Accessing SEN Support(HLN) Funding

Guidance and good practice

when providing information to HLN Panel

Revised September 2016

This document provides a detailed explanation of the forms required to access HLN funding. For further information on the process please see the document entitled Accessing SEN Support(High Level Needs) Funding – process and procedures

What paperwork is required for HLN Panel?

January Panel

HLN Request Summary Sheet / One per school – listing details of all pupils for whom requests are being submitted.
Required only at January panel.
School Context Form - optional / One per school–this form allows schools to raise any relevant contextual information in support of their requests.
Pupil Request Form
including pupil profile
Provision map / One per pupil – pupil information, involvement of support/external agencies, funding request level, progress measures, profile of strengths and difficulties and planned interventions.
Required as part of every request.
An Early Years form is available for pupils at Foundation Stage.
For pupils at all other key stages the standard HLN form is required.

Interim panel

Pupil Request Form
including pupil profile
Provision Map / One per pupilfor pupils new to the school or where there has been a significant change in need
– pupil information, involvement of support/external agencies, funding request level, progress measures, profile of strengths and difficulties and planned interventions.
Required as part of every request.
An Early Years form is available for pupils at Foundation Stage.
For pupils at all other key stages the standard HLN form is required.
Review requests / The panel may require schools to submit a review request to any panel meeting. The panel will specify the reason for the review and any additional information required. For an allocation/continuation of an allocation the school must submit the review request with the required information to the specified panel meeting.
If schools fail to submit the request to the appropriate panel with required information funding may be ceased.

All paperwork should be submitted to the SEN Team:
HLN Request Summary Sheet (appendix 1)

SENCOs are required to record the names of all pupils for whom they wish to make an HLN request at the January panel meeting.

SchoolsMUSTsend an updated summary request sheet with their pupil requests to the SEN Team, in preparation for January panel.

Summary sheets are not required for interim panels. However, all requests MUST be discussed withLA support servicesand evidence and outcomes of this discussion submitted to panel with the request.

School Context Form (appendix 2)

Schoolsmay complete this form and submit it with their individual pupil requests for the January HLN panel meeting. It is not required for the interim panel meetings.

This form asks for an overview of pupil need within the school. Additional information gives the school the opportunity to provide a context of the school, for example:

School issues:

  • school organisation
  • projects and developments in the school

Staffing issues:

  • acting senior management
  • new SENCO/appointments
  • staff turnover/issues
  • SENCO non-contact time

Pupil issues:

  • first pupil that the school have experienced with a particular barrier to learning
  • particularly high number of pupils with high level needs
  • high levels of mobility of pupils

Schools should seek advice from representatives of the support services when completing this form. Support service staff may then use this information when responding to individual pupil requests.

HLN request form (appendix 3)

An HLN request form must be submitted for each pupil.

For pupils in the Foundation Stage and anticipated admissions to the foundation stage, the Early Years Request Form should be completed. (Appendix 4)

For pupils in KS1 and above, the standard request form should be completed.

The HLN form does not record the view of the family or the pupil. However, it is assumed that the pupil’sneeds and the appropriate interventions will have been discussed with the family and pupil at the SEN Support or EHCP review meetings and their views recorded on the review documentation.


Date of admission

This is essential as this may impact on the allocation of funding

CAF –open or closed.

If you are considering a CAF this may be recorded in planned interventions

If a CAF has been refused this may be recorded as a barrier on the profile.

NB Completion of the first 3 pages of a CAF to request involvement of external agencies does not constitute an open CAF

Ethnicity: Please use the codes as for SIMS

Attendance information:

Please indicate clearly whether the pupil is on a full time or part time timetable. Where it is part time please specify the hours attended.

If the pupil is of statutory school age, please indicate when it is anticipated the pupil will return to full time attendance

Please indicate levels of attendance for the previous 3 terms

For early years on part time attendance it will be assumed that the session is for 3 hours unless stated otherwise. Please indicate when the pupil will become full time.

Area of Need

Number in order of priority up to 3 areas of need if the pupil requires support for more than one area

Only list ASD where there has been a confirmed diagnosis

What HLN funding are you requesting? Give details of amount and duration:

State the level of support you are seeking from HLN and whether this is a continuation, new, increased or reduced level of request.

Where there is a change in level of request indicate briefly the reason for this.

It is not necessary here to describe how you will use that funding

External agencies where there is Active Involvement

Please list the agencies which have worked with the pupils over the last 12 months

External Agencies aware of needs

Please list agencies which have been involved in the past but have not needed to be involved this year.

Please specify also which agencies have discussed this request.

Summary of need

This will reflect the information recorded on the pupil’s provision map. It should not duplicate the information on the profile.

The box must not be extended and a minimum font size 10 should be used.


For pupils in the Foundation Stage any available Foundation Stage Profile measures should be recorded. Each score should be recorded, across the 7 areas. (See page 6 for further information).

Where any other measures are available such as Portage Profile this may be summarised as

Additional Relevant Information

It is understood that on entry no measures will be available for some pupils.

For pupils in key stage one and above, each year the progress measures should be updated, reflecting the latest measures available at the time of completing the form. This will usually be the Summer term assessments. The comparative data should indicate progress made over an academic year. Schools should state whether these are teacher assessments or formal SATS results.

All areas must be completed, whatever the primary need of the child e.g. even where the child is achieving age appropriate NC scores. For numeracy, the number and data score should be recorded. If there are significant differences in attainment across the numeracy results this should be indicated in the additional information.

In year 1 there will be no clear this year/last year NC data but the Foundation Stage milestone data will be available as an indicator of progress.

For foundation stage, pupils’ scores not developmental months should be recorded. (See page 6 for further information).

For pupils at KS4, actual NC levels should be recorded not predicted GCSE grades

Please state the date of any measures quoted.

Milestone information

This should be updated as the pupil moves through school from Foundation Stage onwards. When a pupil moves into the City it is understood that not all milestone information may be available.

Additional relevant information

This box may be completed if you have any relevant progress measures that may impact on the decision making.

You may also wish to indicate here if a confidential file exists for the child.

Reporting Progress in EYFS

When reporting attainment/progress in the EYFS, schools must report the months and whether the child is emerging,developing or securely at this level.

In order to use the months, schools should use the following key:


0-11 A









For each area of learning, attainment can then be recorded as exemplified in the table below.

Please not also that the date of each assessment should be recorded as we recognise that not all areas are assessed at the same time

Foundation Stage Profile: / July 2014 / December 2014
Communication and Language / Ce, Ce, Bs / Cd, Cd,Bs
Physical Development / Dd, Cs
Personal, social and emotional development / Ce, Bs,Bs / Ce, Ce,Ce
Literacy / Ce, Bs / Ce, Ce
Mathematics / Ce,Cd / Cd, Cd
Understanding the world / Ce
Expressive arts and design / De

At the end of the foundation stage please record the milestones, using months as above to indicate the pupil’s level of development:

C and L / PD / PSED / Lit / Maths / UW / EAD
D / E / D / C / C / D / D

Pupil Profile

Pupil Strengths

Using the 5headings as appropriate indicate the pupil’s areas of strength. Please indicate how frequently/for how long the child exhibits strengths and whether they are independent or require support.

Barriers to Learning

Using the 5 headings describe the areas in which the pupil requires support.

Prioritise the headings in order of need.

For some pupils it may not be necessary to use all the headings.

When describing the pupil’s needs be as specific as possible. For example, if describing challenging behaviours indicate the frequency and level of intensity of these behaviours.

Please ensure that the information provided re progress, strengths and barriers is consistent and is then reflected in the provision map submitted.

There should be no sharing of confidential information/broader family issues.

If a pupil is subject to safeguarding concerns these may be referred to but no confidential detail should be provided. It may be noted that a confidential file exists.

Panel will use this information to identify the level of funding required.

The form should be completed on one side of A4.The font should be no smaller than size 10.


Every request should be accompanied by an up to date provision map. The provision map should be in the specified format and must show all the provision that school are putting in place to meet the pupil’s needs as described in the barriers to learning. The level of intervention should be clear. For example, is it 1:1 or small group?

When submitting a continuation request the provision map should indicate the current interventions.

When submitting a new or increase request, the provision map should indicate current provision. Additional planned interventions for which the funding is requested should be recorded in italics or bold print.

Interventions identified within the provision map should address the barriers for learning within the pupil profile.

The provision map must be in grey scale for photocopying purposes and be no more than 2 sides of A4. No photographs should be submitted.

Font must be no smaller than size 10.

The provision map must:

  • include timings and frequency of support
  • specify interventions e.g. social story, numicon
  • identify role of additional support (CA/TA/learning mentor…)
  • be explicit about ratio of support 1:1, size of small group, whether targeted to support or shared additional adult in classroom
  • include additional support time required that may not be direct contact e.g. resource production


What do the five intervention headings encompass?

Curriculum access encompasses interventions relating to:

  • literacy
  • numeracy
  • focus and concentration
  • independence
  • organisation

Communication encompasses interventions relating to:

  • speaking and listening
  • expressive language
  • receptive language
  • non-verbal communication
  • alternative methods of communication

Social skills encompass interventions relating to:

  • awareness of others
  • interactions with peers
  • interactions with adults
  • coping with unstructured situations

Self-help encompasses interventions relating to:

  • mobility
  • dressing
  • feeding
  • toileting

Health and safety encompasses interventions relating to:

  • awareness of danger
  • hygiene
  • medical
  • self-harm
  • emotional well-being
  • harm to peer
  • harm to adults


Appendix One –HLN Request Summary Sheet

School ______Date ______

Pupil / DOB / Primary need / Year group / Current banding / Banding requested / Banding agreed / Type of request
New / Continuation / Increase / Decrease

High Level Needs Funding Group PRIMARY

School Context Form
School: Date of panel meeting: Number of HLN requests submitted:
Number of pupils on school roll: Number of pupils at SEN support Number of pupils with an EHCP
Number of pupils receiving HLN funding:
Detail the distribution of pupils with SEN throughout the school.
Class / Number in class / Year group / SEN support / EHCP / Class / Number in class / Year group / SEN support / EHCP
Additional information:
Signed: (SENCO) (Headteacher)

Appendix 2 School context form (primary)

Appendix 2 – School context form (secondary)


High Level Needs Funding Group SECONDARY

Context Form
School: Date of panel meeting: Number of HLN requests submitted:
Number of pupils on roll: Number of pupils at SEN support Number of pupils with an EHCP
Number of pupils receiving HLN funding
Detail the distribution of pupils with SEN throughout the school.
Year group / Number in year / SEN support + / EHCP
Additional information:
Signed: (SENCO) (Headteacher)

Appendix 3 – HLN request form

HLN Request Form
School: / Pupil:
UPN: / Gender: / Ethnicity: / D.O.B: / Yr Group: / Age: yrs mths
Date of Request: / CAF: Open/Closed/None / Lives within City?: Yes/No / Date of Admission:
Date of discussion with support service (please name who discussed with)
School confidential file: Y/N / Safeguarding issues: Y/N / Child Protection Register Y/N / Looked After: Y/N / Child in Need Y/N / Current HLN: / CoP Stage: SEN/EHCP
Attendance, No. sessions offered: 5/10/Other:
Autumn Term / Spring term / Summer Term
Last Year (%)
This Year (%)
/ Fixed Term Exclusion Info (no. of days)
Autumn Term / Spring Term / Summer Term
Last Year
This Year
Prioritise Need: (1, 2, 3 – max of 3)
What HLN funding are you requesting and duration. Give reason for any change.
Summary of need: / NC(P) Levels: / Last Year / This Year
Literacy: Speaking & Listening
Literacy: Reading
Literacy: Writing
External Agencies Where there is Active Involvement: / Milestone information:
Foundation Stage Profile
Literacy / Maths / Science
External Agencies Aware of Needs: / Additional relevant information
School: / Pupil: / DOB:
Profiled by: / Date of Profile:
Pupil Strengths: / Barriers To Learning:
Curriculum Access:
Social Skills:
Self Help:
Health and safety: