Date:August 11, 2015

From:Andy Waldo, LASPAC Chairman

Louisiana Ambulatory SurgeryCenter Political Action Committee

The Louisiana Legislature convened on Monday, April 13, 2015 for the 2015 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature. State lawmakers remained in session until June 11, 2015.

We are fortunate that we have many allies among the 144 state lawmakers. We have established friendships with legislators through the contacts of our Executive Director/ lobbyist Cindy Bishop and through the contacts of you – our members.

Part of what allows us to have such strong relationships with these legislators is access. The way we get this access is by attending fundraisers throughout the year, and donating to lawmakers with key positions. The money you donate to the PAC is what buys this access and helps in allowing YOU influence.

LASCPAC sincerely appreciates your involvement and your financial support of our political action committee. It is critically important for you to join and support LASCPAC if we are going to continue to be successful in the legislative arena.

If we wait until the legislation is on the floor to start drumming up support and raising money, it’s too late. Our competitors are raising money year round, and building strong relationships. If we are going to enact effective change, and protect existing laws, we must make sure to give ourselves the best chance possible to have access to legislators. It’s too dangerous to ignore the realities of the power legislators have!

State lawmakers have:

  • The authority to set our reimbursement rates when it comes to workers’ compensation
  • The authority to govern how and when insurance companies pay us
  • Legislators have a ton of authority with regard how ambulatory surgery centers are regulated
  • Who oversees the regulation

Please donate today to your LASPAC so that we are in the financial position to help our friends in the legislative arena. 2015 is an election year and we will be getting many requests from our legislative friends to help in their bid for re-election. Thank you in advance, for your support.

Andy Waldo, LASPAC Chairman

Louisiana Ambulatory Surgery Center Political Action Committee

Enclosed is my contribution for LASCPAC. I understand the importance of supporting our efforts in the legislative arena.

Make check payable to “LASCPAC” and mail to:

P.O. Box 14940

Baton Rouge, LA 70898-4940

For further information, contact Cindy Bishop, LASCPAC Manager

(225) 933-5435or by email at

Required Disclosure: Contributions maybe written on a personal or a corporate check.

LASCPAC is a not-for-profit, organization. Contributions may not be not tax deductible for income tax purposes. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes to the extent that payments are not made to 501 (c) (3) organizations. If your practice is incorporated, please make your PAC contribution by personal check. Federal law requires political action committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year.