The Archdeaconry of The Isle of Wight
The Archdeaconry comprises the two Deaneries of West and East Wight.
West Wight has 24 parishes, 11 benefices, 28 places of worship, one redundant church and Carisbrooke Priory, a house of Prayer which offers Christian healing.
The area is rural but includes the county town of Newport and the yachting centre of Cowes.
East Wight has 28 parishes, 15 benefices and 29 places of worship. The area is significantly rural but with the town of Ryde and the popular tourist and sailing areas of the East coast.
In total the Archdeaconry has 52 parishes, 26 benefices and 58 places of worship.
Clergy numbers
Deanery / Present Stipendiary Distribution / Current no of posts / Current no in post / Title posts(SSM) / SSM / House for Duty / Readers
West Wight / 12 / 11 / 8 / 2 (1) / 3 / 0 / 22
East Wight / 13.5 / 11.5 / 10 / 3(2) / 2 / 2 / 18
Total / 25.5 / 22.5 / 18 / 5(3) / 5 / 2 / 40
Age Profile of current clergy
Deanery / <35 / 35-45 / 45-55 / 55-65 / >65S / SSM / S / SSM / S / SSM / S / SSM / S / SSM
West Wight / 2 / 3 / 2 / 4 / 1 / 1
East Wight / 3 / 1 / 10 / 3 / 1 / 2
Total / 2 / 6 / 3 / 14 / 4 / 1 / 3
Fairer Shares:
Deanery / Fairer SharesApportionment / Shortfall brought forward / 2011 Total / Cash Collected / Shortfall carried forward
East Wight / 530,934 / 43,666 / 574,600 / 499,721 / 74,879
West Wight / 464,601 / 99,877 / 564,478 / 486,467 / 78,011
The total due from the Isle of Wight for 2011 apportionment was £995,535.
Total diocesan parish share due for 2011 was £4,555,138, so IOW contributionis 21.86%.
The arrears carried forward for IOW accounted for 55.83% of the diocesan shortfall.
Fuller details of the Diocese of Portsmouth are available at