CHEM 1000 Syllabus – 16 Week Class
Welcome to CHEM 1000. Taking this class is designed to do one thing for the students who are enrolled: getting you ready for CHEM 1320. This class has been developed to get students “ready for the fight” and this is needed for some students who either had high school chemistry a while back and they need the review/practice or for student who have never taken high school chemistry. As a rule of measure, most students that do well in this class find CHEM 1320 challenging but certainly “doable”.
This syllabus is for the 16 week class. We will meet 2 times per week: Tuesday/Thursday @ 1:00 p.m.
My office is in Chemistry 123-D.
Work Phone: 882-1401
Office Location: 123D Chemistry
Office Hours: To be announced in class within the first week.
Exams: you will have 4 hour exams.
Best 3 50 Minute exams @ 100 points each. I'll drop the LOWEST grade. If you miss an exam, that is AUTOMATICALLY your drop test.
Completing ALL of Aleks before the semester ends. 10 assignments @ 10 points each.
1 Final Exam @ 150 points
550 points total
More on the dropped exam portion of this grading scale: if you miss an exam because you overslept or you couldn't start your car, then this is the exam that you have to use for your drop. If you missed an exam because you were sick and then you miss an exam because you overslept, one of the exam grades will be a zero. The point is simple: don't waste an exam for a drop for a poor reason. Attend and do your best. If you miss the first exam and subsequently do badly on following exams, withdraw. I will not "cut deals" with students to balance the grade out. I don't "give you" the C, you earn it!
Please do not ask for extra credit or "additional assignments." If you miss an assignment or a deadline, I'm sorry. There is no way to get the points back and maintain standards so don't ask. I will grant extensions on on-line assignments so ASK. These are available for weeks and if you get busy and forget to do the work, your grade will suffer since I won't extend the assignment unless it is requested in writing.
Students with Disabilities:
If you anticipate barriers related to the format or requirements of this course, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need to make arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please let me know as soon as possible.
If disability related accommodations are necessary (for example, a note taker, extended time on exams, captioning), please establish an accommodation plan with the Disability Center ( S5 Memorial Union, 573- 882-4696, and then notify me of your eligibility for reasonable accommodations. For other MU resources for persons with disabilities, click on "Disability Resources" on the MU homepage.