(Incorporated in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam)



31 DECEMBER 2014

March 2015

OVERVIEW / 1 / Message from theChairman
3 / Vision-Mission-Core Values
7 / Introduction of the company
8 / The process of formation
10 / 35 years of building and development
11 / Representative events
12 / Achievement of privatization
16 / Business Scope
18 / Area of operation
24 / Executivecommittee members
Development Orientation
Environmental objectivesand responsibilitiesto the community
Risk management
BUSINESSACTIVITIES / Business performance in 2014
Business performance in 2015
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE / Organization structures
ERP Managing Model
Board of Directors Report
Supervisory Board Report
Corporate Governance Report
Internal Control
Investor Relations
General information aboutTNG
Corporate culture
FINANCIAL STATEMENT / Reportof theindependentauditor
Balance Sheet
Profit and Loss Statement
Cash flow statement
Management Discussion and Analysis


Mr. Nguyen Van Thoi, Congressman XII, Chairman of the Company TNG

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Starting from a primitive foundation with initial capital of 659.4 thousand VND, 02 buildings, 100 sewing machine brands Textima, 55 officers and employees; small number of leaders and garment factory workers, poor infrastructure. We have been through many ups and downs, difficulties.

2007markedseveralimportantmilestones. The companyrenamed toTNG Trade and Investment Joint stock company(abbreviated to TNG). On14/11/2007, the Company'sshares(Ticker: TNG) waslisted on theHanoiStock Exchange(HNX), which help to raise capitalon the stock marketbecomesmore favorable.

Looking back35years of construction, developmentand growth,until now TNGhas ownedthe giant property up to1,100billion VND, the number of employeesisapproximatelyonethousand people; ranks in the"Top 500largest enterprises inVietnam" andthe"TOP 10largest textileenterprisesthroughout the country."

In addition to02plantsin the center ofThai Nguyen city, combinationwith 04homesewing machines andaccessoriesinSong Cong Town, combination with garment factoryinPhuBinhandDai Tu, continuedexpansiontothePhuLuong, Dinh Hoa. TNGis proud to bethe leading companyin theprovinceofexportswith80millionUS dollarsperyear. The company's products have been sold inmostmajor marketsintheworldsuch as USA, Canada, EU. Contributing toeconomicrestructuring, acceleratedeconomic growthforlocal, countryandcreate jobs, reduce povertyforthousands of families.

Recognizingthe contributionsof the companyover time, especiallyin attractingandcreating jobsforlocallabor, the company hasbeen awarded the first LaborMedalby the Presidentof Vietnam, was given multiple awards and merits by PrimeGovernmentandministries, Thai Nguyen province.In particular, on the 35thanniversary ofthe establishment, the companyhonored to receive the Flagtitle asleadingthe movementin 2013.Therecognitionandencouragementis the timelyencouragementtostaffmembers, employees, laborerscompany to be active increation, continues tocontributemoreto societyinnew condition.

We areacutely awarethat, toachievesuchachievementwe have to thanks the helpoftheParty committees, governmentsand people ofthenationinThai Nguyen province. Besides, today’s successis also contributed by theformer members ofthemanagement of the company, all employeesof thecompanytoovercome difficulties and complete the targetsofthe PartyandState.

In the next 10 years, the company will build and fulfill the following objectives.

- Maintaining the growth rate of export value and revenue at least 30% / year.

- Rate of return on equity reaches 20% / year

- Dividend payment to shareholders at least 16% / year.

- Annual earnings of employees increases of 20% or more. Building luxury TNG apartment to ensure that 100% of employees working in TNG has dormitories.

To accomplishthe above objectives, TNGhas"wound" forafairlylongperiod of time, includinginvestment plansandbusiness plans. Expecteddemand forcapitalfromthe fourth quarter/2014to the end of2020to more than2,278billion.Thesolutionofferingincludes:

• First, meet the evaluation criteria of the customer.

• Second, continue to invest in expanding the manufacturing garments for export in the province; invest more new industries, new product, increasing the number of working employees to more than a thousand people. Investing more in TNG garment factory with land use scale is 5,8ha, capital of 175 billion VND to meet the needs of work for over 2,000 people, operated in quarter 1/2015.

2015will be theyearTNGpusha totalinvestmentwith nearly300billion VND.Then, the investment valuewilldecreaseuntil 2018, before movingtothe nextwave of investmentin2019.Since2019 to 2020, itwill be aperiod ofacceleratedreturnofinvestment plansofTNG. Accordingly, theestimated investmentfor2019willincreaseto $207billionandcontinues torise to264billionby 2020.

TNGfuture plan investment is in thestrategicopportunities whenVietnamsign an Agreement onthe Trans-PacificPartnership(TPP). Accordingly, TNGwill invest to increaselocalization, firstly, anadditional investment ofcottonproduction lines, instead ofonly oneas the currentline.

•Third, issue sharesto increase charter capitaltoVND 1,000 billiontoinvest in developingnew products. AchievingTop30most transparentcompanyonthe stock market

•Fourth,improving the quality ofhuman resourcesby developingstandardjob titles, encouraging staffandtraining workers to improve theirprofessional skills. Annualcompetitionheldforskilled workersat all levelstoimprove their skills, improvelabor productivity.

• Fifth,buildingstrong and cleanPartyandtheunions whichhavestrongoperationalefficiency.

• Sixth, investing toimprovethe materialand spiritualworkers, ensuring100% worker to have houseanddormitories.

On behalf ofthe Board of Directors, Iwould liketo deliver respected thanktoshareholdersandinvestors, customers, suppliers who arealways withTNG. Thanks forall employeesthe company who alwayscontributesandtriestoputTNGovercomedifficulties andchallenges, gradually developandgrow.

I would like to thank

Thai Nguyen, 01/01/2015

The chairman of the Board/Nguyen Van Thoi


TNGstrives to becomeVietnam's leading enterprisein the field oftextiles-footwearwithdesire, power, laboreffort, technical innovation, improving productivityandprofessionalismofadministrationto:

Export market:

•Export salesaverage growthof 125% /year

Domestic market
• TNG branch is top 10 branch in Vietnam

•Retail systemoperates in64 provincesinthe country
•Retail salesgrowsan averageof 150% /year

TNGdesires tocreateaVietnamesebrand, expressintellectualstatureandpride of Vietnamin the international arena.


As aleading textileenterpriseinthe textile sector– Nationwide providing of Vietnamleathershoes, garmentsaccording tointernationalquality standards.

Weunderstandthat thename ofTNGasamissionof the company, tobring successto everyone, includingcustomers, shareholders, partners, officersand employeesandthe community. WejustreallySUCCESS ifyou are satisfiedwith theproducts and servicesas well astransparentoperationof the company. This missionis definedandunderstoodin thecollective.

Core Values

Towards customers

CustomerswithTNGdevelopment, withthe message"The customer ispayingforour" customerrepresentsboth apartner, who yourespect, andcooperate, maintainanddevelop.

Disclosure of information transparency

2014notes an importanceininvestor relationsactivitiesinTNG. Publicrelationsandinvestorshareholdersare constantly professional, diversifiedtocontribute to thesustainable developmentof thecompany.

Aware of theresponsibilityto maximizethe benefit ofshareholdersandstrives toreachthe topcorporatedisclosuretransparencyat HNX, TNGensurestimelydisclosureandtransparency.

Continuousimprovementanddevelopment fully updatedbasic informationandimportantforshareholders, investorsandproject newsandpress releases.

Email nstantlyreceivesfeedbacksandinquiries, transfer of informationand documentstoshareholdersandinvestors.

Development of domestic brands:

Striving to build and develop TNG brand to become the TOP 10 Vietnam brand. Creating a diverse selection of new prices, suitable models for Vietnamese consumers.

Responsibility to the community and society

"The right of employees in TNG is not violated ", this commitment is ensured and maintained by the Chairman of TNG during the past year. Nearly 10,000 employees of the Company are not only guaranteed of fundamental rights, but also constantly be added other remuneration.

Introduction of the company:

Trading Name / : TNG Investment and Trading joint stock company
Abbriveation Name / : TNG
Charter capital / : 219.425.690.000 VND
Ticker / : TNG
Market price / : 25,800đ (at 06/03/2015)
Number of employees / : people
Address / : Number 160, Minh Cau Street, Thai Nguyen City, Thai Nguyen Province
Telephone / : 02803.856.508 Fax: 02803.856.408
Website / : Email:
- It is 80km away from north of Hanoi and50kmfrom Noi Bai International Airport. It takes01hoursby car to movefrom thecenterof HanoitoThai Nguyen, the timefromNoi Bai International AirporttoTNG is 40minutes.
- It is 180 km away from Hai Phong city. It takes 2.5 km from Center of Hai phong city to Thai Nguyen

Certificate ofBusiness RegistrationNo.4600305723issued by the Departmentof Planning andinvestmentin Thai Nguyen province,the first time is on02.01.2003; Registrationchangestimes21 on 03/06/2015.

JSC Bac Thai Electrical Construction
o Percentage of ownership: TNG 49% of charter capital.
o Main Business: Construction works on the grid
o TNG is currently engaging in the process of restructuring, improving organization and business strategy

oPercentage ofownership: TNGcontributes3,500,000,000VND, accounting for35% of charter capital.
oMainBusiness: Salesofapparelproducts.
oRevenuein 2014was about70billion VNDandis strivingto reach130-150billionby 2015.

History and Development
Date of establishment

TNG trade and investmentJSC, formerly known asNorthernThaigarment factory, was established on11.22.1979under Decision No.488/QD-UB's northernThaiprovince(nowin Thai Nguyen), withinitial capitalof659.4thousand VND. Enterprisewentinto operation on02/1/1980with02production lines. The main productsof the factoryarechildren's clothing, workwearaccording to thetargetsofthe Province People’s committes.


Dai tu plant operation

Inthepast few year, TNG has been constantly expanding garment factories to improve production capacity.

By the end of2014,the companyowns10subsidiariesand 178 sewing lines and 4 manufacturinggarmentaccessories branches.

On 2 May2015, TNGfficiallylaunchedPhase1of Dai Tu factoriesand will increase the production linesfrom10to 16in2015. In phase 2, TNG plans to double the production lines to 32. It considers the factor to help TNG develop revenue and profit in the future.

35years of buildinganddevelopment


EstablishingBac Thai garment factories-the forerunner of theTNG Trade and Investment Joint Stock company –22/11/1979daywith Decision No.488/QD-UB's the people committee of Bac Thai Province (Thai Nguyen province now) with the initial capital is 659,4 thounsand VND

NorthernThaigarment factorywentinto operation on02.01.1980with02production lines.

The main product arechildren's clothing, workwearaccording totargetsofProvince people committee.

Merginggarmentprocessingstation which is part ofthe tradeinNorthernThaigarment factorywith Decision No.124/QD-UB dated07/5/1981ofBac Thai people committee, increasingthe capital of theenterpriseto843.7thousand VND. Production capacityofenterprisesincreased08production lines. Revenuesin 1981doubledin 1980.


ImplementingDecree No.388/HDBT20/11/1991CouncilofMinisters on theestablishment ofthestate-owned enterprises.

Enterprisewas establishedunderDecision No.708/QD-UB dated22/12/1992of Bac Thai province. Accordingly, the Company'scapitalwasraised to577.2million.

Enterprise invest 2.733 million VND to renovate machinery and equipment, expandingthemarket to theEUandEastern Europeancountries, bringing revenueto reach336millionconsumers, createjobsand incomefor workers.

Enterprise was rename to theThai Nguyen Garment Companyunder Decision No.676/QD-UB dated11/04/1997of the Thai Nguyen People's Committee, with total capital of 1.735,1 millions

Joint Venture with Duc Giang garment company which belongs to Vietnam textile garment corporation to establish Joint venture Viet Thai garment company with total capital of 300 million Vietnamese dong.

Officiallybecame a memberof theVietnamTextile and Apparel Association(Vitas).

Renamed company to Thai Nguyen garmentexportsjoint stock company under Decision No.3744/QD-UB dated12/16/2002, the charter capitalof 10billion VND.

The companyincreasedits charter capitaltoover18billion VNDand approve investment projects to build TNGSongCong plantwitha total investmentof 200billion.

The companyincreasedits charter capitaltoover54.3billion.Approve thecompany's developmentstrategyuntil 2011andthe strategic directionforthenextyear.

Renamedthe company to TNG trade and investment company. Registeredlisting shareson Hanoisecurities tradingcenters


ReceivingEmulation FlagofVietnamTextile and Garment Group.


Honored to receive class II medal labor

2010 – 2012

Initiatingplant constructionTNGPhu Binhwith a totalinvestment of275billion, capacity of64production lines, attractingover4,000 working employees.

OperationalPhase 1: 13/06/2011; Phase2: 31/12/2012.

Increasedcapital to134.6billion VNDafterthe StateSecurities Commission approved to sell4,773,775sharesto the public.

Started construction of TNG Dai tu garment factorywith a totalinvestment of170billion, attractingover 2,000workers.

Received the honored flag of leading company in the sector of government

Thetypical eventsin2014

15/03/2014: AseanSmallCapFundofficially became amajor shareholder-the strategicinvestor-theTNG, the number ofsharescurrently held(as ofthe date22.12.2014) was1,284,899shares, representing 7.8% of totalcapital.

11/2014: Organizing the second skilled Contestworkersin 2014, nearly 1.2billionis the amountof reward. The purpose of competition is to honors skilled craftsmen, skilled, practicalactivity, to celebrate35years ofestablishment ofTNG.

11/22/2014: Celebrating35years ofconstruction and developmentandemulation. Receivedthe flag of the leading movementledby the Government.

25/11/2014: AtHanoi Stock Exchange(HNX), TNG trade and investment company (stock code: TNG)organized themeetingof shareholders, investorsentitled "Disclosure informationtransparency".

This is thefirst programin the seriesprogramoflisted companiesto hold the meetingwithinvestorsinthe frameworkoftheHNXinvestmentcorner.

12/2014: Implementing theKPIsincome regulation distributionin the entirecompany. Executing transparentpolicy for paymentof wages underlaborqualityresults, motivateemployeesto striveanddedicate.

2014: Social welfare

Presentinggifts and flowerstowomen on International Women's Day8/3 and the VietNamWomen's Union20/10with the amount of200million VND

OrganizingTNGFootball LeagueCup, TNG Festivalsingingcelebrate35year anniversary ofthe companyand the70-year anniversary of VietnamPeople's ArmyWiththesolo, duelprogramandgroup songofthebranches of thecompanywith a totalcost: nearly100million.

Organizingforover8000employeesto have vacationin the countryduring the30/4, 1/5; organizing for50 retirees to have vacation, the total amountof two vacation is 1.3billion VND. Successfully organizedholidaysinVietnamFamilyDay28/6, 27/7day of thedead soldiers.

Delivering 560Giftsfor good studying childrenof employees; organizingandgiftingfornearly6,000employees’ childrenon the occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival, InternationalChildren'sDay01/6with the amount ofnearly500billion VND.

Visiting andgiftingforstaff’s familyin thecompany who havedifficultieson the occasion of Lunar New year.

Makingcharitableworkthroughcampaigningof staff to contribute to the gratitudefunds(400tr / year) to supporttheAgent Orange fund, the fundfor the poor, education promotion fundsin the amount ofover125million VND. Supporting forconstruction of03housesof gratitudeforsupport with amountof30million VND/home.

Scale of buildings

TNG trade and investment companywas established on22.11.1979 with 100% of state capital.

Followequitization guidelinesanddivestmentsinStateenterprisesto enhanceoperational efficiencyofenterprises, promoteeconomicdevelopment, on 01/01/2003 TNGwas privatizedwith100% private capital.

At that time, TNG only hastwogarment factories which are Viet Duc and Viet Thai, the total land areaof about02ha.

After11years ofequitization, TNGhas grownto the sizeof 5plants with a combinedland areaof up to30ha.

Scale of people:

In 2003, thetotalnumber of TNG employeesis1150. In 2014, the number of employees who workedin TNG is about8963 people. This is themost valuableassetvalue which makestheproductionbusinessandisparticularly interested byTNG.

By 2015, total employmentis expected to be11,000, an increase of 9.5timesin comparison with 2003.


Asset value(E)

Operating profit


Profit aftertax(E)

In 2014, net profit aftertax of54billion VND, comparedwiththe same periodlast yearincreased by380% to 110% comparedwiththe assigned plan.

Macroeconomic situationimproves,positive number oforders, developmentofmajor and long customers, control borrowing costs, bank chargesandthe cost ofraw materials, whichisessentiallymainfactors topositivelyimpactbusiness results

In particular, management costsisreduceddue toactivelyappliedbyTNGmanagement systemERP softwaretocontroltheoperationquiteeffectively. Besides, TNGsets policiesto encourageemployeesto workenthusiastically.

In 2015, TNGplans thetax profit whichis expected to reach75billion VND, an increase of 1.5timesover the same period, an increase of 50timescompared to 2003. Looking ahead, TPPtrade agreementpromises tocreatedynamicnew growthforTNG.

The process ofrestructuringand development oftheplantandsupporting industryofTNG's plan is"catch up", which promises tobringTNGtakeoff, ensuresstrongfaithandbringsefficiency toshareholdersandinvestors.


In11years ofequitization, TNGmaintainsstabledividendpayout ratio. Last year, shareholdersofTNGwas paid dividend twice in sharesandcash.

Phase 1, the first time with the rateof 10%, which is the first advanced dividendin2014,be paid inshares. Phase2wasimplementedin January4/2015 by TNGat a rate of6%, which was paidin cash

The total spending amount is more than 23 billion VND.

Export turnover(millionUSD)
Export turnover intextilesafter11yearsofsecuritization increases sharply. Turnover in2014reached$ 90million,10 timesin 2003.

In 2015, exportsis expected to reach$ 110million, up120% over the same period. US, EU, Canada, Mexicoremains thetopthreemarketsof textilesconsumptionofTNG, particularly 3privatemarketaccounted for83% oftotalexportsof textiles.

Textile isone of thebright spotsin theexport pictureofVietnam. Under the impactoftheFree TradeAgreement(FTA) is about to besigned, stronggrowthis assessedtocontinuein2015.

Export markets

The company sellsdirectlyto thesellerODM. Export salesincreased byan averageof 25% /year.

Export salesincreases byan averageof 25% /year. The mainexport marketsare the USwith47%yield; EUreaches21%; Canada, Mexicoat about15%; South Koreareached7% andJapan6.5%. Other marketsaccount fornegligiblegainof 3.5%.

Business Scope
The main activityofTNG trade and investmentJSCispurchasinggarments, productionof packaging paper, plastic bags, plasticraincoatandmaterials forgarments. Vocational trainingfor industrialmachinery and equipment, fire equipment, fire fighting.

Number / Product / Unit / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
1 / Jacket / 6.700.000 / 7.400.000 / 8.400.000
2 / Cargo short / 9.000.000 / 9.800.000 / 11.100.000
3 / wadding / million yads / 1.000.000 / 2.000.000 / 4.000.000
4 / Carton Box / m2 / 1.000.000 / 2.500.000 / 4.500.000
5 / PE, PP Bag / Ton / 50,000 / 150,000 / 250.000
6 / Industrial laundry / 8.000.000 / 6.000.000 / 6.500.000
7 / Industrial printing / 550.000 / 2.000.000
8 / Industrial embroidery / 3.000.000 / 2.700.000 / 2.000.000

Clothing industryexports

TNGisone of theactive membersof theVietnamTextile and Apparel Association(Vitas).

Children'sclothing: Salesgrowsduring theperiod2010 - 2014, EUis thelargest marketand thepotential customer forthis item. The number ofclothing itemsto bepurchasedper capitaincreases, however, priceswillnotincreasein proportionrespectively.

Clothing types:

US, Canada, Mexicoisan attractivemarket, idealgarment industryforits large population, the majoritylive in urban areaswithhighlevelsof national income. Therefore, purchasing power ishugeanddiverse needs

Toexportto the US, theitemmust notfacetradebarriers. Since then, the ability tounderstandthe marketandorientationsforthe importof modern technologytoproducehigh qualitygoods is enhanced.

Supporting Industries

Textile isoneof the fewsectorsofour countryhasa comparative advantageandcompetitivenesswithother countries, the governmentidentifies asapriorityinthe talksoffree tradeagreements

For over10years, thanks to the effortsof the entiretextile industry-footwear, localizationratioofraw materialshasbeensignificantly improved.

In order to notdepend on thematerial source, the most importantsolutionhas long beenreferred to build supporting industry. To catchthe trend, the TNGhas investedsupporting industry, includingcottoncap, embroidery, washing, printing, packaging, cartons, plastic bags

In2015,TNGplans toinvest01 transferring cottonmachine with total investment is$ 2million,which will operate inaroundthe second quarterof 2015

Domesticproduction with TNG brand
TNGis in the process of penetratingthe local market. Every year, TNG producesunique collection, diversecolorsanddesigns, catch upwithworldfashion trends.

With theslogan"TNG -mychoice", TNG heads towardsbeautifulgarmentsandconstantly improveproduct quality.

In2015 - 2016, TNGplans toinitiateThai NguyenTrade Centerat: MingDuongBridgeNo.160, Thai Nguyen city, Thai Nguyen

Board of Directors
Board of Directors
The term2014 - 2018

1. Mr Nguyen Van Thoi


Year of Birth: 1958

Appointment time: 2003

Working experience
1982 - 1992: Captain, supplying team of Bac Thai electrical constructioncompany

1993:DeputyDirector ofBac Thai garment factory
1993 - 2002: Director of theThai Nguyen Garment Company
2003- present: Chairman ofTNG Trade and Investment Joint stock company


Deciding business plans and annual budgets

Definingoperational objectiveson the basis ofthestrategic objectivesadoptedby theGeneral Meeting of Shareholders

Decidingorganizational structure, internalmanagement rulesof the Company

ElectricalMine Engineering, Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor ofPolitical

Management experienceincompanies
Over20 years experience ingeneralmanagement andover 13 years ofexperience ofChairman

Number of sharesholding
4,435,020shares, equivalent to20.21%.



Chairman ofthe Associationof Thai Nguyen business province
Vice Chairman of theAssociationof Thai Nguyen business city

TypicalBusiness Awards
Labor Third Medal2007

2. Mr Nguyen Duc Manh

Independent Director

Year of Birth: 1983

Appointment time: 2007

Working experience
1995:Thai NguyenGarment Company
2010- 2011: Head of Sales Department CorporationTNG Trade and Investment joint stock company
2011- present: Member ofthe Board, Deputy General Director ofTNG trade and investment company

MonitoringTNGbrandinthe domestic market

Coordinating ofTNG withthe major brandsin the US,EUandJapan

Bachelor of Information Technology-USA,
BachelorLanguage: Shanghai, China

Management experienceincompanies
Business ManagerofTNGsince 2007

Number of sharescurrentlyheld
611 050shares

3.Mr.Nguyen VanThosi
Board Member
Year of birth: 1971
Time ofappointment

Working experience
1995 - 2013: Officer at Thai NguyenGarment Joint Stock Company
2013-8/2014: DeputyGeneral Director ofTNG Trade and Investment Joint stock company

9/2014- present: General Director ofTNG Trade and Investment Joint stock company

Monitoringthe exports activities
Enhancingrevenue, profitgrowthofTNG

Bachelor ofBusiness Administration, University ofNational Economy

Management experienceincompanies
-Having18years of experiencein thetextile field.
-Over 10years as amanagerinthe garment industry

Number of sharesholding



Former Director ofThai Binh company

4.Ms Ly Thi Lien

Board Member
Year of birth: 1962
Time ofappointment
Working experience
1989 - 1995: Industrial and Commercial Bankof Yen Bai
1996:Thai Nguyen Garment Company
1998 - 2008: Chief AccountantThaiGarment Company
2008 -present:Member ofthe Board-Deputy General Director ofTNG trade and investment company

Monitoringthe activitiesof personnel,finance, import and export, theinternal affairsofficecorporations

Providingsolutionstocontrol theinflowofTNG

College ofFinanceand banking

Management experienceincompanies
19years of experiencein thetextile industry.
17years ofmanagementinthe field of finance, personnelofTNG
Number of sharescurrentlyheld

5.Mr. Nguyen Viet Thanh
IndependentBoard Member
Year of birth: 1956