PARENT consent form For participation in a VET in schools PROGRAM with an external provider
Note: school to insert all information in square brackets
Date: ……………………
Dear Parent/Guardian(s),
Your son/daughter has enrolled in the following VET in Schools program/s:
[VET in Schools program]
To satisfy the competencies of this program, your son/daughter is required to attend classes at:
[name of external provider]
The classes will be run on the following dates and times:
[insert dates and class times including semester dates].
This provider is located at:
[insert location]
The following transport arrangements apply for travel between the school and the external provider, and (where applicable) directly to or from the external provider and your home.
[insert transport arrangements]
The student [will/will not] be supervised during travel to and from the external provider.
Note: School to amend paragraph 2 on the next page to mirror the final contents of this clause.
The school has a written agreement with [name of external provider] that stipulates the requirements of the provider in ensuring quality teaching and assessment, and that all teaching staff meet Working with Children legislation and other requirements.
Students are required to attend their VET in Schools program in appropriate clothing, which in this case is [full school uniform].
Your consent is required for your son/daughter to attend classes at the external provider. Please sign the second page of this letter and return it to the organising teacher.
Organising teacher: ...... Signature:……………………….Phone:………………
School Principal:…………………………Signature:……………………. ...Phone:……………...
Parent/Guardian(s) must sign and return this pageto the Organising Teacher
Organising teacher: ......
Student Name…………………………...... Date of Birth:….../….../……
School:……………………………………………………….Year Level……………………
Home Address: …………………………………………………………………..
Contact Details
Parent/Guardian(s) Name:…………………………………………………
Parent/Guardian(s) Phone Number: …………………………………….(business)
..………………………...... (mobile)
Emergency Contact Name: ………………………………………………
Emergency Contact Phone Number……………………………………….(business)
……………………………………….. (mobile)
My son/daughter will be undertaking classes away from the school site as part of:
[VET in Schools program]
The classes will be held at:
[name of external provider]
[insert location]
The classes will be run on the following dates and times:
[insert dates and class times including semester dates]
1.I give permission for my son/daughter to attend the above mentioned classes.
2.I am aware that my son/daughter will not be supervised by school staff when undertaking classes at the premises of the external provider, or travelling to and from the provider.
3.I am aware that non-school environments differ from school environments and direct supervision from staff will not be provided during study breaks at the external provider.
4.I am aware that no responsibility is accepted by the Principal and staff of the school for the loss, theft or damage of personal property belonging to or in the possession of my son/daughter.
5.I understand that I will be notified as soon as possible in the event of illness or accident to my child, but where it is impracticable to communicate with me I authorise the person in charge (or his/her nominee) at the external provider to administer first aid to my son/daughter, and to consent to my son/daughter receiving such medical and surgical treatment (including the administration of an anaesthetic) as may be deemed necessary by a legally qualified medical practitioner. I accept full responsibility for the payment of fees incurred should my son/daughter require such treatment.
6.I have attached details of any known medical condition which may affect my son/daughter and any current or recent medication or treatment relating to my son/daughteror that may be relevant.
7.I will alert the school and the external provider if there are any changes to the attached details or if I become aware of circumstances which raise concerns as to the safety of my son/daughter participating in this progam.
Signed:……………………………………… Date:……………………………
Please attachdetails of any known medical condition which may affect this student and anycurrent or recent medication or treatmentthat may be relevant.