Elm Road Primary School – Governors Meeting
Date: 11/07/16 at 7.00pm
Membership: Graham Lockwood, Chris Venables, Stephen Malkin, Asta Siskiene, Mark Godfrey, Susie Moore, Adrian Burton, & Jane Laws (Clerk)
Apologies: Asta Siskiene & Susie Moore
Main points discussed / Action
Declaration of Interests: None
Minutes of meeting 18th July 2016 and matters arising.
GL had contacted Bob Anderson, HR & Governance at Elliot regarding governor recruitment.
In September we will look at the courses Norfolk Governor Services have to offer.
The Elliot plan to hold another conference for governors in October.
Signed and agreed as true record.
Principal’s Report
This had been circulated beforehand and GL highlighted some of the main points.
School Improvement
GL outlined the staffing for September. Mrs Goose is sadly retiring and we have Christine Carter joining us. We are fortunate to have a complete staffing list for September unlike many schools in the area.
Question: MG asked if this poses a problem with teachers looking to move to other local schools. GL explained at this stage it is too late to resign from a teaching post to start elsewhere in September, GL hopes for stability in classes and acknowledged that Year 4 has been particularly hard hit.
CV reported to governors the changes to the curriculum from September. School will be using Hamilton Trust which helps with the planning of all subjects and providing continuity across the school. Staff are positive and looking forward to using this,
The IPC is in place and assessment in non-core subjects is covered in IPC. This will be explored in September.
Governors will again be invited to classrooms to judge class displays.
The Elliot are looking at the boiler that needs replacing. Hopefully this will be funded centrally.
The Grounds are looking much better this year. CGM will need to cut back some of the trees.
The new cover for the Gazebo over the reception outdoor area has been ordered.
Attendance is currently 95.8%.
A managed move was discussed.
SAT Results
GL circulated the latest data and explained that it had been a difficult year. This year has been challenging for all schools with a new curriculum and new assessment arrangements. As well as trying to get to grips with these we have also seen our conversion to academy status. This is something I personally feel has been the correct move for Elm Road. Everyone at Elm Road has pulled together to embrace the significant changes. Assessment is now based around an age related expectation set nationally and the old levels have disappeared. This has made it more difficult for schools to communicate achievement to parents in the new language we have to use. The new curriculum is much more demanding for children with many of the objectives from Year 7 & 8 now included for Year 5 & 6.
The new Year 2 SATs and the Year 1 tests were incredibly difficult and it is to the children’s credit that they gave their all despite the stresses they felt.
The key stage 2 results below show that at Year 6 our children were above national average in writing, spelling and grammar (Spag). They were at national average in maths and although below in reading on the tests (as replicated nationally) our teacher assessments would show them to be around national. The combined figure for reading, writing & maths was slightly below national (although I have asked for some papers to be remarked) and was above the average for Wisbech schools and the Elliot Foundation. All schools have found a significant drop in percentages this year due to the new arrangements.
Year 6 Read Write Spag Maths
School 52% 80% 73% 70%
National 66% 74% 72% 70%
Combined School 50% National 53%
Year 2
School 60% 57% 73%
Phonics Year 1 – 70% Year 2 – 97%
Early Years Good Level of Development 62%
Question: AB asked what the Elliot Foundation had said about the results. GL informed him that the results had all been sent in but nothing had been heard yet. GL was pleased with the result when compared with other schools and thanked everyone for their hard work, A special mention was made of Mrs Williams who had stepped into the breach during Mrs Martins absence. SM would write her a letter.
Question: MG asked if there would be curriculum changes in the light of the lower SAT results across the country. GL explained that there were no plans to change things at this point but no doubt trade unions would be interested in the outcomes.
Governor Visits
MG &SM had been to the new intake evening. MG had attended the leavers’ assembly and SM had made numerous finance visits.
Resources Committee 29th June
This had been a budget setting meeting. The budget this year is very tight and it took some very stringent cuts to achieve a balanced budget. This has now been submitted to the Elliot Foundation for board approval.
Governor Training
This will need to be looked at in September with the possibility of exploring online training as an alternative to courses that are often held in other parts of the County.
Governors discussed the Elliot finance manual policy and decided to unanimously adopt it.
The school would be receiving a responsible officer visit on 13th July. This is a procedural visit to help identify areas for development. The report will be discussed by governors once we have it.
Question: RE asked if the pecuniary interests had been uploaded onto the website. JL said she would check.
RE said that the SFVS is in place.
Sickness & Discretionary Leave of Absence
Governors discussed the policy and decided to unanimously adopt it. This would, in practice, mean fewer discretionary absences during the year.
Any Other Business
Sex & Relationships Policy
Staff had asked governors if they wished Sex & Relationship to be taught in school as it was now only in the secondary curriculum. Much discussion took place and it was decided that in light of children maturing earlier in life it is important that they learn about relationships. It was agreed to accept the policy for next year.
SM said that school was a very busy place and staff had worked exceedingly hard. He wished to thank the staff on behalf of the governors for all their efforts.
It was agreed that the next full meeting of the governors would be on the 19th September 2016 and at that time the dates for all meetings would be fixed thus allowing members of the governing body to organise their diaries.
Meeting closed at 8.30pm. / Letter in September to parents
SM to write letter to JG
SM to write letter to AW
To be circulated by JL
Dates of future meetings / Comments
Monday 26th September 2016 7.00pm

Signed: …………………………………….………….. Chair of Governors Date: ……………………………….