Utah Public Health Association Board Meeting
Friday, August, 2016
10:30 – 11:30
UDOH Highland Building, Room 425
Present: Heather Borski, Anna Dillingham, Paul Wightman, Dan Kinnersley, Jeanette Villalta, Oretta Tuploa, Teresa Roark, Kathy Paras, Darrin Sluga, Dexter Pearce, Amelia Prebish, Rebecca Fronberg, Jessica Strong, Luke Chalmers, Tania Tetz, and Lisa Young
Absent: Dean Penovich, Stephanie Stokes, Kelly Nielson, Patty Cross, Mary Brown, Jefferson Vick, and Dede Vilven.
Welcome/Establish Quorum: Heather Borski
· Meeting was called to order at 10:30 am by Heather Borski.
· Went around the room and introduced ourselves.
Approval of minutes:
· The July minutes were approved with no changes. Jessica motioned to approve, and Luke seconded the motion, rest of the board agreed to the motion, none opposed.
Board Discussion/Action
a) New Board Members, please provide Paul with a photo of yourself so he can update the website.
b) Online voting – need to find a better way to get members to vote in elections at the annual meeting. There are two methods: online and hand ballots. The proposed platform is to use Qualtrics. If it’s online then it won’t be limited. Confidentiality was in question as well. There is no cost. Kelly helped design this platform, but other members could easily use it. There is voter integrity, only members in good standing, will be anonymous, will have real time updates, save time. To be accurate we need membership status to be updated. Would like to see this implemented by 2017. Would be able to send out reminders. Next step would be to pilot test this September through November. This would take place of paper. Would have computer available at conference venue. Link could be membership number. Open voting before conference and see what turnout is like. Still have computer available to vote. A reminder could be sent out the same day to please vote. Rebecca made motion to approve proposal as it stands, Anna seconded the motion. All approved to move forward, none opposed. Will get back with Kathy (if needs be) about a possible time and date.
Management Group Reports
a. Executive Committee/Member Services – Heather Borski
Conference dates are March 27, 28, and 29, 2017. Looking at venues in Ogden, Park City, Midway and Kamas.
b. Advocacy – Rebecca Fronberg
Letter to editor was published last week in the Tribune by Luke Chalmers about gun research. Working with partner child nutrition authorization and Utahans against hunger and will work with them while on break. Send Luke’s letter to Heather to send to board, there will also be a link on the website. Dan asked Rebecca if she could share some of the bullet points with APHA.
c. Communications – Jessica Strong
Will have an article on online voting, need spotlights (member and students). Write something about the Community Health Workers in newsletter. Amelia has info on orientations and will get that to Jessica. Tania will write a spot on Zika Virus.
d. Financial – Tania
Meeting with Merrill Lynch on August 16. Looking at two institutions. Financial review – Dave Rappager will do review.
e. Student Assembly – Amelia Prebish
Met with student assembly as was able to arrange meeting for MPH orientations. Aug 19 – Dan going to public health orientation. Aug 22 – Amelia and possibly others attend to attend Westminster’s public health orientation. UVU is in September. Going to give class on what UPHA is and student assembly. Talked about yearly events. Aug 26 is BYU’s orientation. BYU has a bus going to Colorado for APHA for $60 round trip. Please share with students.
f. Executive Operations – Paul
Heather introduced Jeanette Villalta as an intersectional chair to the board. Anna mentioned moving forward with the website redesign. Third sun will be the vendor. Const research mgmt. system. Go forward with website redesign.
Standing Committee reports/updates
a. Professional Development
b. Resource Development – update on meeting with grant writing group
We have been approached by a new organization for grant writing if the cost is reasonable. Also to be our Resource Development Committee. The group is willing to do fundraising as well as grant writing. Working details out with contract. We met with a representative from the BYU, MPH Program. BYU Scholarship has money to match what we collect. We are proposing at the next conference to start raising money for scholarships. Target $5000 and BYU will match. Student assembly offered to help out with other fundraisers. Collaborate to raise money for all scholarships.
Section Reports
a) Nutrition and Dietetics – New Section Leader for Nutrition Section
Jessica Antizano from Salt Lake County has taken a new job so now we need a new section leader. Dean reached out to Bev Hyatt who is a nutritionist at Salt Lake County HD and said that she and Charlotte Vincent would act as interim chairs.
b) Community Health Workers – Oretta and Jeanette
Jeanette mentioned they will have an update next month on the trainings. They plan to have a retreat with the community health workers at the end of the month. Will talks about goals and strategic plan for the next year. Need to talk about the importance of the section. Will have Hispanic representation. Hispanic Summit on September 8. Oretta said for certification that the funding had to be spent by September 29. There were three options to choose from, but for now will work sending identified facilitators out for training. Oretta did a podcast last week with the Pacific Islanders about UPHA and the section, and this week will be working with Refugees. Would like to have UPHA provide certification. Working with someone from the U of U to draw up a curriculum.
a) APHA activities/Affiliate Affairs – Dan
b) UPHA website – Anna
Third Sun is the vendor we will be using for the website. Also working with them on a constituent management resource system that would help with registration, member data base, renewals, the electronic newsletter, etc. $5000 has been approved for budget.
Wrap Up/Adjourn:
· Meeting adjourned at 11:34 am, Heather motioned to adjourn.
· Minutes submitted by Secretary, Lisa Young