Specialist leader of education training: Enrichment module

Coaching and its importance in developing others (Session 1)

Using the principles in ‘Coaching Models’, including Egan’s skilled helper model, to enable leaders to develop a culture of coaching across the school


The aims of session 1 of Coaching and its importance in developing others are to introduce:

  • The concepts of coaching, learning and the importance of coaching in developing others
  • Egan’s skilled helper model

Key learning outcomes / Activity / Slide / Notes / Time / Resources
Welcome and introductions / 1-3 /
  • Stress the importance of confidentiality.
  • Recap core training and appreciative enquiry.
  • Present an overview of the session aims.
/ 10 mins
  • Self-evaluate an individual and a team
  • Learn how such resources can benefit an organisation
/ Packtypes / 4 6 /
  • Use packtype cards. This resource has many images of dogs with each dog linked to a particular attribute such as creativity.
/ 20 mins / Appendix CID 1.1: Packtype rules
One pack of packtype cards per delegate
Key learning outcomes / Activity / Slide / Notes / Time / Resources
  • Understand the importance of emotional intelligence (EI) and the differences between coaching and mentoring
  • Learn what makes and effective coach
/ Emotional intelligence
Coaching vs mentoring
Ethos, purpose and skills / 7-8
10 /
  • Discuss the importance of open questioning such as: ’Do you need to know yourself before you manage others?’ and ‘How important is emotional intelligence in a school context?
  • What is coaching? Delegates discuss the chart on slide 8 and distinguish the differences between coaching and mentoring.
  • Coaching is centred on the coachee self-learning and is not directed like mentoring. Delegates discuss the slide: ’To be an effective coach I need...’
/ 10 mins
  • Learn the structure of Egan’s model and its potential impact
/ Egan’s skilled helper model / 11 /
  • Give an overview of the importance of models and say why a coaching model is useful to an SLE.
  • Recap some of the pitfalls of being an SLE in a first meeting with an unknown member of staff. How might coaching help to overcome these difficulties?
  • Introduce Egan’s skilled helper model.
/ 10 mins / Egan, G, 2006, Essentials of Skilled Helping: Managing Problems, Developing Opportunities, Belmont CA, Thomson/Wadworth)
  • Learn the skills of coaching story, blind spots and leverage.
/ Egan’s skilled helper model stage 1 / 11 /
  • Outline stage 1 of the skilled helper model, explaining the key skills of listening, empathy, silence etc. Paired facilitators model the process with a real scenario and delegates play the role of observers. The coach asks client to tell the story of their issue. Clients should think of a real issue within their professional life. Allow 7 minutes to model stage 1 and 3 minutes for feedback (1 minute each for coachee, coach and observers).
  • Revisit contracting and the importance of confidentiality. The coach prompts and asks the suggested questions on slide 12. Focus on not giving solutions but spotting blind spots in the scenario which the client cannot see.
  • The leverage section ensures the start of prioritising the areas that need addressing.
/ 10 mins / Flip chart
Marker pens
  • Learn practical coaching skills in action.
/ Stage 1 coaching triads / 12 /
  • Facilitator must give time reminders and insist on delegates feeding back on the process and not the content. Allow 10 minutes for coaching and 5 minutes for the feedback with client, coach and observer feeding back in sequence on how effective the process was.
  • Use the questions on slide 12 to explore reactions to the coaching triad activity.
/ 45 mins / Flip chart
Marker pens
  • Learn and reflect on the positive and negative aspects of a coaching model.
/ Plenary / 13-15 /
  • Consider what worked well (WWW) and what would have been even better if (EBI).
  • Discuss positive and negative aspects of the coaching model and Egan’s skilled helper model. How effective did they feel stage was? Were there any frustrations? How might it be useful to an SLE?
  • Revisit the aims on slide 2.
  • Ask delegates to complete and return the evaluation form.
/ 15 mins / Appendix CID 1.2: Course evaluation form