Study Questions
Chapters 13-15
Chapter 13
1. Distinguish between heme and nonheme iron. Discuss the factors that enhance iron absorption.
2. Distinguish between iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia. What are the symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia?
3. What causes iron overload? What are its symptoms?
4. Describe the similarities and differences in the absorption and regulation of iron and zinc.
5. Discuss possible reasons for a low intake of zinc. What factors affect the bioavailability of zinc?
6. Describe the principal functions of iodide, selenium, copper, manganese, fluoride, chromium and molybdenum in the body.
7. What public health measure has been used in preventing simple goiter? What measure has been recommended for protection against tooth decay?
8. Discuss the importance of balanced and varied diets in obtaining the essential minerals and avoiding toxicities.
9. Describe some of the ways trace minerals interact with each other and with other nutrients.
Chapter 14
1. Define fitness, and list its benefits.
2. Explain the overload principle.
3. Define cardiorespiratory conditioning and list some of its benefits.
4. What types of exercise are anaerobic? Which are aerobic?
5. Describe the relationships among energy expenditure, type of activity, and oxygen use.
6. What factors influence the body's use of glucose during physical activity? How?
7. What factors influence the body's use of fat during physical activity? How?
8. What factors influence the body's use of protein during physical activity? How?
9. Why are some athletes likely to develop iron-deficiency anemia? Compare iron-deficiency anemia and sports anemia, explaining the differences.
10. Discuss the importance of hydration during training, and list recommendations to maintain fluid balance.
11. Describe the components of a healthy diet for athletic performance.
Chapter 15
1. Describe the placenta and its function.
2. Describe the normal events of fetal development. How does malnutrition impair fetal development?
3. Define the term critical period. How do adverse influences during critical periods affect later health?
4. Explain why women of childbearing age need folate in their diets. How much is recommended, and how can women ensure that these needs are met?
5. What is the recommended pattern of weight gain during pregnancy for a woman at a healthy weight? For an underweight woman? For an overweight woman?
6. What does a pregnant woman need to know about exercise?
7. Which nutrients are needed in the greatest amounts during pregnancy? Why are they so important? Describe wise food choices for the pregnant woman.
8. What practices should be avoided during pregnancy? Why?
9. How do nutrient needs during lactation differ from nutrient needs during pregnancy?