Tuesday January 10, 2017

City Hall Council Chambers

The Council of the City of Oregon met Tuesday January 10, 2017, 5:30 P.M. City Hall

Council Chambers.

Present: Mayor Ken Williams

Commissioner Jim Barnes

Commissioner Terry Schuster

Commissioner Thomas E. Izer

Commissioner Kurt Wilson

Sgt. Randy Cropp

City Clerk/Treasurer Charlene Ruthe

City Attorney Paul Chadwick

City Clerk Charlene Ruthe started the pledge of allegiance.

Public Comment

Steve Rypkema, a resident of Oregon, expressed his support in adding the Riverfront Zoning. Also, glad the City didn’t force the preexisting ones to change their current use.

Commissioner Thomas E. Izer moved to approve the December 20, 2016 minutes, Seconded by Commissioner Jim Barnes.

Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.

Commissioner Terry Schuster moved to approve the payroll in the amount of

$51,788.98 and current warrants as listed:

AT&T, $166.98

Biller Press, $219.83

Blueline Learning Group, $136.00

Bonnell Industries, $166.91

Buddy Jenkins, $109.50

Cintas, $155.14

Comcast, $104.90

ComEd, $2,737.69

Constellation New Energy, Inc., $3,079.07

Ehmen, $240.00

Ehmen, $508.39

Envision Healthcare, Inc., $267.00

Euclid Managers, $1,551.25

Fidelity Security Life Insurance, $368.44

First National Bank, $661.79

Fischer’s, $977.71

Frontier, $380.92

Hawkins, Inc., $569.50

Healthcare Service Corp., $11,869.01

Hometown Auto Repair, $104.37

Interstate Auto Repair, LLC, $1,112.75

Jeff Pennington, $74.18

Ken Williams, $252.20

McHenry Analytical water, $30.00

Mike Bowers, $71.82

Mobotrex, $255.00

Motorola Starcom 21 Network, $1,728.00

Oregon Chamber of Commerce, $2,500.00

Oregon Super Valu, $110.80

Petty Cash, $94.22

Physicians Immediate Care, $286.00

Postmaster, $544.88

Quill, $98.28

Ray O’Herron Co., Inc., $286.54

Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories, $48.25

Sun Life Financial, $333.00

Thompson Truck & Trailer, Inc., $195.46

Willett Hofmann & Assoc., $34,796.90

Seconded by Commissioner Kurt Wilson.

Discussion: Commissioner Jim Barnes asked what the $2,500.00-dollar check to the Chamber of Commerce was for. Commissioner Terry Schuster said it was for banners; which were paid by an anonymous donation.

Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.

Commissioner Kurt Wilson moved to approve the Plan Commission recommendation for the Riverfront Zoning Ordinance, Seconded by Commissioner Terry Schuster.

Discussion: Commissioner Jim Barnes feels the ordinance is too restrictive for new businesses and he also asked if a soil boring had been done in the proposed area. Ogle County had one done when they were in the planning stage for the new Sheriff’s Department Building and found out it’s sandy and probably wouldn’t be able to build a two-story building in the area.

Mayor Ken Williams said if we want anything changed it’s a Plan Commission recommendation we could send it back to them.

Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.

Mayor Ken Williams tabled the Proclamation for “Commemorating School Choice Week” until the next meeting.

Sgt. Randy Cropp announced that Police Officer Mattas is at training.

Commissioner Terry Schuster announced that the Economic Development Committee made a motion to apply for an Intern through Western Illinois University. They would be from the Peace Corp. it’s an eleven-month program and would cost the City about $5,000.00 dollars.

Commissioner Thomas E. Izer announced that the Street Department Employees have been working on painting the garbage lids from the containers in the downtown area. He and Street Superintendent Mike Bowers looked into the parking on Lillemor Lane, the Street is not wide enough per the Motor Fuel Tax Standards. This was something the developer requested when developing the subdivision.

Mayor Ken Williams said we have had a lot going on this past year. Updated the Comprehensive Plan, updating the City Codes, new City website, developing Riverfront Zoning, and in the process of a TIF District. Tomorrow morning at 11:00 am will be an Advisory Board meeting for the proposed TIF District.

Commissioner Jim Barnes moved to adjourn the meeting, Seconded by Commissioner Thomas E. Izer.

Roll Call: Barnes, Izer, Schuster, Wilson, Williams. No Nays.

Adjourn: 5:47 PM

ATTEST: ______

Ken Williams, Mayor


Charlene Ruthe, City Clerk