Organization’s Overview
1. Background
2. About Us
3. Vision
4. Mission
5. Goal
6. Core values of the Organization
7. How Bal Vikas Dhara Works
8. Strength of the Organization
9. Our Strategies
Core Issues
1. Child Rights
i. Child Survival
ii. Child Development
iii. Child Protection and Child Participation
2. Women Empowerment
3. Youth skill development
Our Team
1. List of Board Member
2. Our Employees
Our Partners: Plan International, DSACS,
“ आओ दो दो हाथ बटायें,
बच्चों को अधिकार दिलाएं”
“Give hand to fight
Children’s rights
Women’s Empowerments.”
1. BackgroundThe head of BVD Mr. Debendra Kumar Baral, a former unorganized labour union leader as well as a social activist who had worked intensively in the National Educational Campaign and National Campaign against child Labour in his association with South Asia Coalition on Child Servitude (SACCS),Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA) and Bonded Labour Liberation Front. He felt bad for the children who are child labourer, neglected & exploited from the community. Then he decided to do something for the betterment of the children. He met Dr, Bharat Singh and some other people with same thought & discussed about his ideas. Finally, they decided to register an organization to work in a proper channel to solve the problems of children & women then an organization came into existence called Bal Vikas Dhara (BVD) in 1993 with the aim of overall community development. The organization's registered office is B, 118, Nanhe Park, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi and main operational office is at Mahipalpur, New Delhi.
2. About Us
"Bal Vikas Dhara(BVD) is a registered Non Government Organization, has been working in South-West areas of Delhi & part of Haryana in the field of women empowerment, child development, youth employability and empowerment activities for more than 2 decades. The main focus of the organization had initially been with the children who engaged in the exploitative climate. The organization enrolled the non school going children’s from rag picking community for the NFE centres run by the organization. It has promoted self-help groups among women's and youth. It has provided necessary training, motivation and skills to them for critically analyzing their problems and to come out with suitable plan of action for their development. The training is entirely based on participatory learning methods. Hence, according to the local problems and issues, the development activities in environment, health, education, collective employment etc are undertaken. It has established links with various national & international NGOs, Government and other agencies and is undertaking consultancy, and training and support service.
3. Vision
Bal Vikas Dhara envisaged a prosperous society based on social Justice and equal rights for all.
4. Mission
BVD works towards empowerment of the marginalized communities with special focus on women and children by creating awareness on the causes leading to denial of rights and asserting those rights as collective group with a commitment to build a responsible civil society just governance impact.
5. Goal
To achieve dignity, security and equity among the poor and marginalized communities through organized and sustainable efforts.
6. Core Values of the Organization
The values should actively present in the organization for better implementation and outcome of the community. The main values are Solidarity, Punctuality, Transparency, Honesty, Courage Democracy, Accountability, Responsibility
7. Strategies
· Awareness, sensitization and mobilization of communities through different modes.
· Rapport building with the community.
· Building organization and capacity building.
· Linkages with likeminded people, organization and networks.
· Influencing policy in favor of poor and marginalized through peaceful & constructive means.
· Local resource mobilization.
8. Process
Bal Vikas Dhara as per its plan and budget includes CBOs and community members for the effective implementation of the activities. The process of implementation has been described in five folds:
· Capacity Building- Trainings, workshops, group meetings, community meetings, gali meetings, home visits etc.
· Advocacy- Sensitization to policy makers, Politicians, media, other stakeholders to mobilize community people etc.
· Campaign- Rally, Protest camp, Interface, conference, distribution of literatures, news paper publication etc.
· Networking-Linkage with Public Administration, NGOs, civil Society Organizations, Govt. Depts., Judiciary, Media, Institutions etc.
· Record Keeping & Documentation-Bal Vikas Dhara keeps the records as well as photographs of all implemented activities.
9. Strengths of the Organization
· Dedicated And Qualified staff.
· All staffs are expertise in their respective work.
· All Projects are running under transparent management.
· Governing Body conducts yearly evaluation meetings.
· General Body conducts Yearly Evaluation meetings to approve interventions.
· Advisory Board advises Bal Vikas Dhara on regular basis.
· Legal Status-Society registration Act 1860 , FCRA, 80G, 12A, PAN, TAN
· Purchase committee-Responsible for adopting fair practice for obtaining Quotation and purchases.
· HR policy – Guide for staff appointment and contact letters.etc.
· BVD have Child Protection Policy.
1. Child Rights
Child is a one of weaker and marginalized section of the society. United Nation Convention on the Right of the Child (UNCRC) on 20 November 1989 declared four major rights of a child; Right to survive, Right to protection, Right to development, Right to participation. India has signed this declaration on 1992. All rights are equally important and are connected to each other. Children are born with these rights which no one can take away. Many adults are responsible to help protect your rights and do what is best for you. As they grow, they have more authority to make choices and exercise their rights. The basic and main objective of Bal Vikas Dhara is to ensure all rights of a child.
i. Child Survival
Right to survive is first right declared by UNO. A child's right to survival begins before a child is born. According to Government of India, a child life begins after twenty weeks (140 days) of conception. Hence the right to survival is inclusive of the child rights to be born, healthy food and clean water, right to minimum standards of food, shelter and clothing, and the right to live with dignity. Bal Vikas Dhara is running several number of programe so that right to survive could be insure to children.
To ensure this right Bal Vikas Dhara undertake following activities/tasks.
Health has always been one of the core issues. Safe motherhood and childcare are the objectives of healthcare in BVD. Bal Vikas Dhara is running one charitable health clinic ‘Daiichi Sankyo Arogya Health Clinic’ at Rangpuri Pahadi. In this community level clinic patients avail the health services and medicine at very cheaper rates (medicine 25% of total cost). The organization has also been organizing free health camps in intervention area. More than 400 ANC and PNC care along with 383 immunizations have been facilitated. It has also been promoting institutional delivery.
Annual felicitation meeting with mother groups was done in chauppal of Mahipalpur. Mothers groups from Isreal camp, Shanker camp,Tarachand, Nalapar, participated with objectives to increase the awareness on the importance of antenatal, natal and postnatal care, to promote safe and institutional deliveries, to increase the awareness on the importance of neonatal and child care focusing on the importance of immunization. The Stakeholder from health dept, ICDS, sanitation also participated. Healthy babies and mothers were given motivational gift. CDPO said that they need help of BVD in program run by government in these areas like monitoring and sending their children in program. CMO said there are facilities available in CHC and PHC and this is for community to avail it. Some facilities are not available in CHC at present but the authorities are working to make them also available soon. Special prizes were given to the women who preferred institutional delivery instead of home delivery.
Awareness event on immunization and kuposhan: The objective of the event is to spread awareness on balanced diet for children (0-5) and pregnant women during pregnancy. Spreading awareness among community about Kuposan and importance of immunization especially pregnant and mothers those are having children up to 5 years of age group on growth monitoring.
Overall Output: 493 lactating and pregnant mothers were made aware on maternal and child health and institutional delivery was achieved.
Sensitizing family of Pregnant Women about their nutrition
· 174 Pregnant women were identified in all seven communities during this year out of which 99 fully immunized and immunization of 28 women is in process.
· 383 Deliveries held during this year
· All 383 children are alive.
Immunization of the children in age group 0-1 years: Out of 210 (110m, 100f) old + 141(62m, 79f) new born children 96 (50 male, 46 female) have been fully immunized during this year. Immunization of 119 (45 m, 72 f) is in process.
Universal Birth Registration: UBR camps organised for children in the community who are not having birth certificates. The event significantly contributed in creating awareness about birth registration in intervention area of Bal Vikas Dhara. With the great effort of staff and volunteers a total 360 children have received their birth certificates from MCD birth and death department Nazafgarh, New Delhi.
KAP Profiling
· We have done the KAP Profiling of 20 children from three communities, Ekta Vihar, Soniya Gandhi Camp and ML1.
Growth Monitoring: Growth monitoring in Shanker camp, Tarachand, Isreal camp, Nalapar was done for all children 0-5 years. Nutrition camp was organised for awareness on nutritious diet in community where nutrition expert told women on how to make the food they give to their children nutritious. She also suggested pregnant women to eat nutritious food available at home. 500 women were made aware on Maternal and child health. 149 women are registered and have completed 3 ANC and 34 deliveries by TBA done. People go for institutional delivery in Safdarjang Hospital. 21 women are benefitted by JSY.
Ø Number of SAM (Severe Acute Malnutrition) children decreased from 16% to 6%
Ø During this year 120 SAM children (42m, 78f) have been shifted to MAM
Ø 53 SAM children (22m, 31f) have been shifted to normal grade.
Ø 81 MAM children (36m, 45f) have been shifted to normal grade.
Ø 30 children have been linked to PHCs.
Ø Saved life of three children whose situation was very serious
Ø Anganwadi Workers at Nasirpur referred 5 SAM children to PHC.
Anganwadi Activation: Immunization is started in 4 Anganwadi Centers at ML1 & ML2. In comparison of last year number of children covering in growth monitoring is increased. In 8 Anganwadi centers 280 children have been covered in growth monitoring during the month of June 2015 which increased to 491 in Feb 2016 Number of SAM children registered in AWCs is increased which was 6 in the month of June 2015 now it is 11 in 8 AWCs. 11 Anganwadi centers are now conducting mother group meetings regularly. Last year most of Anganwadi were not doing mother group meeting consistently. Over all functioning of AWCs improved in our intervention area.
AWC monthly sessions: Children learned numbers, counting, poem, stories. Main objective of this session was to develop the physical mental and social aspect of children. All participants learnt in a joy full manner.
Outcomes-Mostly children of AWC learned counting, poem and stories telling etc.
Anganwadi Mela: The objective is to make community aware about the services available at Anganwadi centers and to make Anganwadi workers acquainted with community. Anganwadi Mela was organized in Rangpuri Pahari at different location by Bal Vikas Dhara-plan. All the teachers & helpers of six anganwadi were invited for Anganwadi Mela . During this Mela, children and community people made aware about the ECCD milestones, facilities available in ICDS centre etc.
Monthly meeting of Anganwadi Sahayata Samiti-
Monthly meeting is conducted with two anganwadi sahayata samiti group. There are 16 members in each group. The group core responsibility is to monitoring anganwadi. During monthly meeting group members discussed about the functioning of Anganwadi and the problems of anganwadi.
Quarterly capacity building of Anganwadi Sahayata Samiti on ICDS & ECCD milestone-.Points which discussed in this activity:-
· What is ICDS & Anganwadi services
· Understanding situation of children under six in their area.
· Who is child?
· Child development: definition, process & characteristic.
· Importance of early childhood & Pre schooling
· Importance of Family in child development & in child’s personality.
· Understand age wise need of children below six years.
· Types of development.
· Importance of community participation in ICDS
Roles responsibility of Anganwadi Sahayata Samit
Major achievement-
S.N. / Details / Total Numbers1 / AWWs and helpers trained on Positive Discipline / 13(1-Supervisor&12-AWWs)
2 / Total sessions at AWCs by mobilizes this will increase 15% enrolment/retention in AWCs / 12 session and 247Enrolment & Retention
3 / Total children accessing the AWC services / 247
4 / Total pregnant and lactating women accessing AWC services / 111
5 / Total new enrolments at AWC (male/female child) / 45
6 / Number of Children transferred to class 1 from AWCs / 24(Male-19 & Female-16)
7 / Total AW sahayata summits / 2
8 / Total AWCs monitored by district level officials / 1
9 / Total children having UBR in AWCs m/f / 130
10 / Total sponsored children going to AWCs / 90
· We have focused on all cases in cases of dirty toilets principal of schools assured us to increased frequency of cleaning toilets and in one school appointed 1 more sweeper.
Networking for Advocacy through inclusion
· We have participated in a consultation on malnutrition which was conducted by APR at constitutional Club. We also shared our data of growth monitoring to APR for preparing report on malnutrition. .