Welcome Home!!

On behalf of our entire staff, I would like to welcome you to our inaugural year at Heritage Trails Elementary. I hope that everyone is excited to begin a year of fun and learning. The purpose for this guide book is to give parents a brief, handy explanation of some of our policies and procedures. Hopefully this will help you and your children better understand the expectations of Heritage Trails as well as provide information on available resources to assist your family. If you have any questions about this guide or anything else regarding our great school, please feel free to contact me and I will do my best to get you the answers you need. I hope this will be a terrific year for the entire Heritage Trails family. We are all looking forward to working with you!


Jason Perez

Principal, Heritage Trails Elementary


Regular attendance is not only a legal obligation, it’s vital to the success of our students.

  • Reporting an absence

Please contact the Heritage Trails office by 9:00 am if you know that your child is going to be absent. Households that do not report their students absent will be contacted through the district automated messenger.

  • Homework

If you need homework for an absent student, please notify the office staff when reporting your child absent for the day. Homework will be available for pick up in the office after 3:00 pm.

  • Checking in/Checking out students

If a student arrives after 9:00 am, an adult will need to come to the office and sign in at the window. Students will receive a tardy slip which will allow them access to their classroom. If you need to check your child out early, you will need to sign them out at the office window. Please be prepared to show photo ID. If someone other than the primary caregiver is checking a student out, please call the school ahead of time.

  • Tardies

Students who arrive to school between 9:00 am and 10:30 am will be marked tardy.

  • Excessive absences and tardies

District policy allows only 5 unexcused absences per nine weeks. Our staff realizes that incidents will occur that require a student to be absent more often and we will consider each case on an individual basis. However, it is our legal obligation to report excessive tardies and absences to the district attorney’s office. Please refer to the district handbook for a better definition of excused and unexcused absences.

Visiting Heritage Trails

We are always happy to have families stop by and see the many great things going on at Heritage Trails!!

  • Visitors

All visitors to Heritage Trails must sign in at the office window and receive a visitor sticker. Please be sure to wear your sticker so students and staff can recognize you as a guest and treat you appropriately.

  • Lunch

Parents and family members wishing to have lunch with their children may do so at the table located in the coves located on both sides of the main entrance. Please sign into the office and grab a visitor sticker. Your child may join you when they come to the cafeteria. Please limit the students involved to strictly those students you are related to.

  • Helpers

Classroom helpers are always encouraged! Please talk with your child’s homeroom teacher to schedule times to participate or just visit. We also would love additional teacher workroom helpers and media (library) helpers. Depending on the situation, the office may need you to initially sign certain permission forms allowing you to help.


The safety of your children is just as important as their education. Heritage Trails Elementary continues to strive to provide the safest and securest environment possible for all our students.

  • Injuries

Bumps and bruises are a regular part of the elementary school experience. On a daily basis, students will come to the office for bags of ice, band-aids, and other items to treat minor injuries. However, if a larger incident takes place we will be sure to notify parents based on the phone numbers listed on the enrollment form. Because of this procedure, it is important to contact the school if any of your personal information changes. Heritage Trails has a nurse on duty only one day per week, so it may become necessary to contact parents for advice concerning the well-being of their children. If a parent cannot be notified, any other numbers on the enrollment form will be used. If all options are exhausted, the principal or classroom teacher may act in loco parentis.

  • Prohibited Items

To prevent theft, injury, or damage of expensive equipment, several items are not allowed to be brought to school:

  • Items listed in the district handbook
  • Sports equipment of any type
  • Toys
  • Electronic games, walkmans, MP3 players, etc.
  • Flip-flop sandals. These break regularly and cause disruption in the school day
  • Any type of caffeinated/sugar energy drink.
  • Hats, bandanas, or other headgear
  • Bullying

Bullying is one of the largest disciplinary issues of any elementary school, and one of the most difficult to combat. Students who bully usually do so in secretive to prevent receiving negative consequences from the teacher. Bullying can cause students to become afraid, depressed, angry, or distracted. The best way to combat bullying is through effective communication and swift action. If your child is being bullied, please reassure them that the teachers are there to help and it is necessary for them to report bullying AS SOON AS IT HAPPENS. If you think your child is being bullied, please contact the homeroom teacher as soon as possible.

  • Dropping off students

Please do not drop off students any earlier than 8:30. Because of our before/after school program, students will not be allowed to enter the school before 8:30. Students who arrive earlier than 8:30 will not be supervised in any way.

To prevent blocking traffic, we ask that no one park in front of the main doors when dropping off students. If you wish to walk your child in, please park in the school parking lot.

Parent/Classroom Communication & Involvement

Parent support and communication is vital to the success of our students. By involving yourself in your child’s education, you are ensuring them a positive experience.

  • Parent Portal

Moore Public Schools is pleased to offer the Parent Portal website. Through this site you may view your child’s current grades in any subject, as well as attendance and past report cards. Visit the Heritage Trails office to get registered and receive your password. Parent Portal can be accessed from any computer with Internet access. If you do not have a computer at home you may use the computers at the public library or those in our computer lab when not in use by students.

  • Conferences/Meeting

Two dates are scheduled during the school year (fall and spring) for formal Parent/Teacher conferences; however, our staff is always willing to meet with parents. If you’d like to set up a meeting with your child’s teacher or the principal, please call the office or e-mail.

  • Conflict Resolution

If for any reason a problem arises at the school, please contact us so the situation can be resolved as soon as possible. If there are complaints regarding any issues please refer to the district parent/student handbook for the district policy.

  • PTA

PTA continues to be the strongest supporter of any school. Through the hard work and dedication of our participants, we will be able to provide newer equipment and richer educational opportunities to our students. Membership does not require additional time volunteering. However, for those eager to volunteer the PTA has a variety of options that would fit into your schedule.

  • Parties

Every classroom has two parties each year. The dates are set at the beginning of each year. Those desiring to bring cookies, cupcakes, or other baked items for the classroom party or even for celebrating birthdays are encouraged to do so (based on each teacher’s classroom policy) as long as the baked items are purchased rather than made at home. Due to health standards, homemade items cannot be passed out to students in the classroom.

District Transportation

Heritage Trails Elementary has several yellow buses that provide transportation for both regular education and special education students.

  • Bus Conduct Reports

Bus drivers establish rules and procedures for each individual bus. If a student does not follow the rules, they may receive a Bus Conduct Report. These reports are written and maintained by the Transportation Department. The role of the principal and the school is simply as the messenger between the bus driver and the home. Any complaints regarding bus incidents should be referred to the Transportation Department.

  • Bus Conduct Report Policy

It is the goal of this school, as well as this district, to provide safe and reliable transportation for students who ride our buses. When students violate the bus conduct policy designed by Moore Public Schools (refer to your Parent/Student Handbook) the bus driver will issue a Bus Conduct Report. To ensure that students are held responsible for their behavior on the bus, Heritage Trails Elementary has implemented the following Bus Conduct Report procedure:

  • 1st & 2nd report—Warning
  • 3rd report—Loss of bus privileges for 5 school days
  • 4threport—Warning
  • 5th report—Loss of bus privileges for 10 school days
  • 6threport—Warning
  • 7th report—Loss of bus privileges for remainder of school year
  • Situations involving behavior deemed unsafe or inappropriate by the bus driver or principal may result in immediate suspension of bus privileges

Students will be given two copies of the Bus Conduct Report to take home. The white copy should be signed and returned to the principal, the yellow copy may be kept for your records. Any questions regarding Bus Conduct Reports should be referred to the Transportation Department (735-4070).

Heritage Trails Office

We are very fortunate to have an office staff that values our students and the families we serve.

  • Messages

Our office secretaries are happy to take messages for students and staff. All messages taken will be placed in the teachers’ boxes and picked up during their plan time.

  • Telephone Usage

The Heritage Trails office has a designated phone for student use. However, students must receive permission from the office staff before using the phone. Students will be given phone privileges on a case-by-case basis, but will be limited to emergencies, major injuries, sickness, or situations where parent notification is warranted.

  • Counselor

Our counselor, Lisa Cox, is available to speak with students and parents on a daily basis. If you feel your child would benefit from regular counseling or you have a need that we may be able to assist with, please feel free to call Mrs. Cox at any time.

  • Principal

Our principal, Jason Perez, works throughout the building in order to develop relationships with the students and maintain a strong learning environment. If you need to contact Mr. Perez and he is out of the office you may leave a voice mail which will be returned by the end of the school day.

End of Day Procedures

The final hour of each school day can be the most hectic hour of the day. By following the designed procedures, students can be dismissed in a safe and orderly manner.

  • Dismissal Procedures

Students will begin to be dismissed around 3:20 pm. Parents and families waiting in the school to pick up their children need to stay near the entrance and not enter either the cafeteria or the hallways. This procedure is set in place to maintain a secure atmosphere for all children.

  • Front Parking Lot Procedures

To help make dismissal as quick and orderly as possible, parents are encouraged to remain in their vehicles until their children are dismissed. This will help with the flow of traffic. Please be courteous of each other while waiting for your children to arrive. If you are planning on having someone else pick up your child, please contact the office as soon as possible. Be sure to have your family name placard visible for school personnel to read. Cars that do not have the placard will not be able to pick up students without checking them out through the office.

  • Walkers

Students who walk home must leave the school premises immediately. This will reduce the amount of student traffic and ensure that students are arriving home at the expected time.

  • Daycare

Students who ride daycare will be dismissed from the classroom. Students will be expected to maintain an orderly atmosphere just like the bus riders. Any student who does not follow these procedures will be disciplined.

Hawks’ Nest

Heritage Trails Elementary is proud to offer the Hawks’ Nest Before/After School Program. This child care program is DHS licensed and offered to Heritage Trails students.

* What is Hawks Nest?

Hawks’ Nest is a before and after school care program that allows children to stay at school. This convenient program is affordable and offers premium care for children in grades K-6. Healthy snacks are provided after school. Each day has planned activities outdoors, in the computer lab, and in the cafeteria. Hawks’ Nest maintains a fully-trained staff that will provide a safe, caring environment for all children.

Please contact our office for more information.


Each week Heritage Trails students visit the school library and receive lessons on information literacy, accessing information, and using reference resources

Students may check out library books for up to two weeks. Books should be kept in a safe place at home, away from younger siblings and family pets. If a book is lost or damaged, a form will be sent home with the cost to replace the book(s).

By caring for our books, we are able to share them with all students.

Heritage Trails Elementary

1801 S. Bryant Ave.

Moore, OK73160

Phone 405.735.4520 * Fax 405.378.2449