To: Higher Education Department

of Ministry of Education and Science

of Republic of Latvia



Universities involved in the realization of the program / Latvian University of Agriculture (LUA)
University of Latvia (UL)
Riga Stradins University (RSU)
Legal addresses of universities /

Latvian University of Agriculture

Lielā iela 2
Jelgava, LV-3001, Latvia
Phone: + (371) 3022584
Fax: + (371) 3027238

University of Latvia

Raiņa bulv. 19
Rīga, LV-1586, Latvija
Phone: + (371) 7034301
Fax: + (371) 70 34 513

Riga Stradins University

Dzirciema iela 16
Rīga, LV-1007, Latvija
Phone: + (371) 7409224
Fax: + (371) 7471815
Registration numbers of universities
/ LUA No. 2841101568
UL No. 3341000218
RSU No. 3341202042
Name of the study program /

Inter-university Master’s study program

“Study program of master of health sciences in nutrition science”
Code of the study program / 45722
Duration and size of the study program / -  2 years or 4 semesters in full-time master study program training, 80 credit points
-  2,5 years or 5 semesters in part-time master study program training, 80 credit points
-  3 years or 6 semesters in part-time correspondence master study program training, 80 credit points
Enrolment provisions
/ Experts with higher professional medical or dental care education, having BS or MS degree in biology, chemistry, environmental sciences, health sciences (nurse studies, ergotheraphy, physioteraphy, rehabitology), pharmacy, food chemistry, biochemistry, food technology, sports education, health education, veterinary medicine and other related fields
Obtainable degree
/ Health sciences Master`s degree in nutrition science
Place of implementation the study program / Latvian University of Agriculture (LUA)
University of Latvia (UL)
Riga Stradins University (RSU)
Name and position of the person authorized by universities to organize the accreditation / Director of the study program, associated professor Ida Jākobsone

Pro-rector of education of LUA, (signature) prof. Arnis Mugurēvičs

Pro-rector of education of UL, (signature) prof. Juris Krūmiņš

Pro-rector of education of RSU, (signature) prof. Ilze Akota

Director of the study program, (signature) Ida Jākobsone


1 / Decisions of Senates of universities (LUA, RSU, UL) about approval of the study program / 5
2 / Registration certificates of the universities (LUA, RSU, UL) / 6
3 / Licences issued to universities (LUA, RSU, UL) on rights to realize the inter-university Master’s study program “Nutrition science” (45722) / 7
4 / Minutes No.19 (January 31, 2006) of the Commission of licensing the programs of universities with recommendation to start the teaching from September 1, 2006 / 8
5 / Decision of the Council of higher education on necessity to implement the program / 9
6 / Documents confirming that in case of liquidation of applicant to the students will be provided possibility to continue studies in other study programs (Decisions of Councils of the faculties) / 10
7 / Title lists of the study program / 11
8 / Program summary / 12
9 / Description of the program / 13
9.1. Purpose, tasks and planned results of the study program / 13
9.2. Organization of the study program / 16
9.2.1. Conformity of the program to requirements of labor market / 16
9.2.2. Compliance of the study program to the standard of academic education / 17
9.3. Comparison of master study program with similar study programs in foreign universities / 17
9.4. Organization of the study program / 21
9.4.1. Description of the study courses of Part A / 21
9.4.2. Description of optional courses of part B / 26
9.4.3. Master’s paper / 29
9.5. Funding sources and infrastructure cover of the study program / 30
9.5.1. Funding Sources / 30
9.5.2. Infrastructure Cover of the Study Program / 30
9.6. Enrolment Provisions / 31
9.7. Practical Implementation of the Study Program and Quality Assurance / 32
9.7.1. Practical Implementation of the Study Program / 32
9.7.2. Quality Assurance / 32
9.8. Evaluation System / 33
9.9. Students / 34
9.9.1. Number of Students / 34
9.9.2. Analysis of the Students’ Questionnaire / 34
9.9.3. The participation of students in improvement of the study process / 34
9.10. Academic personnel employed in the study program / 35
9.10.1. Composition of academic personnel / 35
9.10.2. Reaserch activities of academic personnel, project management / 35
9.10.3. Selection, update, training and development of academic personnel / 36
9.11. Profile of the auxiliary personnel required; their role in program implementation / 37
9.12. Enumeration of structural units; their duties in Program implementation / 38
9.13. External relations of the academic staff / 40
9.14. Development plan of the study program / 42
9.15. SWOT analysis of the study program / 43


1 / Inter-university (LLU, LU, RSU) Partnership Agreement / 45
2 / Study material and study plan; Contribution by the Higher Educational Establishments of Latvia in implementation of the study program / 50
3 / Description of the study courses included in the study program / 57
4 / Information on the training personnel involved in the implementation of the study program / 144
a) Description of trainers by stating the qualification, academic position and status
b) Trainer CVs
5 / Program costs / 233
6 / Sample Graduation Certificate / 236
7 / Involvement of academic personnel in international projects, Latvian Council of Science and other institution aided projects / 242
8 / Main scientific publications of the academic personnel / 244
9 / Example for examination test on immatriculation in natural sciences / 250
10 / Procedure for development and defence of the Graduation Paper / 251
11 / Related licensed Master Degree study programs in Latvia / 252
12 / Comparable foreign study programs / 253
13 / Material provisions / 254
14 / Enquiry questionnaire of the study program ‘Nutrition Science’ for the 1st semester / 255
15 / Republic of Latvia Nutrition Council Meeting Minutes NR 4 (14.12.2006) / 256
16 / Feedback on the Inter-university Master Degree Program ‘Nutrition Science’ / 257
17 / Advertising and information dissemination materials on possibilities for studies / 259


1. Decisions of Senates of universities (LUA, RSU, UL)

about approval of the study program

In the hard copy of Latvian version of this Application are included Decisions of Senates of involved universities, signed by authorized representatives of involved universities:

2. Registration certificates of the universities (LUA, RSU, UL)

In the hard copy of Latvian version of this Application are included copies of registration certificates of involved universities:


3. Licences issued to universities (LUA, RSU, UL)

on rights to realize the inter-university Master’s study program

“Nutrition science” (45722)

In the hard copy of Latvian version of this Application are included copies of licences issued to universities (LUA, UL RSU) on rights to realize the inter-university Master’s study program “Nutrition science” (45722):

4. Minutes No.19 (January 31, 2006)

of the Commission of licensing the programs of universities

with recommendation to start the teaching

from September 1, 2006

In the hard copy of Latvian version of this Application is included copy of Minutes No.19 (January 31, 2006) of the Commission of licensing the programs of universities with recommendation to start the teaching from September 1, 2006


5. Decision of the Council of higher education

on necessity to implement the program

In the hard copy of Latvian version of this Application is included copy of Decision of the Council of higher education on necessity to implement the program.


6. Documents confirming that in case of liquidation of applicant

to the students will be provided possibility to continue studies

in other study programs (Decisions of Councils of the faculties)

1) Agreement between the Latvian University of Agriculture (LLU) with the management of the LLU Faculty of Food Technology (Agreement NR 011 – 0802/222 of 02.07.2007) providing that in case the implementation of the programme ‘Nutrition Science’ is terminated every Master would be entitled to continue further studies within the LLU Masters Degree Programme ‘Food Science’

2) Decision by the Council of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Latvia (NR 5/6-4 of 23.05.2007) providing that in case the implementation of the study programme ‘Nutrition Science’ is terminated it would guarantee students the possibility to receive education within the Natural Sciences Masters Degree Study Programme in Chemistry.

2) Decision by the Council of the Faculty of Biology of the University of Latvia (NR 8 of June 19, 2007) providing that in case the implementation of the study programme ‘Nutrition Science’ is terminated it would guarantee students the possibility to receive education within the Natural Sciences Masters Degree Study Programme in Biology.

7. Title list of the study program









Dr. chem., assoc. prof., Ida Jakobsone

In the hard copy of Latvian version of this Application are included several title lists, signed by authorized representatives of involved universities:

In 2004:

Chairman of the Senate of LUA, prof. J.Liepa

Chairman of the Senate of UL, prof. M.Auziņš

Chairman of the Senate of RSU, prof. J.Anšelēvičs

In 2007:

Chairman of the Council of Faculty of Food Technology of LUA, I.Ciproviča

Chairman of the Commission for Quality Assesment of UL prof. J.Krūmiņš

Chairman of the Council of Faculty of Chemistry of UL A.Prikšāne

Chairman of the Council of Faculty of Biology od UL prof. J.I.Aivars

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of UL prof. U.Vikmanis

Chairman of the Council of Faculty of Rehabilitation of RSU A.Vētra

Director of the Academic School of Nutrition of RSU L.V.Neimane

Responsible for realization of Program persons of each University:

LUA, prof. D.Kārkliņa

UL, I.Jākobsone

UL, U.Kondratovičs

UL, prof. R.Ligere

RSU, L.V.Neimane



Up to academic years of 2006/2007 the University did not provide a study program in nutrition science preparing competitive experts in the field of public health development knowlegeble in nutrition theory and capable to apply it both, in research and practical solving of nutrition issues pursuant to main strategic trends of EU and WHO (World Health Organization), as well as guidelines and the Action Plan „Whole some Nutrition for Latvia 2003 – 2013 drafted by Ministry of Health.

The Academic Inter-university Master’s Study Program targeted at acquisition of a Master’s degree in nutrition science strategically is made up as an integrated study program comprising physiological and chemical aspects, the latest achievements in clinical nutrition science, the interaction between medical science and nutrition, food and nutrition policy, food and food manufacturing safety. Acquisition of the above program ensures knowledge on activity of human organism in the planes of cell, tissue and organs, provides understanding on the biochemical processes and changes in human organism on all levels in case of sickness, factors adversely influencing human health and ways of their prevention.

As an academic program, it focuses on acquisition of research methods, development of knowledge and skills and integration of the research results in practice. This is foreseen by the organization of the study process where teachers of separate sciences and university professors are linked together in program implementation.

The inter-university study program has started to educate highly qualified nutrition scientists capable of providing nutritional advice at all periods of human life, working as nutrition experts in the catering blocks of hospitals, old people’s homes, nursery schools, general education primary, secondary schools and vocational schools, taking part in schools’ health education programs and development of novel health foods in food manufacturing establishments, as well as involving in nutritional research.

The academic Masters Study Program has been developed in accordance with requirements of the Law on higher educational establishments and Masters Studies Regulation of LAU, LU and Riga Stradiņš University (RSU) and it is based on the analysis of international study programs in this field. Against the background of operational study programs overseas, the nature of the above Program focuses on interrelation between the theoretical basis and reasoning with specific problems and situation in Latvia.

The volume of the study program is 80 credit points and the duration: 4 semesters for fulltime studies; 5 semesters part time correspondence studies; 6 semesters part time correspondence studies. The Master’s Study Program is made up of A part compulsory courses and B part optional courses, a course paper and a Master’s paper.

The study process follows the module principle, foreseeing active independent work on the part of students. The Program is implemented by leading teachers of LAU, LU and RSU, recognized nutrition experts who have taken an active role in making of nutritional policy in country. As far as possible, also overseas experts will be involved. The students will be able to approbate their research in local and international conferences and get involved in SOCRATES/ERASMUS exchange programs.

After successful defence of the Master’s Paper, students are awarded Academic MS degree in nutrition, health science.

9. Description of the programma

9.1. Purpose, tasks and planned results of the study program

The purpose of the implementation of the program is to train qualified specialists of nutrition science, who have gained extended theoretical and methodological knowledge, skills of research and who are able independently perform scientific research job in the field of nutrition, food, biochemistry, food chemistry and toxicology, who are able to analyze, critically evaluate and generate new ideas and alternative approaches in nutrition science to promote public health and prevent diseases associated with nutrition and to realize aims of the nutrition policy of the World Health Organization, the European Union and Latvia.

The task of the program is to give an opportunity to the students of master studies with courses of modules A to obtain basic knowledge of nutrition science, food science, health science and theoretical and methodological knowledge as well as knowledge of research work (see Appendix 3):

·  To give extended knowledge of fundamental principles of nutrition science, scientifically reasonable prior significance of nutrition for health ensuring throughout the life cycle;