Student Support Services
Application for NMU’S
Student Support Services Program
Student Support Services (SSS) is one of the advising programs at Northern Michigan University. SSS is a federally sponsored TRiO program wherestudents must meet specific eligibility criteria to be considered for participation in the program. By completing this application and responding to all questions to the best of your ability, we will be able to promptly process your application.
Name:______NMU IN: ______
(First) (M.I.)(Last)
Local or NMU Address:______/______/______/______
(Street) (City) (State) (Zip Code)
Permanent Address:______/______/______/______
(Street) (City) (State) (Zip Code)
Cell Phone:______Home Phone: ______e-mail: ______
Are you a United States Citizen?□ Yes□ No
Are you currently enrolled at Northern Michigan University?□ Yes□ No
If you are not currently enrolled, when do you anticipate enrolling______
What is the highest level of education reached by your natural or adoptive mother?
□ None □ Elementary□ Middle School□ High School □ GED
□ Some College□ Associates Degree□ Bachelor’s Degree□ Graduate Degree
What is the highest level of education reached by your natural or adoptive father?
□ None □ Elementary□ Middle School□ High School □ GED
□ Some College□ Associates Degree□ Bachelor’s Degree□ Graduate Degree
Do you have a documented disability?□ Yes□ No
If yes, have you met with NMU’s Disability Services Coordinator? □ Yes□ No
As part of the applicationprocess for Student Support Services, we are required to have verification of your household income. In many instances, the necessary financial information may be obtained through NMU’s Financial Aid Office. Your signature below indicates that the Student Support Services program has permission to verify your financial information through Northern Michigan University’s Financial Aid Office.
(Signature) (Date)
There are some instances when the NMU’s Financial Aid Office does not have the necessary information we need to complete your application. In such instances, we will ask you to providea copy of a2016 federal tax transcript:
- Parent federal tax transcript if you are a dependent student
- Your own federal tax transcript if you filed taxes as an independent student
A federal tax transcript may be ordered from:
We’re pleased that you have chosen toenroll at Northern Michigan University. Please share your reasons for pursuing a university education.
Tell us about your academic strengths and areas you believe need improvement.
What are your special interests and previous involvement in school and community activities?
What are your concerns regarding being successful at Northern Michigan University?
TRIO/ Student Support Services
Student Needs Assessment
This inventory will help in assessing your need/interest for services which are offered by the Student Support Services Program. Please check YES or NO in response to each of the following questions.
Yes No
1.I would like to learn more about my individual learning style. ______
2.I would like to manage my time more efficiently. ______
3.I would like to become a better test taker. ______
4.I am interested in academic support such as tutoring. ______
5.I need to improve my study habits and skills. ______
6.I need to improve my writing skills. ______
7.I need to improve my math skills. ______
8.I need to improve my reading skills. ______
9.I am undecided about where to start in choosing a career path. ______
10.I want to learn which careers typically match my skills and interests. ______
11I would like to receive academic advising to prepare me for entry into
my major. ______
12.I am distracted by personal matters to the point that I have
trouble studying. ______
13.I would like to improve communication skills with professors, residential life
staff, my roommate, or other students. ______
14.I would like to know more about assistance that is available for
commuter students. ______
15.I need help with the financial aid process. ______
16.I would like to learn more about financial & budgeting concerns many students encounter. ______
17.I would like to utilize disability services (e.g. information/
questions about disabilities, classroom accommodations, etc.). ______
Which of the services listed below do you believe would help support your goals for a successful experience at NMU?
□ Academic Major and Career Exploration: Your SSS advisor will assist you to explore potential majors and careers related to your interests.
□ Assistance with Course Selection: Your SSS advisor will assist you to understand course requirements for your degreeand develop a semester by semester plan to reach your graduation goal.
□Specialized Tutoring: Specialized tutors focus upon assisting students with course content and specific study and test preparation techniques for NMU courses.
□ General Support Tutoring: General Support tutorsmeet with students 1 to 2 times weekly. They may assist you with the development of effective study habits, time management skills, academic tutoring, as well as assisting student new to NMU successfully ‘navigate’ through the university.
□ Academic Skill Building: The SSS Academic Coordinator or other campus professionalswill assist students in identifying specific academic concerns (i.e. reading comprehension) and the development of strategies to improve academic performance.
□ Assistance with Exploring Financial Aid Options: SSS advisors will work with you to explore options for federal student aid, NMU Foundation scholarships, and private scholarships.
□ Graduate School Exploration: If you are interested in pursuing a career that requires a masters or doctoral degree, your SSS advisor will assist you with beginning this process including identifying potential graduate programs, financing graduate school, and completing the graduate school application process.
□ Access to Social and Cultural Activities: The Student Support Services program strongly encourages participants to attend a variety of social and cultural events in both the university and Marquette communities. We often provide tickets for university theatre productions andthe NMU Performing Arts series.
Please feel free to include any additional information you would like us to consider while reviewing your application.
______(Signature) (Date)
N:\SSS Forms & Letters\SSS Forms\SSS Applicaton 20152010