This is my first year in the office of the director of studies at kakamega high school, the office discharge with Herculean tasks of turning round the school academic performance. When I mention turning around the performance it is in comparison to the co-curriculum activities where the results have been meritorious. In fact the academic performance is a pale shadow of the co-curriculum performances, and this is the burden my office has to bear.
A number of indicators are pointing to the fact that it is possible to turn round the results
First, is the school being a center of excellence in kakamega central district every stake holder is trying not to let the school down. The tusk is well defined to all stake holders namely the B.O.G, the teaching staff parents and students. The B.O.G and parents in particular have come to offer financial support and have spot checks in general student discipline
The teams have a change in attitude and are supporting the system in place. All the above mentioned teams are saying no to mediocrity. Of course that is the only way the school can be termed so. It therefore implies that each team is striving to attain some high degree of efficiency in service delivery. Coupled with our motto “in unity is strength” never have these words fitted than today
Secondly as teaching staff, quit a number of my colleagues have embraced ICT. Means that we have changed our pedagogy in tandem with modern ways, which is quit a step in the positive direction. I hope this will impact positively to my students who have also not been left behind in pursuit of knowledge in this global village.
In subjects like physics, chemistry, mathematics and computer studies lessons are conducted using power point presentations. Our continuous assessment tests and end term results are realized using projectors and power point. Of course analyzing is done by a linked network of programmed system. Other than the analysis, the end of term report card is also produced locally.
Thirdly, as a school we have adopted the laid down curriculum tailored it to suit our needs. My school is center of many activities thus we know that our pace must be slightly different from other institutions if we have to cover the syllabus on time and perform well academically. Amongst the programmes in place are:
- Academic counseling where we team up with the parents once a month to critically look at the student’s academic progress.
- Remedial lessons which are time tabled and meant to focus on weak performers, those drop and those who are not steady in their work. The remedial lessons also cover the lost hours during co-curricular activities.
Fourthly, is the branding of our students. We currently operate using schools.
The form four schools headed by Ms Akweywa Catherine are known as the grand matchers’ .they projected a mean of 9.3 in there K.C.S.E 2010. The form three schools headed by Mr. Moni Rapando are called the “super strikers”. Their projection is a mean of 9.5 Mr.Wycliffe Indakawa heads the form two school who are known as the “high flyers”. This team wants to fly with a target of 10.0 come their time. Ms Rebecca Isutsas form one school target a mean of 10.1 in their K.C.S.E examinations. All is possible. Where there is a will there is a way.