The Rite of Admission of Children

to Holy Communion

Sunday 30th June 2013

The following children will be admitted to Holy Communion during this morning’s service:

The Churchwardens and children stand by the font with the children. Baptism Candles are given and lit from the Paschal Candle.

Priest:In baptism, we are made members of Christ’s family. As members of that family, we gather together to share this meal which he gave us as a continuing sign of his living presence among us. We do this in obedience to Jesus’ command which he gave at his Last Supper with his friends on the night before he died.

Today is an important stage in your Christian journey, which began at your baptism.

Those who are now to be admitted to Holy Communion will share with us in this sacrament.

At a later time they will be encouraged to come to the Bishop for Confirmation and to promise to follow Christ all their lives with the help of God’s Holy Spirit.

We welcome you as you come to receive Holy Communion for the first time.

The Churchwardens bring the children to the altar where

they stand facing the congregation.

Churchwardens:We present these children who wish to be admitted to Holy Communion. (They read the names out loud)

Priest:You have been learning about Holy Communion. You know that it is a holy meal in which we celebrate God’s great love for us in sending Jesus Christ to be our Saviour. You have learned that Jesus tells us to do this to remember him.

Priest:Do you now wish to be admitted to Holy Communion?

Children:I do.

Priest:Will you always try and remember that we come to the Lord’s Table because Jesus invites all who are baptised to share in his love?

Children:I will.

Priest:Will you try to be faithful in receiving Holy Communion and following the way of Jesus?

Children:I will.

Priest:As the parents, godparents and sponsors of these children, will you support them in their resolve, help nurture them in their lives and faith and encourage them to come to Confirmation?

Parents, carers, godparents, sponsors:

With the help of God, we will.

Priest:As part of the worldwide family of God, will you welcome these children as communicant members of Christ’s family and support them with your friendship and prayers?


With the help of God, we will.

Priest:By the authority of Christopher, Bishop of Southwark, I admit each of you to Holy Communion in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. May God bless you as you continue with us on your journey of faith.

The children are given a certificate.