Musical playground

Focus Questions

  1. What materials were used to make the musical playground?
  2. What instruments did they make?
  3. How are percussion instruments played?
  4. What does the word `percussion’ mean?
  5. Why is the musical playground unique?
  6. What types of music are students learning to write and play?
  7. How is the musical playground being used in other subject areas?
  8. What skills are needed to play the instruments?
  9. How is the musical playground encouraging more kids to learn music?
  10. How did this story make you feel?

Musical playground

Students will explore percussion instruments in more detail.

Begin by asking students to look at the words below. With a partner, recall how they were used in the BtN story and illustrate each word.

percussion musical playground

innovation award classical reggae


Students can choose one or more of the following activities:

Create a rhythmic pattern using body percussion (clapping, whistling, stomping feet). Perform the pattern to a small group or class.

Investigate how high and low notes are produced on percussion instruments (what happens when vibrations get faster and slower?)

Working with other students, design your own musical playground using recycled materials. Think about how the instruments can be incorporated into the existing school playground.

Create a hand held percussion instrument. The following websites may help Teach a friend to play the instrument.

Choose one of the following percussion instruments and write a short description (including history/culture, how it’s played, the sound it makes) and illustrate it.
Xylophone, marimba, conga, djembe, timpani, maracas, agogo bells, castanets.

Make a quiz or crossword about percussion instruments. Give it to another student to try.

8 Related Research Links
Northumberland Orchestra – Percussion instruments

Thinkquest – Percussion

Classics for Kids – Percussion family

Online Schools – How does a piano work?

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