Full Name: Hanna Hodacs
Sex: Female
Nationality: Swedish
- PhD in History 2003, University of Uppsala, Sweden (funded by a University bursary between 1998–2002).
Title: Converging World Views – the European Expansion and Early-Nineteenth-century Anglo Swedish Contacts.
Supervisors:Prof. Torkel Jansson and Dr Györy Nováky.
External examiner: Prof. Catherine Hall (Dept. of History, UCL).
Awards: University of Uppsala’s Geijer prize 2005, prize for PhD thesis in History (awardedevery three years).
- BA in History and Political Science (1996, University of Uppsala and University of Tübingen).
- Grant from Stiftelsen Lars Hiertas Minne 2011, to finance the workshop: A Global History of Linnaean Science, 1750–1820 (35 000 SEK).
- Grant from Nordenskjöldska Swedenborgsfonden, the RoyalSwedishAcademy of Sciences 2009, towards research on Swedish naturalists in London and Sierra Leone in the 18th century (47 800 SEK).
- Grant from Birgit and Gad Rausing’s stiftelse/foundation2008, towards research on the Swedish naturalists Adam Afzelius (20 000 SEK).
- Grant from Gunvor and Josef Anér’s stiftelse/foundation 2008, towards research on the naturalists in London (30 000 SEK).
- Grant from Helge Ax:son Johnson’s stiftelse/foundation 2007, towards developing and translating work on the history of field studies in natural history (48 000 SEK).
- Research grant 2002−2005 (two and a half years full time research grant) from Vetenskapsrådet/Swedish Research Council, as part of the project “Teaching and Learning in the Name of Science – a Study of Carolus Linnaeus and His Students”.
- Grant from Lars Hierta’s stiftelse/foundation 2004, towards developing research project (30 000 SEK).
- Vin & Sprithistoriska Museet’ssmall scholarship 2001, scholarship from the Stockholm Museum of Wine and Spirits, for work on the history of temperance (25 000 SEK).
- STINT (Swedish body promoting international academic collaboration) Scholarship of 2000, financing a 6-months stay as a visiting scholar at King’s College London, October 2000 to March 2001 (100 000 SEK).
2010 – Present:Research Fellow at the project “Trading Eurasia – Europe’s Asian Centuries 1600-1830,headed by Professor Maxine Berg, funded by the ERC,Centre for Global History and Culture, Department of History, University of Warwick (employment taken up in October 2010, 2011- 2012 I worked 60% on this project, 2013 80%, end date August 2014).
Research fellow at the project “Social Mobility and the Mobility of Science – Swedish naturalists in London 1760-1810”, funded by the Vetenskapsrådet/ Swedish Research Council, personal grant, Center for the History of Science, Royal Swedish Academy of Science, Stockholm (Employment taken up in August 2011, 2011 – 2012 I worked 40% on this project, in 2013 20%, end date August 2015).
2005 – 2010:Visiting Lecturer at the Dept. of History, University of Birmingham (07/08; 08/09; 09/10); Dept. for Scandinavian Studies, UniversityCollegeLondon (05/06; 06/07), and Dept. of History, University of Uppsala (05/06; 06/07). Also on paid and unpaid maternity leave, part time and full time, from May 2005 to December 2007.
2003 – 2005:Research Fellow, member of the project “Teaching and Learning in the Name of Science – a Study of Carolus Linnaeus and His Students”, based at the Dept. of History, University of Uppsala, headed by Dr Åsa Karlsson and sponsored by Vetenskapsrådet/Swedish Research Council.
2002 – 2003:Research assistant, Dept. of History, University of Uppsala.
- Naturalhistoria på resande fot. Om att forska, undervisa och göra karriär i 1700-talets Sverige [Natural History on the Move. Exploration, Education and Advancement in 18th Century Sweden].
Nordic Academic Press, Lund, 2007, pp. 7–264. Co-written, with Dr Kenneth Nyberg, I have written three of the chapters (chapter 3, 4 and 5, pp. 37–136 excluding footnotes) and co-written two of the chapters (chapter 1 and 10, pp. 9–14, 211–215 excluding footnotes).
- Converging World View – the European Expansion and Early-Nineteenth-Century Anglo Swedish Contacts.
Studia Historica Upsaliensia 207, Uppsala, 2003, pp. 9–250.[1]
- Mellom pasjon og profesjon: dilettantkulturer i skandinavisk kunst og vitenskap (1660–1970), [Passions and Professions: Amateur Cultures in Scandinavian Art and Science, 1660–1970].
Tapir Academic Press, 2011, Trondhiem, co-edited with Professor Marie-Theres Federhofer. I am also contributing with an article titled “Att utbilda en älskare –naturalhistorisk utbildning i 1770-talets Sverige” [“To Educate a Lover – on Teaching Natural History in Sweden in the 1770s”].
- Från Karakorum till Siljan – Resor under sju sekler, [From Karakorum to Siljan – Travelling Through Seven Centuries].
Historiska Media, Lund, 2000, pp. 7–288,co-edited with Dr Åsa Karlsson. My contributions include: “Inledning” [“Introduction”], pp. 7–12 (co-written with Å. Karlsson) and “Bland skräckslagna naturalhistoriker och oskuldsfulla bönder. Brittiska resenärer i Sverige under 1800-talets första hälft”, [Among Scared Naturalists and Innoncent Farmers. British Travellers in Sweden in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century],pp. 226–256.
- “Scandinavian Chartered Companies.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Atlantic History. Ed. Trevor Burnard. New York: Oxford University Press, published online 08/29/2012
- “Linnaeans Outdoors – The Transformative Role of Studying Nature ‘on the Move’ and Outside”, British Journal of the History of Science,Volume 44, Issue 02, pp. 183 – 209.
- “Konsumenten, producenten, medborgaren och staten – några konsumentpolitiska perspektiv på efterkrigstiden i Sverige och USA”, [“The Consumer, the Producer, the Citizen and the State –Perspectives on Consumer Politics in Post-war Sweden and the US”].Co-written with Dr Anna Eriksson-Trenter,HistoriskTidskrift, 2, 2004, pp. 249–260.
- “In the field: exploring Nature with Carolus Linnaeus”, Endeavour,Volume 34, Issue 2, June 2010, pp. 45-49.
- “Hedningar eller missionärer?”, [”Heathens or Missionaries?”].Ord&Bild,issue 2, 2008.
- “Forskning och vardag i 1700-talets Sverige – om hur livet kom att te sig för några av Carl von Linnés mer okända studenter”, [”Everyday research in Eighteenth Century Sweden– The Lifes of Some of Carolus Linnaeus’ Less Known Students”],published by Medborgarskolan, Uppsala, 2006, pp. 1–6.
- “Det civiliserade protestantiska och nyktra Europa – om nykterhetstankes spridning i det tidiga 1800-talets Sverige”, [A Civilised, Protestant and Sober Europe – On the Diffusion of Temperance Ideas in Eighteenth Century Sweden], in Spiritus 2002, pp. 48–60.
- Thomas Ihre, Abraham Bäck: mannen som reformerade den svenska sjukvården (Stockholm: Bokförlaget Atlantis 2012). 228 s., for Historisk Tidskrift, Sweden (forthcoming)
- Kristian H. Nielsen, Michael Harbsmeier & Christopher Ries, ed., Scientists and Scholars in the Field. Studies in the History of Fieldwork and Expeditions, Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2012. 476 s. ISBN 978 87 7124 014 6., For Lychnos, Sweden (forthcoming).
- Alix Cooper, Inventing the Indigenous: Local Knowledge and Natural History in Early Modern Europe, Journal of Historical Geography 35 (2009), pp. 385–386.
- Henrik Höjer, Sveriges argaste liberal. Carl af Forsell. Officer, statistiker och filantrop, review commissioned by Populär Historia, issue 3, 2008, Lund.
- Marie-Louise Bachman, Vitterhetsakademiens bibliotek 1786–2000, Nils Eriksson & Ingemar Nilsson, Kungl. Vetenskaps- och vitterhets-samhället Göteborg 1953–2000, and Inge Jonsson, Vitterhetsakademien 1753–2003, in Historisk Tidskrift,1, 2005, pp. 155–159.
- Lizabeth Cohen, A Consumers' Republic: The Politics of Mass Consumption in Post-war America,in Business History, 4, 2003, p. 134.
- Brian Dolan, Exploring European Frontiers. British Travellers in the Age of Enlightenment in Lychnos 2001, pp. 248–49.
- “Little Brother Carl” – the Making of a Linnaean Naturalist in Late Eighteenth Century Sweden,being considered by Science in Context.
- “Learning collection building”, at Re:production of knowledge, Symposium: Dept. for History of Science and Ideas, Uppsala University, Oct 2013.
- “Knowledge Generation, Education and Careers – the Role of Travelling in Linnaean Natural History”, Symposium, "Travel, Agency, and the Circulation of Knowledge", Rostock (invited by Gesa Mackenthun), 5-7 Sept. 2013.
- Collection building in the early modern period, (no title yet), 15-16th of April, Copenhagen, 2013.
- “Eight Shades of Blue – 18th Century Chinese Silk on the European market”, Global Perspectives on Colours, Symposium at the Royal College of Art, London, 22 of Feb. 2013
- “Trading and Consuming: East India Companies and Europe” (With Maxine Berg), Comparative Histories of Asia Seminar, Institute for Historical Research, London, 29 Nov. 2012
- “Little Brother Carl – the Making of a Linnaean Naturalist in Late Eighteenth Century Sweden”, participation via Skype, Workshop Re:production of knowledge, University of Uppsala, Dept. of intellectual history and science, 21 May 2012).
- “Peripheral Emporia - Selling Chinese Silk in Gothenburg and Copenhagen in the Mid-18th Century”, Leiden-Warwick Conference, Leiden, 7 - 8 May, 2012.
- “Between Metropolitan and Colonial Natural History: Swedish Naturalists in London”, Linnaean Worlds: Global Scientific Practice during the Great Divergence, 1750-1850, Pittsburgh, 4-6 May, 2012.
- “Colours in abundance and bundles – the sale of Chinese silk textiles at the Scandinavian East India Company’s auctions”, Global colours: Theories, Materials and Colouring Agents in Global History, 27 April 2012, University of Warwick
- “Att skolas till dilettant – några utbildningshistoriska synpunkter på den svenska naturalhistoriska utvecklingen under 1700-talet”, Dilettantkulturer og dilettantisme i Norden Tverrfaglig symposium, Det humanistiske fakultet, University of Tromsö, 28–29 Feb. 2008.
- “Linné och hans lärjungar: 1700-talets naturalhistoriska resande bortom myterna”, Svenska historikerdagarna, 14–16 Sept. 2007, Växjö (together with K. Nyberg).
- “Att skola en naturalhistoriker, om vänskap och vetenskap i 1770-talets Sverige”, Kunskapens vägar, Nordiskt 1700-talssymposium, University of Gothenburg, 23–25 March, 2007.
- “Natural History on the Road. Research, Education and Advancement in Eighteenth-Century Sweden”, Research Seminar, Dept. for Scandinavian Studies, University College London, 28 Feb. 2007.
- “Linneanskt resande, naturalhistoriska nätverk och relationen mellan forskning och undervisning”, Fria seminariet, Dept. of History, Stockholm University, 30 Nov. 2004.
- “Att resa ut som student och komma hem som forskare. En diskussion om det linneanska resandet och hur det skall tolkas”, Historiska seminariet, Dept. of History, University of Uppsala, Feb. 2004.
- “Det svenska 1800-talet och den europeisk imperialismen – två skilda historier?”, Möte i tid och text. Tvärvetenskaplig konferens om kulturmöten, 23–24 Oct. 2000, Växsjö.
- “British influence in early 19th century Sweden”, Nordic History Group, Dept. for Scandinavian Studies, University College London, 15 Dec. 2000.
- “Among Innocent Peasants: British travellers in Sweden 1799 – 1850”, Interdepartmental Seminar in Cultural History, University of Birmingham, 16 Dec. 1998.
- Presentation of paper in collaboration with Professor Torkel Jansson at the Joint Seminar on the Contemporary State of Historical Research in China and Sweden, 11–12 June 1998, Beijing.
- “Understanding tea from China in 18th century Europe” Panel “Putting Chinese natural knowledge to work in the long eighteenth century’, 24th International Congress History of Science, Technology and Medicine, 22-28 July 2013.
- Paper together with Felicia and Maxine, for ‘Political Economy and Empire in the Early Modern World, Yale 3-4 May 2013, also paper on Scandinavian East India Company, for Company Conference, arranged by Emily Erikson and Julia Adam, 5th of May, 2013.
- “The European market for teas and the Swedish East India Company, c. 1730-1760”, together with Leos Müller, Goods from the East Conference, Venice, 11-13 Jan 2013
- “Building Central Collections – Linnaean Students at Work in London”, Workshop: A Global History of Linnaean Science, 1750–1820, 12 Oct. 2012, Center for History of Science, Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm.
- “Colours in abundance and Bundles” at the Innovation before the Modern. Cloth and Clothing in the Earl Modern World, Nordiska Museet, Stockholm, 27-29 Sept 2012:
- “Att resa ut som student och komma hem som forskare. Om den naturalhistoriska resan som en forskarutbildning i 1700-talet Sverige”, Att lära och lära ut i vetenskapens tjänst. Linné och hans lärjungar, Svenska historikermötet (session 35), Uppsala, 22–24 April, 2005.
- “Utbildning, samhällsposition och amatörforskning i 1700-talets Sverige”, Eliternas utbildningsstrategier, 2:a Nordiska pedagogikhistoriska konferensen (session 6) Stockholm, 25–27 Sept. 2003.
- Presentation of paper “Att väcka nordbor eller döpa Indiens hedningar? Sverige som ett brittisk missionsfält under 1800-talets första hälft”, at the session Religion och Samhälle, Svenska historikermötet, Linköping, 23–25 April 1999.
Workshops, conferences and sessions I have co-organised:
- Conference: “Goods From the East: Trading Eurasia 1600-1830”, 11-13Jan. 2013, Warwick in Venice, together with Maxine Berg, Anna Boneham,Tim Davies, Meike Fellinger, Felicia Gottman, Chris Nierstrasz.
- Workshop: “A Global History of Linnaean Science, 1750–1820”, 12 Oct. 2012, together with Kenneth Nyberg and Karl Grandin, Center for History of Science, Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm.
- Workshop: “Comparing Companies: New Questions for Historians”, University of Warwick, 27-28 Oct. 2011, together with Maxine Berg, Tim Davies, Meike Fellinger, Felicia Gottman, Chris Nierstrasz.
- Workshop: ”Material Encounters of the East India Trade 1600-1850”, Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 1-2 July 2011, together with Maxine Berg, Tim Davies, Meike Fellinger, Felicia Gottman, Chris Nierstrasz.
- Session:“Resande och resenärer”, at Svenska historikermötet, Örebro, 19–21 of April, 2002, together with Kenneth Nyberg.
- Experience of lecturing on:
- Early Modern Global History (history of trade, travelling, political economy, global connection between consumption and production).
- 18th Enlightenment (particularly the development of natural history and collection building).
- 19th and 20thCentury British History (social, political and economical).
- 19th and 20thCentury Baltic History (social, political and economical).
- Experience on tutoring undergraduate and master students thesis on:
- Mission history.
- History of travelling.
- History of natural history
- Experience of designing courses
- Carolus Linnaeus (an undergraduate interdisciplinary course on botany).
- Nordic History (19th and 20th history).
- Postcolonial Theory and History (a masters-level course).
- World of Consumption (undergraduate course)
- Courses I have convened and/or co-convened:
- “A Modern History of Britain since 1870”, Dept. of Modern History, University of Birmingham ( 2007/08: 60 students; 2008/09: 90 students and 2009/10: 75 students).
- “A social History of Britain since 1870”, Dept. of Modern History, University of Birmingham (in 2008/09: 45 students and 2009/10: 40 students).
- “Swedish History”, Dept. of History, University of Uppsala, (in 2004/05: 20 students).
- “Nordic History”, Dept. of History, University of Uppsala, (in 2004/05: 20 students, 2006/07: 20 students).
- Teaching Training Education:
- “Pedagogisk grundkurs” (2 week teaching training course given at University of Uppsala)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Academic and Professional Practice, University of Warwick (currently undertaking).
- Extensive experience of applying for founding for research projects, plus proven success.
- Member of the board and of the IT-committee of the Dept. of History, UppsalaUniversity.
- Consulted on and refereed articles for Journal of Global History, Science in Context, Nordic Yearbook for Eighteen Century Studies, andNordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift
- Swedish (mother tongue); English (fluent); German, Danish, and Norwegian (fluent reading knowledge), Dutch (some knowledge).
[1]For reviews in English see Alain Bairner, Cultural and Social History 2006 (1) pp. 105-107; David Kirby, European History Quarterly 2006 (1) pp. 134-135; Catherine Hall, Historisk Tidskrift 2004 (4) pp. 781-785. See also recent reference in Elizabeth Baigent’s review of David Lambert and Alan Lester, eds. Colonial Lives Across the British Empire: Imperial Careering in the Long Nineteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, published by: H-HistGeog (February, 2008) and Rebekka Habermas “Mission im 19. Jahrhundert – Globale Netze des Religiösen”, Historische Zeitschrift Bd. 287, 2008.