Claire Kageyama-Ramakrishnan, Ph.D.

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Dr. Claire Kageyama-Ramakrishnan

Work Address: CentralCollege, HCC, 3517 Austin, FAC 319, Houston, TX77004

Office Telephone Number: 713-718-6671

College Email Address:


  • Ph.D. Literature and Creative Writing. University of Houston. 2004.
  • M.A. Literature. University of California, Berkeley. 1996.
  • M.F.A. Creative Writing: Poetry. University of Virginia. 1993.
  • B.A. English. LoyolaMarymountUniversity, Los Angeles. 1991.

Teaching Experience

  • Instructor, 2005 – Present

HoustonCommunity College, CentralCollege

Courses: College Writing I, College Writing II, Introduction to Multicultural Literature,

American Literature Since the Civil War, Introduction to Poetry, Introduction

to Creative Writing.

  • Instructor, 2004 – 2005

HoustonCommunity College, SouthwestCollege

Courses: College Writing I, College Writing II, Introduction to Multicultural Literature,

Introduction to Fiction

  • Instructor, 1997 – 2002

University of Houston, Central Campus

Courses: College Writing I, College Writing II, Introduction to Poetry

  • Graduate Reader, 1995-1996

University of California at Berkeley

Courses: Shakespeare, Autobiography

  • Instructor, 1992 – 1993

University of Virginia

Courses: Introduction to Poetry Workshop

Professional, Technical, and Work-related Experience and Skills

Fall 2011Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Fall 2011Eagle Online Training - Certificate

Fall 2011Participation in Central Biology Learning Community, “Got DNA?:

From HeLa Cells to Criminal Investigations.”

Spring 2011 Participation in Central Biology Learning Community, “Got DNA?:

From HeLa Cells to Criminal Investigations.”

Spring 2010 Review of 6th edition of The Writer’s Presence for Bedford/St. Martin’s.

Spring 2008Title V Faculty Leadership Program Workshop on “English Memoirs.”

2007-2008Assistant Chair of English, HoustonCommunity College, Central.

Spring 2008 English Colloquium: New Approaches to Teaching Composition.

Fall 2006Review of 5th edition of The Writer’s Presence for Bedford/St. Martin’s.

2005-2006Planning Committee for the InternationalHigh School on the Houston

Community College Campus.

Spring 2006Dual Credit Teaching (English 1302) at JonesHigh School.

Fall 2005 Title V Faculty Leadership Program Workshop on English Composition.

Fall 2005Dual Credit Teaching (English 1301) at MadisonHigh School.

Fall 2004Dual Credit Teaching (English 1301) at SharpstownHigh School.

Summer 1998Policy Writer. Human Resources. University of Houston.

1990-1991 Senior Writing and ESL tutor. LearningResourceCenter.


ESL Conversation Leader. LearningResourceCenter. Loyola


Professional Achievements and Publications

ShadowMountain. Finalist in Writers’ League of Texas Book Award in Poetry. 2009.

Four Way Books Intro Prize in Poetry. 2006.

Cambor Fellowship. University of Houston. Second Half awarded Spring 2003.

Cambor Fellowship. University of Houston. First Half awarded Fall 1996.

First Prize. Bayly Art Museum The Writer’s Eye Contest. Charlottesville, Virginia.

Spring 1993.

Henry Hoyns Fellowship. University of Virginia. 1991-1992.


“Beauty and Its Opposite Conceit.” in Mentor and Muse: Essays from

Poets to Poets. Forthcoming byUniversity of Southern Illinois Press.

“Even Science Students Can Benefit from Tutors.” From the Source. 1.2 (April 1989).


“Anthropometry.” Central Thoughts. (Dec. 2010).

“Vincent and Emma.” Central Thoughts. (Nov. 2010).

“For the Grandfather Who Called Himself Jon Doe.” (Nov. 2010).

“Amber Falls.” Zone 3. 21.1(Spring 2006): 106-107.

Bear, Diamonds and Crane. Published by Four Way Books in October 2011.

“Inglewood: Past Florence and Normandie, 1990.” in Lavanderia: A Mixed

Load of Women, Wash, and Wordin 2009. City Works Press.

“Our Neighbor Ralph Brandt, 1973-1983.” J Journal: New Writing on Justice. 2.1

(Spring 2009): 65.

“Perspectives on People of Japanese and American Descent” in I Go to the Ruined Place:

Contemporary Poems in Defense of Global Human Rights in 2009. Lost Horse Press.

“Villanelle: November Night.” J Journal: New Writing on Justice. 2.1 (Spring 2009): 64.

“The Denver Lady.” Forthcoming in Mentor and Muse: Essays from Poets to Poets.

University of Southern IllinoisPress.

“Sonnet.” Pass-Along Poems: Samples of Work From the Twelve Debut Poets Featured

Poets & Writers Magazine’s “First and Foremost.” Poets & Writers. 37.1 (Jan./Feb.

2009): 16.

“Terzanelle: Manzanar Riot.” Poem-A-Day at The Academy of American Poets. Web

page. . 5 April 2008. 25 Aug. 2008. <http:


ShadowMountain. New York: Four Way Books, 2008.

“OwensValley, 1942.” The Weight of Addition: An Anthology of Texas Poetry. Ed.

Randall Watson. Houston: Mutablis Press, 2007. 122.

“The Moon and Kaguya.” The Weight of Addition: An Anthology of Texas Poetry. Ed.

Randall Watson. Houston: Mutablis Press, 2007. 123.

“One Question, Several Answers.” Provincetown Arts. 22 (Annual Issue 2007/08): 128.

“Marriage.” Zone 3. 20.2 (Fall/Winter 2006): 111.

“Amber Falls.” Zone 3. 21.1(Spring 2006): 106-107.

“Reasons Without Answers: Visiting the Ruins of a Japanese Internment Camp in
Northern California.” Runes: A Review of Poetry. (Winter 2002): 90.

“Mama.” Unsettling America: Anthology of Contemporary Multicultural Poetry. Eds.

Maria Mazziotti Gillan and Jennifer Gillan. New York: Penguin Books, 1995. 173-


“Plums.” Santa Monica Review. 6.2 (Spring 1994): 69.

“Emergency Caesarian, 1967.” Santa Monica Review. 6.2 (Spring 1994): 70.

“Lady Bartender Sitting Spineless for Diane Arbus.” The Writer’s Eye. (Spring 1993):


“Dying.” The Antioch Review. 51.2 (Spring 1993): 239.


Gonzalez, Rigoberto. “Small Press Spotlight: Claire Kageyama-Ramakrishnan.” Blog

of the National Book Critics Circle Board of Directors. Critical Mass. 2 Aug. 2008.

8 Aug. 2008. <


Larimer, Kevin. “First and Foremost: Twelve Debut Poets Put Their Best Work Forward

in 2008.” Brief Interview on Claire Kageyama-Ramakrishnan’s ShadowMountain.

37.1 (Jan./Feb. 2009): 50.

Vanderberg, Pete. “Q&A with Claire Kageyama-Ramakrishnan.” Blog.

Pvanderberg.blogspot.com: A1 Poetry Post: Poetry, Reviews, Interviews

& Thoughts. 31 May 2008. 25 July 2008 <
