 3.14
Total Renewable Gas Power Produced Onsite / 3.15 / __ Therms / 3.16 / 3.17
3.18 Total Renewable Energy, Purchased & Generated (BTUs): / 3.19 Percentage Renewable Energy, Purchased & Generated: / 3.20 Percentage Increase/Decrease Renewable Energy (BTUs) vs. Last Year
(Please note any increase in facilities):
total & NORMALIZED energy
3.21 Total Annual Energy Use (BTUs): / 3.22 Percentage Increase/Decrease in Total Energy Use (BTU's) vs. Last Year:
(Please note any increase in facilities)
3.23 Normalized Total Facility Energy per Annual Revenue (BTUs): / 3.24 Normalized Total Facility Energy per Square Foot (BTUs) / 3.25 Normalized Total Facility Energy per [Insert Operating Unit Here] (BTUs):


Policy, Practices, Guidelines, and Goals
4.01 Policy, Practices, Guidelines and Goals: Please answer the following:
a) What is your company’s current policy regarding Climate Change and Air Emissions? (Note: You may also provide document or URL.)
b) Describe your Climate Change and Air Emissions practices. Please include any conservation and efficiency upgrades made since last report.
c) Please state any quantitative and qualitative objectives and goals for your next reporting year.
4.02 Does your organization engage in activities that could directly or indirectly influence climate change policy?
(ex. direct engagement, trade associations, funding research organizations, etc.)
4.03 Provide a narrative describing employee commuting programs including rideshare, bicycle commuting, use of public transportation.
4.04 Total Direct/Scope 1 GHG Emissions:
__ Metric Tons CO2 / 4.05 Total Indirect/Scope 2 GHG Emissions:
__ Metric Tons CO2e / 4.06 Total Indirect/Scope 3 GHG Emissions:
__ Metric Tons CO2e
[NOTE: Do not include RECs or offsets here. Use the following guidance & calculator to determine GHG emissions:]
4.07 Total Gross GHG Emissions:
__ Metric Tons CO2e / 4.08 Percentage Increase/Decrease of Total GHG Emissions vs. Last Year: / 4.09 Total Certified RECs or Offsets Purchased:
__ Metric Tons CO2e / 4.10 Total Net GHG Emissions:
__ Metric Tons CO2e
[Please report REC provider and program, GHG Emissions Calculation methods, source of any emissions factors and other conversions.]
4.11 Normalized Gross GHG Emissions per Revenue: / 4.12 Normalized Gross GHG Emissions per Square Foot: / 4.13 Normalized Gross GHG Emissions per [Insert Operating Unit Here]:
Other Emissions
4.14 Non-Kyoto Protocol GHG Emissions (Metric Tons CO2e) (ex. CFCs, NOx, SOx, Black Carbon, etc.) / 4.15 Report refrigerant use, list by type and weight.
4.16 Total Emissions from Workforce Commuting:
__ Metric Tons CO2 / 4.17 Average Annual Emissions/Worker:
__ Metric Tons CO2 / 4.18 Total Emissions from Corporate Air Travel:
__ Metric Tons CO2
4.19 Annual Emissions Offset from Employee Commuting & Business Travel: __ Metric Tons CO2 / 4.20 Percentage of Employees Using Alternative Transportation
[Specify emissions offset provider, and their verification and certification processes.] / [Define ‘Alternative Transportation’ for your business.]


Policy, Practices, Guidelines, and Goals
5.01 Policy, Practices, Guidelines and Goals: Please answer the following:
a) What is your company’s current policy regarding Water Use and Quality? (Note: You may also provide document or URL.)
b) Describe your Water Use and Quality practices, including non-potable water consumption and the handling of wastewater discharges. Please include any conservation and efficiency upgrades made since last report.
c) Please state any quantitative and qualitative objectives and goals for your next reporting year.
5.02 Green Building Standards related to Water Use and Pollution Prevention
[For remodels, new construction and facility management/operations, list certifications and/or provide a narrative describing practices.]
WATER usage
5.03 Total Potable Water Consumed (Gallons) / 5.04 Total Non-potable Water Consumed (Gallons) / 5.05 Percentage Non-Potable Water Consumed
5.06 Total Water Consumed (Gallons) / 5.07 Percentage Increase/Decrease Total Water Consumed vs. Last Year
5.08 Normalized Total Water Use, per Revenue / 5.09 Normalized Total Water Use per Square Foot / 5.10 Normalized Total Water Use, per [Insert Operating Unit Here]
5.11 Annual Water Saved Due in Past Year to Conservation and Efficiency Upgrades (Gallons)
5.12 Total Waste Water Discharge (Gallons) / 5.13 Percentage Increase/Decrease Waste Water Discharge (Gallons) / 5.14 Total Waste Water Recovered (Gallons)
5.15 Are your farms rain-fed or irrigated? Please check all that apply and/or provide narrative.
☐ Rainfed only
☐ Fully or partially irrigated
☐ Percentage irrigated
☐ Please tell us about the irrigation techniques used.
☐ Localized (e.g. drip, trickle)
☐ Surface (e.g. furrow, borderstrip, basin)
☐ Sprinkler
☐ Manual (e.g. bucket, watering can)
☐ Other / How effective and efficient is your system? Please provide a narrative.
Do your farmers monitor water used for irrigation? Please check all that apply and/or provide a narrative.
☐ No
☐ Some farmers monitor, but we do not aggregate data
☐ Yes, and we have an idea of average water use
☐ Average water volume for irrigation (m3/annum)
Can you provide records of water use? Please check answer
☐ No
☐ Yes, on request
Please add any further comments about your irrigation system.
5.16 List any toxic, non-biodegradable, persistent substances used and efforts to replace these.
5.17 Internally filtered water (Gallons, Percentage of Total Water) (Ex. reverse osmosis, etc.)


Policy, Practices, Guidelines, and Goals
6.01 Policy, Practices, Guidelines and Goals: Please answer the following:
a) What is your company’s current policy regarding Solid Waster Reduction? (Note: You may also provide document or URL.)
b) Describe your Solid Waste Reduction practices, including the handling of animal wastes. Please include any conservation and efficiency upgrades made since last report.
c) Please state any quantitative and qualitative objectives and goals for your next reporting year.
6.02 Describe any policy and procedure for handling hazardous waste, incl. batteries, paint, electronic equipment, etc.
6.03 Green Building Standards related to Source Reduction & Landfill Diversion – For remodels, new construction and facility management/operations, list certifications and/or provide a narrative describing practices.
6.04 Annual Landfill and Incinerator Output (Tons) / 6.05 Total Hazardous Waste (Tons)
6.06 Total Recycling Output (Tons) / 6.07 Total Reuse, Internal and External (Tons)
6.08 Total Compost Output (Tons) / 6.09 Total Biomass (Tons) (does not include waste to energy/incineration) / 6.10 Total Other Materials Diverted from Landfill (Tons) (specify types and methods of diversion)
6.11 Total Annual Waste and Byproducts (Tons) / 6.12 Total Waste Diverted From Landfill (Tons and %)
6.13 Percentage Increase/Decrease of Total
Waste Diverted From Landfill / 6.14 Proportional Breakdown of Byproducts (% landfill, compost, recycling, reuse etc.)
6.15 Normalized Waste/Byproducts per Revenue / 6.16 Normalized Waste/Byproducts in per Square Foot / 6.17 Normalized Waste per [Insert Operating Unit Here]
Waste Other
6.18 Describe any spills or contamination events in the past year.
[If so, describe how the spill was cleaned up.]
6.19 Amount and Type of Materials Collected From Customers