Round 3


Questions by Swarthmore B (Benjamin Schak, Ascension Duenas, Marie Becker, Dan Blim, Jeff Traczynski, Dan Fairchild, and Michael Noda)


1. His thesis advisor, Henry Kissinger, called this man's doctoral thesis on deterrence the best he'd ever seen, and helped him get it published as The Theory and Practice of Blackmail. Ironically, his psychiatrist's office was later broken into in a search for blackmail material on him. Kissinger later got him a post at MIT, and then in the Defense Department where he secretly released classified documents to the New York Times and Washington Post on the war in Vietnam. FTP, name this man, leaker of the "Pentagon Papers."

A: Daniel Ellsburg

2. She was featured on a Swedish postage stamp in 1998, issued along with one featuring Nadine Gordimer, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1991. Her Nobel Prize came in 1928, for her depictions of Northern women and Christianity in the Middle Ages. Identify this author, best known for the Kristin Lavransdatter trilogy.

A: Sigrid Undset

3. He was the wealthy son of a cloth merchant who experienced a conversion while imprisoned, probably for fighting. In September of 1224, he received the stigmata while meditating on Mount Alvernia in the Apennines. During his life, he wore only course clothes, begged for his food and shelter and preached in the streets, attracting a large group of followers. His best known student founded the Poor Clares. FTP, name this man who founded an order of monks in 1209 in Italy.

A: St. Francis of Assisi

4. GM once owned almost half of it, until having disagreements with the principal shareholder, now a fugitive, Kim Woo Choong. Despite recent bankruptcy, Ford almost bid about $7 billion for it last summer, until inspecting its books. After firing 1750 employees, workers marched outside of a Pupyong plant. GM and Fiat, both considering bids, want thousand more jobs eliminated, and such labor disputes put down. FTP, name this bankrupt car company, the second-largest in Korea.

A: Daewoo

5. Its complex analog is true only for functions with primitives, and its multidimensional analogs include Green's, Gauss's, and Stokes's Theorems. A rigorous proof requires the Mean Value Theorem, and was never given by Newton. It supplies an easy way to verify integrals of functions, but not to discover them. FTP, name this theorem, which relates integral and derivatives.

A: Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

6. From 1895 to 1898 he studied under James Cattell and Williams James. At Columbia University, he studied the transfer of learning, and in 1901 published a paper showing that studying Latin verbs didn't facilitate learning in other areas. In 19832, he determined that his law of exercise wasn't always valid. FTP, name this behaviorist author of Animal Intelligence, who is famous for his law of effect.

A: Edward Lee Thorndike

7. In his childhood, this composer was influenced by military music at a nearby barracks and Czech folk melodies. At the age of 10, he made his piano debut, and by the age of 15, he attended the Vienna Conservatory. When he lost the Conservatory's Beethoven prize with his 1880 work "Das klagende Lied," he started conducting. FTP, name this composer of "Das Lied von der Erde," and 10 symphonies, including "Ode to Heavenly

Joy" and the "Symphony of a Thousand."

A: Gustav Mahler

8. William O. Douglas called this land a "place for man turned scientist and explorer." Inhabited only by Gwich'in and Inupiat communities, migrating herds of porcupine caribou travel through this tract. About the size of South Carolina, it contains controversial 1002 Area, which lies in the foothills of the Brooks Range along the Beaufort Sea. FTP, name this wildlife refuge, in which President Bush would consider drilling.

A: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge or ANWR (pronounced ANN-wahr)

9. Along with C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkein, this novelist was one of the "Inklings," who met once a week at the Eagle and Child to read aloud from their works in progress. His works ranged fromfantasy novels to Arthurian poetry to theological studies. Identify this author of The Descent of the Dove and War in Heaven.

A: Charles Williams

10. A pioneer in the field of aerodynamics, he studied the structure and aerodynamics of bird wings, publishing the 1889 book "Bird Flight as the Basis of Aviation." However, his interest in gliders would eventually lead to his death when an experimental glider stalled and crashed in 1896. FTP, name this mechanical engineer who laid much of the groundwork for the Wright Brothers.

A: Otto Lilienthal

11. Like Peleus, he entered Priam's house when Troy fell. Like Nestor, he was a captain during the Trojan War. Like Agamemnon and Achilles, he was known for quarrelling with compatriots. And like Odysseus, he earned a god's wrath coming back from Troy. FTP, name this prince of Locris, who claimed that the sea couldn't drown him, until Poseidon did just that.

A: Ajax the Lesser or Ajax of Oileus

12. When Princeton terminated its wrestling program, this man was cited as a successful former wrestler, earned a chemistry award as a pharmaceutical executive, and recently he's been involved with the development of HDTV. First a cabinet member in the '60's, he led Nixon's Office of Economic Opportunity and Ford's transition team, where he was often at odds with the more liberal Rockefeller. FTP, name this successor to James Schlesinger and Bill Cohen as Defense Secretary.

Donald Rumsfield

13. Yao Wenyuan, the only one not to receive an initial sentence of death, was freed 5 October 1996 after a two-year medical parole, and lives in Shanghai. Zhang Chunqia died in 1991 according to official records, but rumors persist that he is still serving his life sentence. Wang Hongwen died of liver cancer in 1992. Their leader hanged herself in 1991. FTP what is the collective term for these political figures, arrested in October 1976 and officially scapegoated for the excesses of the Cultural Revolution?

A: Gang of Four

14. This co-editor of the film Woodstock wrote a book based on Lord Jim, but tossed it into the East River after being rejected by publishers. The namesake of a King Missile song, he became one of 50 fifty banned from Tibet, after making Kundun. Aside from directing Michael Jackson's 16-minute "Bad" video, he has directed John Hinckley's favorite film (Taxi Driver), The Last Temptation of Christ, Casino, Goodfellas, and, FTP, Raging Bull.

A: Martin Scorsese

15. Though this novel deals with the lives of Clarissa Vaughan and Laura Brown, it opens with a portrayal of Virginia Woolf's last days. Much of the action involving Woolf, however, shows her writing Mrs. Dalloway, which this novel has been compared to. FTP, name this Michael Cunningham book, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1999.

A: The Hours

16. He claimed to have fought in Burma in WWII, but may have just been an army cook. As a British officer, he crushed the Mau Mau Rebellion and tortured cattle rustlers. Although he praised Hitler, God told him to expel Indians and Pakastanis, a year after he organized a coup to prevent his arrest for embezzlement. He was defeated in 1979 after covering up a mutiny by invading Tanzania. FTP, name this current Saudi resident, a former Ugandan dictator.

A: Idi Amin Dada

17. It is 0 for only one person, and R.G. Kamalov has the highest known finite one, at 15, although most people's are infinite. Piaget's was 3, and Chomsky's is 4. Hungarians Pal Turan and George Szekeras were the first to earn the number 1 (in 1934), while Esther Szekeras earned her number 1 in 1999. Purists say that only papers written by two people should count. FTP, name this number, which tells how many collaborations separate a person from a Hungarian mathematician.

A: Erdos number (AIR-dish)

18. This U of Maryland economist was chair of the Center on Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector, and worked with the US Agency for International Development. Among his works are Economics of Wartime Shortages and The Rise and Decline of Nations. FTP, name this man who studied the divergence between the preferences of individuals and achievements of groups in his book, The Logic of Collective Action.

A: Mancur Olson

19. This son of a roof tiler went to Paris at 18, where he was a painter's apprentice. In 1703, he met Claude Gillot, whose influence on him is seen in his theatrical scenery. He visited London in 1719, and there painted the "Italian Comedians" for his physicial. His major works include the "Fetes galantes" and "Gilles." FTP, name this Rococo painter who made three versions of "L'Embarquement pour l'ile de Cythere."

A: Jean-Antoine Watteau

20. This novel, like Wuthering Heights, is set on the moors and features atroubled romance. It is narrated at the beginning and end by Gilbert Markham, but the middle is told through the diary entries of Helen Graham. Identify this novel by the "forgotten Brontë," Anne.

A: TheTenant of Wildfell Hall

21. In 1874 he was one of the organizers of the first impressionist exhibition, and along with the impressionists was interested in daily Parisian life. Unlike the impressionists, however, his work shows deliberation and control in works such as "Woman Ironing" and "Four Dancers." FTP, name this painter, who was once advised by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres to "Draw lines, young man, draw lines."

A: Edgar Degas

22. They drink over 60 glasses of water each day, although some measure less than an inch long. An early branching differentiated them from other metazoans, and some can be carnivorous. Most are hermaphrodites, and John Ellis proved they were animals in 1765. FTP, name this simplest animal phylum.

A: porifera (or sponges)

23. He wrote an essay titled "Imperialism Is Easy" for the "New Republic" in 1927 concerning U.S. Relations with Mexicon. In the 1930's, he headed a commission that investigated the Moscow show trials. In this same decade, he wrote Logic: The Theory of Inquiry and Experience and Nature. He also wrote How We Think, Reconstruction in Philosophy, and Experience and Education. Having been influenced by Jane Addams, he was made a Hull House trustee in 1889. FTP, who founded the Laboratory School at the Univ. of Chicago in 1894, and was a pragmatist?

A: John Dewey

Boni by Swarthmore B

1. FTPE, given a star, identify the first letter of its spectral class.

a. Alpha Centauri C

A: M

b. Alpha Centauri B

A: K

c. Alpha Centauri A

A: G

2. 30-20-10-5: Name the political theorist from works.

30 - Historia Ecclesiastica, and De Cive.

20 - Translations of the Iliad and the Odyssey, made in his late 80's.

10 - Behemoth, and The Elements of Law, Natural and Politic.

5 - Leviathan, or the Matter, Form, and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil.

A: Thomas Hobbes

3. FTPE, give the name of an ancient Greek artist from works.

a) "Hermes Carrying the Infant Dionysus."

A: Praxiteles

b) The "Nike" at Olympus.

A: Paeonius

c) The "Maenad" and "Pothos."

A: Scopas

4. Identify the uprisings from descriptions, FTSNOP.

a) 5 - This uprising of native troops in India was provoked by a rumor that British cartridge cases were greased with, alternatively, pig or cow fat.

A: Sepoy Mutiny

b) 10 - This 1931 Salvadorean uprising led by Jose Marti is known by the same name as the slaughter of rebels which followed it.

A: La Matanza

c) 15 - This 1885 uprising in Manitoba by the French-speaking minority ended with the execution of its namesake leader, who has become a symbol of the grievances of Francophone Canadians.

A: Riel's Rebellion, or the Northwest Rebellion

5. FTP, answer these questions about a Tolstoy novel.

a) Although this novel starts with the marital troubles of Oblonsky, it deals more with the love affairs of the title character.

A: Anna Karenina

b) This man, who serves in the army, courts Kitty, but soon falls in love with Anna after being introduced by his mother.

A: Count Alexis Kirilich Vronsky

c) Kitty marries this fellow instead of Vronsky.

A: Constantine (Kostya) Dmitrich Levin

6. Given a description of an organic chemical, name it, FTPE.

a) C2H2

A: ethyne or acetylene


A: propanoic acid

c) cyclic C5H5CBr

A: bromobenzene

7. FTPE, answer these questions of the Knights of the Round Table.

a) He was the brother of Sir Lamorak, and, along with Sirs Galahad and Bors, completed the quest for the Holy Grail.

A: Percival

b) This father of Percival and Lamorak was one of the first Knights Arthur picked for the Round Table. He first met Arthur when he challenged him to a jousting match, during which he broke Excalibur. Later, he accidentally killed King Lot and was not accidentally killed by Lot's sons, Gawain and Gaheris.

A: Pellinore

c) Sir Pellinore spent most of his life in pursuit of this monster, which had the head of a snake, the body of a leopard, the hind legs of a lion, and the front legs of a deer, and a howl like thirty hounds.

A: Questing Beast

8. FTSNOP, answer these questions about submarine accidents.

a) 5 - This Russian sub, named after a WWII battle, sank this summer.

A: Kursk

b) 10 - This Los Angeles-class American sub hit a Japanese fishing vessel this month, killing nine people.

A: U.S.S. Greeneville

c) 15 - Name the Japanese prime minister who kept golfing for two hours after hearing of the incident.

A: YoshiroMori

9. F5P per answer, name the rap song and rapper from opening lyrics.

a) Stop, collaborate and listen.

A: “Ice, Ice, Baby" by Vanilla Ice

b) Pack it up, pack it in, let me begin, I came to win, battle me, that's a sin.

A: "Jump Around" by House of Pain

c) This is for the questions that don't have any answers, the midnight glancers, and the topless dancers.

A: "Bawitdaba" (pronounced "BAH-wit-duh-BAH") by Kid Rock

10. 30-20-10: Name the novel from characters.

30 - Carry Fisher, Evie van Osburgh.

20 - Percy Gryce, Bertha and George Dorset.

10 - Lawrence Seldon, Lily Bart.

A: The House of Mirth

11. FTPE, name the American revolutionary, given a quote.

a) "It is vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry Peace, Peace--but there is no peace."

A: Patrick Henry

b) "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."

A: Nathan Hale

c) "Do not the injured shades of Maverick, Gray, Caldwell, Attucks, and Carr attend you in your solitary walks, arrest you even in the midst of your debaucheries, and even fill your dreams with terror?"

A: John Hancock

12. FTSNOP, name the following poetical terms.

a) 10 - This is a long break in a line, for example, in "I'm nobody! Who are you?"

A: caesura (pronounced suh-ZHOO-ruh)

b) 5 - This is two successive lines of poetry, with the same length, rhythm, and rhyme.

A: couplet

c) 15 - This is the dropping of unstressed syllables from the end of line, thus ending with an incomplete foot.

A: catalexis

13. Name these NYC cardinals FTPE.

a) This Archbishop of New York City was recently promoted by Pope John Paul II.

A: Edward Michael Egan

b) This man, Egan's highly controversial predecessor, was named a cardinal in 1985. He strongly opposed abortion, homosexuality, and female priests.

A: John O'Connor

c) He dedicated the current St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City and earned his red hat in 1875, making him the first American cardinal.

A: John McCloskey

14. FTPE, name these member of the Russian Five.

a) This leader of the Five composed "Overture on Russian Themes," "Islamey," and "Tamara."

A: Mily Balakirev

b) This military engineer composed ten operas, including "The Prisoner of the Caucasus" and "Feast in the Time of the Plague."

A: Cesar Cui

c) This chemist, noted for his aldehyde research, wrote the tone poen "In the Steppes of Central Asia," had an unfinished 3rd symphony, and an unfinished opera "Prince Igor."

A: Alexander Borodin

15. F5P per answer, given the Senate committee, name the person who chaired it before January 20th, and the person who currently chairs it, in either order.

a) Judiciary.

A: Patrick Leahy, Orrin Hatch

b) Foreign Relations.

A: Joseph Biden, Jesse Helms

c) Appropriations.

A: Robert Byrd, Ted Stevens

16. Name these Chinese leaders F15PE.

a) President of the Republic of China from 1912 to 1916.

A: Yuan Shih-Kai

b) Leader of the People's Republic of China in the interregnum between Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaopeng.

A: Hua Guofeng

17. FTPE, identify the ruler.

a) Excommunicated in 1212 by Innocent III for refusing to accept a papal nominee, he died after a year of not abiding by a famous document that he signed.

A: John Plantagenet

b) This first Russian ruler to be called Tsar started the Livonian War in 1557. He once nearly abdicated, but returned when Muscovites gave him the power of summary execution of traitors.

A: Ivan IV Glinsky or Ivan the Terrible

c) When this man was pope in the mid-10th century, maidens were warned not to enter St. John Lateran if they prized their honor. He lost the Ecclesiastical States, and signed the Diploma Ottonianum.

A: John XII

18. FTPE, name these works, written in Old English, none of which is Beowulf.

a) After leaving a monastic dinner, this man went to the barn, where he was commanded by God to sing about creation in his eponymous hymn.

A: Caedmon (pronounced CAD-mon)

b) This earliest extant western European vision poem is partially inscribed on the Ruthwell Cross, and personfies the cross.

A: “Dream of the Rood"

c) This book, whose manuscript was donated by Bishop Leofric, contains 95 riddles, all extant Anglo-Saxon elegies, and some long religious poems.

A: The Exeter Book

19. FTPE, given a Greek philosopher, tell whether he thought the basic substance to be earth, fire, air, water, or none of the above.

a) Thales.

A: water

b) Heraclitus.

A: fire

c) Anaximander.

A: none of the above (he defined it as "apeiron")

20. FTSNOP, give the nickname for the Mozart symphony.