Mrs. Weston’s VIP (Very Involved Parent) Activity
August 22, 2014
Dear Parents,
I hope you and your child have had a great week! The first week of kindergarten is usually a challenge for students, parents, and teachers. There are new friends to meet and new rules to learn!
Next week, we will talk about how each of us is special and unique. We will make a “Self-Portrait” book that will include personal things about us, like our birthday, what our home looks like, our favorite food, and our favorite games. We will study the letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, and Ee. We will identify them, learn the sounds they make, learn words that begin with those letters, and learn to write them correctly. I will use “verbal paths” to help the children remember where to start writing the letters. I will send home a copy of the song “Where Do You Start Your Letters” to help the children remember to ALWAYS begin writing at the top. Please remind them of this when you work with your child on handwriting. I want to establish good habits that will result in effective handwriting. Please place the song in the “Songs to Learn By” folder. Keep this folder at home. I will be sending more songs and poems throughout the year to add to the folder.
We will not have a formal VIP this week or a “Communication Connection.” We will begin formal “homework” next week.
Your child’s papers are enclosed in the VIP folder. If you have not returned your child’s forms (the ones in the orientation packet), please send them on Monday. These forms are necessary for us to have on file so that we can keep your child safe. Please remember to send money in envelopes that are labeled with your child’s name and what the money is to be used for. We do not eat lunch until 12:10pm. If you would like to send a snack to school for your child to eat during recess, please do.
I am excited about working with you and your child this year!
Your Partner in Education,
Tabitha Weston
Kindergarten orientation is on Monday, August 25 from 5:30-6:00. Please come to our classroom for important information and clarifications. This is a time when you can ask questions that have come up for you during the week. If possible, please leave your child at home. It can be very disruptive to our adult meeting.
Child’s name: Parent’s signature: