Satan is a master strategist and manipulator. He has many devices at his disposal. When one device does not work, he employs another. He does not easily give up. He continues to assault until he has achieved his aim of bringing the object of his attack to defeat and ruin.
When Balak hired Balaam to curse the children of Israel, the scheme failed because there was no iniquity among Israel and God was their God (Numbers 23:19-23). However, they changed strategy. They defiled Israel with immorality and idolatry and destruction followed (Numbers 25:1-9).
However, thanks be unto God who causes us to triumph and gives us the victory every time (1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14).
Revelation 2:6,14,15,20-25; Numbers 25:1-9; 2 Kings 9:22,30; Jude 11; 2 Peter 2:14,15; 1 Timothy 4:1-3; Deuteronomy 13:1-5; Acts 8:9-13; Isaiah 8:19,20; Matthew 7:15,16.
Many people in their quest for knowledge have fallen into Satan’s ditch. Error and damnable heresies are coated with honey and given nice terms: “secret teachings of the ages”, “hidden mysteries of the mystics”, etc.
The Gnostics of apostle John’s time called their teachings the depths of God but Christ refers to them as the depths of Satan (Revelation 2:24,25).
The depths of Satan is a sinking mire at its best and a bottomless pit at the worst. The ultimate end is never dominion but defeat and destruction.
The teaching of Jezebel and the doctrine of Balaam and the Nicolaitans are all depths of Satan (Numbers 25:1-9; 2 Kings 9:22,30; Revelation 2:20-23,6). Beware of false prophets with their false doctrine (Jude 11; 2 Peter 2:14,15; 1 Timothy 4:1-3; Deuteronomy 13:1-5; Acts 8:9-13; Isaiah 8:19,20; Matthew 7:15,16).
This is the endtime and strange doctrines are making the rounds. Hold fast to the truth which you already have (Revelation 2:25).
Revelation 12:9; 20:3,8; 13:14; Genesis 3:1-15; Galatians 3:1; 6:7; 1 Corinthians 15:33; Ephesians 5:6; 2 Corinthians 11:2,3; Matthew 24:4,5,11,24.
Satan is a deceiver. He uses deception to lure people away from the highway of holiness and tarmac of truth. He entices by showing them the glories of this world, promising them what he cannot deliver. He invites, entices and beckons them to travel the broad way where there are no restrictions. All sorts of behaviour and lifestyle are permissible and welcome. There is no frown at fornication, nobody shouts about stealing, there is no mayhem over murder. The devil says that on the broad way all things are possible. He twists the Bible to favour and promote perversion and sin.
He deceived Eve to disobey God. Instead of the glory of God that initially covered them, after Satan’s deception, they were covered with shame. Rather than become like God, they became degenerate and debased like animals (Genesis 3:1-15). Instead of being blessed, they were cursed.
It is deception to think we can profit by whatever Satan offers. It always leads to loss and regret.
Ephesians 6:16; James 5:13; Psalm 34:19; Acts 10:38; 7:55-60; 8:1-5; Luke 4:18-21; 13:11-18; Isaiah 61:1-3; 10:27; 54:14-17; 1 Kings 22:13-26; 19:1-4; Daniel 3:1-20; 6:1-28; Matthew 5:10-12.
When Satan cannot suck an individual into his error, and has failed to make him abandon the narrow way by way of deception and distraction, he results into physical buffeting as a way of intimidating the individual to pull out of the Christian race.
He throws fiery darts at the believer (Ephesians 6:16). These come in various guises – affliction (James 5:13; Psalm 34:19), oppression (Acts 10:38; Luke 4:18-21; Isaiah 61:1-3), unbearable yokes (Isaiah 10:27), incapacitating sicknesses (Luke 13:11-18), buffetings (2 Corinthians 11:23-27).
The darts can also come in the form of cruel persecutions (1 Kings 22:13-26; 19:1-4; Daniel 3:1-20; 6:1-28; Acts 7:55-60; 8:1-5; Matthew 5:10-12). Other satanic weapons can be directed at us (Isaiah 54:14-17).
1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14; Romans 8:37; Galatians 6:7; 1 Corinthians 15:33; Ephesians 5:6; 6:16; Matthew 7:15,16.
Faced with the depths, the deceptions and the darts of Satan, we are more than conquerors through Christ that loved us (Romans 8:37).
Taking heed to the warnings of scripture against false prophets and false doctrines will help us against falling into the depths of Satan (Matthew 7:15,16).
Taking heed to the warnings of scripture against deception and keeping focused on the narrow way will prevent us from getting deceived and going on a detour (Galatians 6:7; 1 Corinthians 15:33; Ephesians 5:6).
Wielding our shield of faith gives us the capacity to quench every fiery dart of the wicked (Ephesians 6:16).