Drama I
Instructor: Mr. Pullen
Course Website: Hours: Wednesdays during lunch or by appointment
I. Course Description:
This course is an introduction to the Dramatic arts. The objective of this class is threefold: to foster an appreciation for all forms of Drama, to develop theatrical skills (acting, directing, script writing, etc.), and to critically evaluate the interpretation of live performances. Students will read plays from different periods in history and discuss theater’s impact on ancient and modern civilizations. Students will also be required to participate in activities that are designed to prepare them to “act” on stage, culminating in a variety of in-class performances that will include: improvisations, monologues, two-person scenes, and group scenes.
This is an introductory performance-based class, and as such all students will be requiredto perform. Students’ knowledge of theater will also be assessed in the form of quizzes, a midterm, and a final. The content of these assessments will be taken directly from lecture and selected readings. Students will satisfy the final component of this class, critical evaluation, by attending two live theatrical performances and writing a critique.
Critiques:Students are required to see TWO shows by the El Diamante Drama Department per semester. After viewing the show they will be required to write a critique. The critique may be submitted for credit up until a week following the last performance of the show. For instance, Our Town closes on Friday, October 2nd, so students may turn in their critique at any time before the start of class the following Friday. No late critiques may be submitted after that time.
III. Grading Policy:
The grade a studentearns will be in direct proportion to the quality and effort of that student’s work. The following scale will be used to calculate grades.A grade of “C” is judged to be work of average quality, a “B” is above average and an “A” grade recognizes work that is truly exceptional.
Grading Scale:
A = 90 – 100
B = 80 - 89.9
C = 70 - 79.9
D = 60 – 69.9
F = 59.9 – below
Homework:Homework assignments must be complete for a student to receive full credit. If the student is in class onthe day an assignment is due, the homework must be turned in at the BEGINNING of the period. If a student has an excused tardy, they must turn in the assignment that period. LATE WORK IS NOT ACCEPTED.
Citizenship: All students receive a citizenship grade. Citizenship is based on attitude, participation, andattendance. Three or more unexcused absences in a semester will result in an unsatisfactory citizenshipmark.
IV. ClassroomExpectations
Enter the classroom ready to work.
Respect yourself and others.
Keepcell phones,food or music devices outside of class or neatly stored in your backpack.
Have FUN!
Cell phones and Portable Music Devices (Ipods): All students will be required to have all personal technology put away during class. If a student has an item out during class, I will immediately confiscate the device hold it till the end of the day. If the problem continues, I will send it to the learning director’s office for parent pick-up.
Tardies: If a student is more than 5 minutes tardy (unexcused) and homework has already been collected, the student will NOTbe allowed to turn in the assignment for credit. After the third and fourth tardies students will have room detention with me. After five tardiesstudents will be referred to their learning director for disciplinary action. In-class detention may be assigned during lunch or afterschool. Students who fail to show up for detention will automatically receive a referral.
I look forward to working with you this year. It is going to be challenging and we are all going to learn a lot. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Mr. Pullen
Cut on the dotted line and turn in to me by the next class period
By signing below you acknowledge that you have read and understood the requirements of the class as detailed in Mr. Pullen’s “Drama I” course syllabus.