Materials of Art and Archaeology


Part X. Dyes and Pigments

Norbert S. Baer

Conservation Center

Institute of Fine Arts

New York University

April 2003

Materials of Art and Archaeology



Part I. Inorganic Materials (2003).

Part II. Metals (1999).

Part III. Organic Materials (2003).

Part IV. Instrumental Methods (2003).

Part V. Environment (1999).

Part VI. Museology (2003).

Part VII. Dating and Provenance (2003).

Part VIII Library and Archive Materials (2003).

Part IX Stone (1999).

Part X. Dyes and Pigments (2003).

Cumulative Index

May be obtained from:

Conservation Center

Institute of Fine Arts

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April 2003



Dyes: General References 1

Alizarin 2

Cochineal 2

Indigo 2

Madder Red 2

Tumeric 3

Pigments: General References 3

Asphaltum 4

Azurite 5

Bianco di San Giovanni 5

Cadmium Yellow 5

Calcium Carbonate 5

Chrome Red 5

Chrome Yellow 6

Cobalt Blue 7

Cobalt Yellow 7

Emerald Green 7

Gamboge 7

Gold 8

Indian Yellow 8

Lead Tin Yellow 8

Lead White 9

Madder Lake 9

Malachite 9

Maya Blue 10

Orpiment and Realgar 10

Prussian Blue 10

Red Lead 11

Smalt 11

Titanium Dioxide 11

Ultramarine 15

Ultramarine: Deterioration 16

Vandyke Brown 16

Verdigris 17

Vermilion 17

Zinc Oxide 17

Dyes: General References

E. N. Abrahart, Dyes and Their Intermediates, Second Edition, Edward Arnold, London (1977).

R.J. Adrosko, Natural Dyes in the United States, United States National Museum Bulletin 281, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. (1968) vii + 160pp.

American Cyanamid Company, Direct Colors on Viscose Rayon, American Cyanamid Company, New Jersey.

B. Ash, Introducing Dyeing and Printing Batsford, London (1970) 119pp.

F. Beech, The Dyeing of Woolen Fabrics, London (1902).

C.L. and A.B. Berthollet, Elements of the Art of Dyeing, Volumes I and II, London (1824).

F.J. Bird, The American Practical Dyer's Companion, Henry Carey Baird, Philadelphia (1882).

F. Brunello, The Art of Dyeing in the History of Mankind, Phoenix Dye Works, Cleveland, OH (1973).

E. Clayton, Identification of Dyes on Textile Fibres, 2nd Edition, The Society of Dyers and Colourists, London, 39pp.

C. Crowell, "Color from the Fields," Chemistry 46 No.9 14‑17 (1973).

D.G. Duff, R.S. Sinclair, and D. Stirling, "Light‑induced Colour Changes of Natural Dyes," Studies in Conservation 22 No. 4 161‑169 (1977).

D.G. Duff, R.S. Sinclair, and D. Stirling, "The Fastness to Washing of Some Natural Dyestuffs on Wool," Studies in Conservation 22 No.4 170‑176 (1977).

C.E.P. Exmouth, Dyes and Dyeing, McBride and Company, New York (1921).

R.E. Farris, "Natural Dyes," In Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Third Edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, Volume 8, (1991). pp. 351-373.

R.L. Feller, Editor, Artists’ Pigments, a Handbook of Their History and Characteristics, Vol. 1, Oxford University Press, New York (1986) 300pp.

P. Fitzgerald, The Effect of Light on Dyed Materials, Institute of Fine Arts (1962).

E. Fitzhugh, Editor, Artists' Pigments: A Handbook of their History and Characteristics, Volume 3, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1997) 364pp.

R.J. Gettens and G.L. Stout, Painting Materials, A Short Encyclopedia, D. Van Nostrand, New York (1962) Dover Editions (1966) 333pp.

C.H. Giles and R. Haslam, "Measurement of Particle Size of a High‑Lightfastness Direct Dye in Cellulose by p‑Nitrophenol Adsorption," Textile Research Journal 45 No.5 347‑350 (1977).

J.H. Hofenk‑de Graaff, "Natural Dyestuffs for Textile Materials: Origin, Chemical Constitution, Identification" ICOM Committee for Museum Laboratories, Brussels (1967) 88pp.

J.H. Hofenk‑de Graaff, and W.G.T. Roelofs, "Preliminary Report on the Identification of Yellow Dyestuffs in Ancient Textiles with Thin‑layer Chromatography," ICOM Committee for Conservation, Amsterdam (1969).

J.H. Hofenk‑de Graaff, and W.G.T. Roelofs, "On the Occurrence of Red Dyestuffs in Textile Materials from the Period 1450‑1600," ICOM Committee for Conservation, Madrid (1972) 35pp.

G.H. Hurst, Silk Dyeing, Printing, and Finishing, George Bell, London (1892).

G. Irick, Jr. and E.G. Boyd, "Effect of Light Source on the Photodegradation of Certain Disperse Dyes," Textile Research Journal 43 No.4 238‑241 (1973).

R.M. Johnston, "Spectrophotometry for the Analysis and Description of Color," Journal of Paint Technology 39 No.509 346‑354 (1967).

K.M. Kashiwagi, "Color Characteristics of Traditional Vegetable Dyeing," Textile Research Journal 43 No.7 404‑408 (1973).

S.P. Kierstead, Natural Dyes, Bruce Humphries, Boston (1950) 104pp.

T. Love, The Art of Cleaning, Dyeing, Scouring, and Finishing, Longmans‑Green, London (1854).

F. Mayer, The Chemistry of Natural Coloring Matters, Translated by A.H. Cook, Reinhold, New York (1943).

J. Morton, Fast Dyeing and Dyes, Scotland (1929).

J. Napier, Chemistry Applied to Dyeing, Henry Carey Baird, Philadelphia (1853).

J. Napier, A Manual of Dyeing Receipts, Henry Carey Baird, Philadelphia (1858).

J. Napier, A Manual of the Art of Dyeing, R. Griffin, Glasgow (1853) xvi + 405pp.

National Aniline and Chemical Co., Inc., National Acid Dyes on Wool, New York.

National Aniline and Chemical Co., Inc., National Dyes for Rayon Piece Goods, New York.

I. Nogid, "Natural Organic Dyes used in Russia for Dyeing Fabrics," ICOM Committee for Conservation, Washington ‑ New York (1965).

Oil and Colour Chemists' Association, Pigments, Dyestuffs and Lakes, Paint Technology Manuals, Part 6, Reinhold, New York (1966) ix‑340 pp.

W. Partridge, Practical Treatise on Dyeing, William Partridge, New York (1834).

D. Paterson, The Science of Colour Mixing, Scott, Greenwood & Co., London (1900).

R.H. Peters, Textile Chemistry Volume 3, Elsevier Publishing, Amsterdam (1975) 889pp.

L.S. Pratt, The Chemistry and Physics of Organic Pigments, Wiley, New York (1947) 359pp.

J.R. Roberts, The Dyeing of Paper, E.I. duPont, Wilmington, Delaware (1924) 102pp.

P. Rys and Zollinger, Fundamentals of the Chemistry and Application of Dyes, Wiley‑Interscience, New York (1972) 196pp.

M. Saltzman and A.M. Keay, "Colorant Identification", Journal of Paint Technology 39 No.509 360‑367 (1967).

C.M. Schweiger, "Techniques for Analysis of Dyes on Historic Textiles," Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska (1971) 126pp.

F. Sherry, The Dyer's Practical Guide, Franklin, Mass. (1884). Supplement (1886).

J.W. Slater, The Manual of Colours and Dye Wares, Crosby Lockwood and Co., London (1882).

D. Smith, The Dyer's Instructor, Henry Carey Baird, Philadelphia (1860).

M. Stein, Die Prüfung der Beugfarben (1874).

W. Tucker, The Family Dyer and Scourer, E.L. Carey and A. Hart, Philadelphia.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Home Dyeing with Natural Dyes, M.S. Furry and B.M. Viemont, Misc. Pub. No. 230, U.S. Government Printing Office (1935).

U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Navajo Native Dyes, Their Preparation and Use, N.G. Bryan and S. Young (1940).

K. Venkataraman, The Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes, Academic Press, New York (1952).

D.N. Wilcox, Jr., "`Kekule'and the Dye Industry," Centennial Advances in Chemistry Series No.61 American Chemical Society (1966) Chapter 3.

R. Wizinger, "Black", Geigy ‑ Ciba Review No.2 2‑32 (1973).


R.L. Feller, R.M. Johnston-Feller and C.W. Bailie, "Determination of the Specific Rate Constant for the Loss of a Yellow Intermediate during the Fading of Alizarin Lake," Journal of the American Institute of Conservation 25 No. 2 65-72 (1986).

R.M. Johnston-Feller, R.L. Feller, C.W. Bailie and M. Curran, "The Kinetics of Fading: Opaque Paint Films Pigmented with Alizarin Lake and Titanium Dioxide," Journal of the American Institute of Conservation 23 No. 2 114-129 (1984).

R.M. Johnston-Feller, R.L. Feller, C.W. Bailie and M. Curran, "Kinetics of Fading of Alizarin Lake," In AIC Preprints of Papers Presented at the Eleventh Annual Meeting Baltimore, MD 25-29 May 1983, AIC, Washington DC (1983). pp. 65-73.

D. Saunders and J. Kirby, "Light-induced Colour Changes in Red and Yellow Lake Pigments," National Gallery Technical Bulletin 15 79-94 (1994).

H. Schweppe and J. Winter, "Madder and Alizarin," In Artists' Pigments: A Handbook of their History and Characteristics, Volume 3, E. Fitzhugh, Editor, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1997). pp. 109-142.

See also: Pigments: Madder Lake


D. Frid, “Cochineal – Cactus Blood,” Filberarts 20 No. 4 11-12 (1994).

V.P. Golikov, “Technology of Dying Silk by Cochineal. Part 1: Theoretical Analysis of the Problem and Development of Investigation Methods,” In ICOM Committee for Conservation, 9 th Triennial Meeting, Dresden, German Democratic Republic, 26-31 August 1990: Preprints, ICOM Committee for Conservation, Los Angeles (1990). pp. 289-293.

G.W. Taylor, “New Light on the Insect Red Dyes of the Ancient Middle East,” Textile History 18 No. 2 143-146 (1987).

A. Verhecken and J. Wouters, “The Coccid Insect Dyes: Historical, Geographical and Technical Data,” Bulletin Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique/Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium 22 (1988). pp. 207-239.

J. Wouters and A. Verhecken, “The Coccid Insect Dyes: HPLC Computerized Diode-Array Analysis of Dyed Yarns,” Studies in Conservation 34 No. 4 189-200 (1989).


Anon., “Indigo, the King of Dyeing Elements, is 100 Years Old,” Textilveredlung 25 No.7-8 246-247 (1990).

J.H. Hofenk-de Graaf, “A Simple Method for the Identification of Indigo,” Studies in Conservation 19 No. 1 54-55 (1974).

E. Hendricks, M. Van Ekeima Hommes and K. van Levy, “Indigo used in the Haarlem Civic Guard Group Portraits by Franz Hals,” In Painting Techniques: History, Material and Studio Practice, IIC, Dublin (1998). pp. 166-170.

Madder Red

Z.C. Koren, “HPLC Analysis of the Natural Scale Insect, Madder and Indigoid Dyes,” Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colorists 110 No. 9 273-277 (1994).

J.B. Percival, “Madder, Its Cultivation and Usefulness,” Textile Colorist 39 No. 457 1-2 (1917).

K.G. Ponting, “Madder,” International Dyer 158 17-21 (1977).

H. Schweppe and J. Winter, "Madder and Alizarin," In Artists' Pigments: A Handbook of their History and Characteristics, Volume 3, E. Fitzhugh, Editor, Oxford University Press, Oxford (1997). pp. 109-142.


R. Dossie, The Handmaid to the Arts, New Edition, with Considerable Additions and Improvements, Wilson, Spence and Mawman, York (1796). pp. 93-94.

J.H. Hofenk-DeGraff, Natural Dyestuffs, Origin, Chemical Constitution, Identification, Central Research Laboratory for Objects of Art and Science, Amsterdam (1969). 110pp.

D.J. Lee, L. Bacon and V. Daniels, “Some Conservation Problems Encounters with Turmeric on Ethnographic Objects,” Studies in Conservation 30 No. 4 184-188 (1985).

N. Purinton and M. Watters, “A Study of Materials Used by Medieval Persian Painters,” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 30 No. 2 125-144 (1991).

H. Schweppe, Practical Hints on Dyeing with Natural Dyes, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC (1986). pp. 11-12.

P.M. Whitmore and G.R. Cass, “The Ozone Fading of Traditional Japanese Colorants,” Studies in Conservation 33 No. 1 29-40 (1988).

Pigments: General References

N. F. Barnes, "Color Characteristics of Artists' Pigments," Journal of the Optical Society of America 29 208-214 (1939).

C.E. Barnett, "Physics and Chemistry of Pigments," Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 41 272-279 (1949).

J.G. Bearn, The Chemistry of Paints, Pigments, and Varnishes, E.Benn Ltd., London (1923) x+ 277pp.

K.W. Bentley, The Natural Pigments, Interscience, New York (1960) 306pp.

J. Bersch, The Manufacture of Mineral and Lake Pigments, Translated from the 2nd rev. ed. by A.C. Wright, Scott, Greenwood, London (1901) 476pp.

J. Bersch, Malerfarben und Malmittel, Wien Leipzig, A. Hartleben (1905) v-xv + 342pp.

P. Burri, C. Naydowski, D.C. Spielmann and E.T. Swanson, "Using Classical Theory to Design a Pigment with Improved Optical Properties," Tappi 80 193-199 (1997).

M.H. Butler, "An Investigation of the Materials and Techniques Used by Paul Cezanne," American Institute for Conservation: Preprints, 12 th Annual Meeting 20-33 (1984).

D.E. Cabelli, T.F. Mathews, "The Palette of Khatchatur of Khizan" J. Walters Art Gallery 40 37-40 (1982).

D.E. Cabelli, T.F. Mathews, "Pigments in Armenian Manuscripts of the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries" Revue des études Arméniens N.S. 18 33-47 (1984).

D.E. Cabelli, M.V. Orna, T.F. Mathews, "Analysis of Medeival Pigments from Cicilian Armenia" In Archaeological Chemistry III, ACS Advances in Chemistry Series 205, J.B. Lambert, Editor, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. (1984) pp 243-254.

E. Caley, “Ancient Greek Pigments,” Journal of Chemical Education 23 314-316 (1946).

J.H. Carlson and J. Krill, "Pigment Analysis of Early American Watercolors and Fractur," Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 18 19-32 (1978).

B. Cho, J. Baum, P. Revesz, W.S. Taft, D. Mayer and J.W. Mayer, "Ion Beam Analysis of Pigments," In Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology II, Editors, P.B. Vandiver, J. Druzik and G.S. Wheeler, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA (1990) pp.125-132.

A.H. Church, The Chemistry of Paints and Painting, Seeley, London (1901) 310pp.

J. Clarke, "Two Aboriginal Rock Art Pigments from Western Australia: Their Properties, Use and Durability," Studies in Conservation 21 No.3 134-142 (1976).

C. Coffignier, Couleurs et Peintures, J.B. Baillière et fils, Paris (1924) vii + 762pp.

P. Coremans, R.J. Gettens, and J. Thissen, “La Technique des ‘Primitifs Flamands’,” Studies in Conservation 1 1-29 (1952).

S. Cove, "Constable's Oil Painting Materials and Techniques," In Constable, L. Parris and I. Flemming-Williams, Editors, Cross River Press, New York (1993) p. 502.

M. D?rner, The Materials of the Artist and Their Use in Painting, Revised Edition, Translated by E. Neuhaus, Harcourt, Brace, New York (1949) xvi + 435pp.

A. Eibner, Malmaterialenkunde als Grundlage der Maltechnik, Springer, Berlin (1909) 480pp.

M. Farnsworth, "Ancient Pigments, Particularly Second Century B.C. Pigments from Corinth," Journal of a Chemical Education 28 72-76 February (1951).

G. Field, Chromotography: A Treatise on Colours and Pigments and of Their Powers in Painting, Winsor and Newton, London (1869?) xviii + 424pp.

T.H. Fielding, Ackermann's Manual of Colours, Used in the Different Branches of Water-Colour Painting: with an Ample Description of the Value and Properties of Each Colour, Ackermann & Co., London (1844). 63pp. + 8pp.

T.H. Fielding, Index Of Colours And Mixed Tints For The Use Of Beginners In Landscape And Figure Painting, Printed for the author and sold by Parbury, Allen, & Co., London (1830) 40pp.

S.E. Filippakis, B. Perdikatsis and T. Paradellis, "An Analysis of Blue Pigments from the Greek Bronze Age," Studies in Conservation 21 No.3 143-153 (1976).

R.J. Gettens and G.L. Stout, Painting Materials: A Short Encyclopaedia, Dover, New York (1966) x + 333pp.

N.W. Hanson, “Some Painting Materials of J.M.W. Turner,” Studies in Conservation 1 162-173 (1954).

R.D. Harley, Artists' Pigments; c. 1600-1835, A Study in English Documentary Sources, 2nd Edition, Butterworth, Boston, London (1982) 236pp.

R.D. Harley, "Field's Manuscripts: Early Nineteenth Century Colour Samples and Fading Tests," Studies in Conservation 24 75-84 (1979).

H. Hiler, Notes on the Technique of Painting, Faber & Faber, London (1934) viii + 340pp.

W. Hsü, K. Chou, and Y. Li, "X-ray Analyses of the Inorganic Dunhauang Pigments," Dunhuang Studies 187-197 (1983) [in Chinese].

B.B. Johnson, "A Preliminary Study of the Technique of Indian Miniature Paintings," In Papers Presented in a Symposium at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, October, 1970, P. Pal, Editor, Brill, Leiden (1972) pp. 139-146.