Call for proposal

AnNGO is currently seeking proposals from Individual Consultants or Organizations to conduct an external situation analysis.

Detailed TORs and other information is provided below

The proposal needs to cover both technical and financial aspects of the evaluation and sent in one word document at Last date of submission of proposal is 20th December-2016.

Only short listed individuals/organizations will be contacted. We reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and is not bound by any legal claim in this regard.

We are an equal opportunity employer; women and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.

The individual/organization selected should adhere to organizational values and commits to Child Safeguarding Policy.

Country Situation Analysis

For CBM Pakistan

Brief Country Overview

Pakistan’s total population is estimated to 194.1 million (52% men and 48% women) and it is the world’s 7th most populous country. The prevalence of disability is estimated to be 13.4% for Pakistan, based on the findings of the World Health Survey from 2002 to 2004 (World Report on Disability 2011). The authenticity of the rate of disability remains a question and estimates of the number of persons living with disabilities vary between 3.3mand 27m, depending on whether they are based on government statistics (the last censuswhich measured the prevalence rates was taken in 1998) or whether they come from otheragencies.

Pakistan did, in fact, make early attempts at including persons with disabilities inthe 1980s with the introduction of education and employment policies, setting up specialschools for persons with disabilities, for example, and mandating businesses to employpersons with disabilities through a quota-based system and levies. But although thesewere celebrated achievements in the early years, they proved to be ineffective in includingpersons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities still have difficulty exercising their civiland political rights, attending quality schools and finding gainful employment, amongother activities. This ultimately means that they are being excluded as productive members of society, leading to economic losses of as much as US$11.9bn-15.4bn, or 4.9-6.3% ofPakistan’s GDP[1].

In Pakistan - and also globally -programming for disabilities have been based on rehabilitation, welfare handouts and charity for the persons with disabilities. This has started to change since the UNConvention on the Rights of Persons withDisability (CRPD), which became operational in2008 and which was signed by Pakistan in 2011. The CRPD is the main international human rights instrument that offers a framework for a rights-based approach to demand redress of the social, economic, cultural and political disadvantage and inequalities experienced by people with disabilities. Although Pakistan ratified the convention in 2011, progress around building an inclusive society has been slow and Pakistan has yet to submit its first state report which is due within two years of ratification.

In order to enhance our understanding and know the situation of persons with disabilities, their experiences and needs in Pakistan, CBM is undertaking this situation analysis. The situation analysis will inform the country planning for next 5 years and root CBM’s country level programme in the priorities identified through this study.

Brief overview of CBM’s involvement in Country

CBM is an international development organisation, committed to improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities in the poorest communities of the world. CBM implements its project and programme through local Non-Governmental Organisations, Educational Institutions, Government Departments and other civil society actors in Pakistan and has been operational in country for over 30 years. CBM’s programme range from inclusive service delivery to an advocacy for influencing policies to promote the well-being of the persons with disabilities.

Pakistan is one of the two priority countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR; according to previous Global Programme Strategy).The focus of the Regional Strategy has been on inclusive health, education, incl. policies and self-advocacy within CBR/ CBID approach and framework including the meaningful involvement of rights holders and their representative organizations at all levels. There has been efforts at standardizing/ professionalising eye health work and prepare for scaling (as meaningful programme in light of CBM strategy).

There is a global federation strategy now approved in October 2016. There are 4 programmatic priorities and 3 organisational priorities identified under the federation strategy as outlined in the below image. Under the programmatic priorities there are 9 global initiatives / thematic areas to drive change in the lives of persons with disabilities. These include: Disability Inclusive Development; Community Based Inclusive Development; Eye Health; Community Mental Health; Ear and Hearing Care; Education; Emergency Response; Physical Impairment and Livelihood.

In Pakistan CBM is working in different geographical locations on inclusive eye health and human resource development, Community Based Rehabilitation Projects, Physical Rehabilitation programme and advocacy related to improved legislation and policies for persons with disabilities. CBM implement all its project/programmes through local NGOs. The detailed list of projects and partners is attached.

Drawing upon the global federation strategy, CBM Country Office Pakistan envisages to have its programmes in thematic areas of: CBID including DRR; Eye Health; Community mental health; education and emergency response with strong elements of advocacy for the rights of persons with disabilities and capacity building of the DPOs.

Purpose and Expected Outcomes of the Country Situation Analysis

The purpose of this situation analysis is to inform the CBM Country Office´s strategic planning based on adequate information and analysis of the gaps related to the fulfilment of rights of persons with disabilities in Pakistan, in light of the prioritisation outlined in CBM´s Federation Strategy. The expected outcomes include:

  • Persons with disabilities’ possibilities to exert their human rights/access their rights, and availability of systems related to Disability-Inclusive Development (DID) in Pakistan, with focus on the provinces Punjab and Sindh, are assessed and related gaps are identified
  • Relevant stakeholders for DID in Pakistan, with focus on Punjab and Sindh, are identified and their roles assessed (Stakeholder Analysis)
  • Recent trends in resource availability, looking at both financial and non-financial resources are identified and the implications of this in making strategic choices considered
  • Based on the above findings and reflection on CBM´s current programme work, strategic gaps and opportunities aligned with CBM´s new Federation Strategy are presented

As described above in the outcomes, the situation analysis should gather overall national level information and focus on the two provinces i.e. Sindh and Punjab in more detail.

The situation analysis study shall take into account that the views and priorities (needs and gaps in attainment of rights) of the persons with (intellectual, psychosocial, hearing, vision, physical and multiple) disabilities including men, women, girls and boys are adequately captured and reflected in the situation analysis. Throughout the process gender and disability disaggregated data shall be used and presented as part of the analysis. Furthermore the families of Persons with Disabilities, their communities, Disabled Persons´ Organisations andthe CBM partners shall also be engaged in the process of situation analysis.

The analysis shall specifically focus on the below mentioned thematic areas as envisaged in the Federation Strategy[2]:

1) Community Based Inclusive Development,including DRR

2)Eye Health, including human resource development

3) Community Mental Health

4) Inclusive Education

5) Emergency Response

Framework for Country Situation Analysis

CBM uses the PESTLE Analysis framework for conducting the country situation analysis. Therefore the analysis needs to take into account the following:

  1. Explore the Government involvement in the thematic areas that CBM is working on and will be focussing in future. This will need to take place at 3 levels: a. include an analysis of structure that government has put in place i.e. institutions working on disabilities, their roles and responsibilities and how does it affect or not affect the overall situation of PWDs; b. How disability has been mainstreamed (or not) in the services provided by different departments i.e. health, education, vocational education etc., c. Legislations in place and the gaps in legislation which are necessary for rights based programme and advocacy.
  2. The analysis should explore further the link between disability and poverty in the context of Pakistan and what are the geographical areas with higher level of disability prevalence.
  3. Identify and explore the social aspects of disability and norms and practices in the society related to disability. This can include both attitudes and practices e.g. how families react to disability and make them invisible and cultural practices which may be the causes of disability i.e. inter family marriages. This may also look at harmful traditional practices that may increase the suffering of PWDs (e.g. isolating persons with mental health issues),
  4. Identify and explore issues around political and environmental stability including the security situation in country and accessibility to certain areas due to that, its effect on (I)NGOs, DPOs and shrinking humanitarian space.
  5. How could technology assist us in shaping the future? What technology exists and how can this support the quality of life of PWDs? How can availability of technical solutions and their accessibility be improved?
  6. Review cross cutting issues such as gender and diversity as part of this analysis – reflect on the gender issues that may affect one gender more than the other; disability prevalence and marginalised groups (poor, ethnic & religious minorities, etc.).
  7. Throughout the analysis reflect on accessibility not as a separate component but embedded across the different strategic priorities;
  8. Ensuring that the situation analysis provides relevant information on the three main areas of accessibility: built environment, transportation and Information and Communication Technologies.

In addition to the above the team doing the analysis should also conduct a stakeholder’s analysis to look at other actors in the field of disability and rights of persons with disabilities, and major gaps.

i.Other actors including (I)NGOs or disabled persons organisations (DPOs) and their involvement in areas we do not have strength in, with whom referral or partnership is a possibility.

  1. Gap analysis in those areas we wish to focus on, along with other gaps that would impact our work. This would include
  2. capacity issues
  3. Training issues
  4. Travel restrictions due to violence
  5. Lack of skills to draw upon etc.
  6. Any aspects of the thematic sector that is not being addressed by anyone else


The methodology will be based on:

  1. Reviewing existing authentic secondary data and reports at district, provincial and national level.
  2. Designing framework for primary data collection through individual interviews, focus discussions with stakeholders (Persons with disabilities, their family members, DPOs, other mainstream NGOs, the government officials / representatives of departments etc.)
  3. Developing tools for data collection from various right holders (PWDs, their families and communities and DPOs) and duty bearers (differentgovernment departments including specific institutions with mandate to work on disability etc.)
  4. Analysis of primary and secondary data
  5. Report writing

Key Deliverables

  • An inception report with a detailed framework, data collection instruments/tools and work plan,
  • A draft report of the situation analysis.
  • Two provincial workshop – one for stakeholders in Sindh and one for stakeholders in Punjab to solicit feedback on the findings and also get input on the prioritisation of issues and way forward.
  • A final report after incorporating comments from CBM team and from the provincial workshops
  • Any pictures taken in the field and written consent form signed by the persons interviewed (or their legal guardians in the case of children below the age of 18) should also be submitted in original form separately along with final report.
  • All materials produced during the situation analysis including hard copy of the report and raw data either in SPSS, excel, FGD and IDI transcripts in soft form.
  • A 4 page summary of the report for use at the strategic planning workshop and as part of the strategic plan; and
  • power point presentation to be used with different stakeholders.

Through the below given table the Consultant must portray the key deliverable of the assignment;

Sr. # / Key Tasks / Deliverables / Timelines

Key Competencies of the Consultants Required

The Consultants should have expertise in assessing and exploring issues with special reference to the rights of persons with disabilities, with involvement of persons with disabilities and a grip on quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. In addition, consultants should also exhibit a track record of conducting participatory reviews/researches. The consultant will be asked to submit 2 samples of previous similar work produced and at least 3 references.

The team / firm of consultant(s) shall have demonstrated experience of working on disabilities and persons with disabilities and shall include person(s) with disability as team member(s). The team shall also be gender balanced.

Contents of the Proposal

The consultant/agency will be required to submit a detailed proposal for country situation analysis. The proposal should be divided into two parts, i.e. technical and financial. The technical part will contain the following sections:

  • Detailed methodology including strategies to engage with Persons with Disabilities and DPOs and how the accessibility barriers will be overcome
  • Detailed timeframe (including dates for submission of each deliverable i.e. inception report, the first draft and final report), and
  • CVs of the team members containing experience on relevant issues

The financial part shall describe the estimated cost for the study in detail. It should be given in a separate sealed envelope.


The situation analysis shall be completed within 2 months from the start date of the contract with the consultants.

Country Situation Analysis Report

Draft Table of Content



1 Executive Summary

2 PESTLE Analysis (with focus on CBM´s mandate of Disability-Inclusive Development, reflecting on gender equity and the ethnic, religious and other diversity of the people of Pakistan)

2.1 Basic data on Impairment and Disability in the Country in general, and in the provinces Punjab and Sindh in particular

2.2 Political System, Administration

2.3 Economic Factors

2.4 Socio Cultural Factors

2.5 Technological Factors

2.6 Legal Factors/ National Policies

2.7 Environmental Factors

2.8 Safety, Security and Risks

3 Development and Disability related Actors and Networks in the Country, in particular in Punjab and Sindh

3.1 Non-State Actors

3.2 Government (with sub-sections on National and Provincial)

3.3 International Organisations

3.4 Disability Coordination Bodies

3.5 Universities and Research Institutes

4 Information on Resources for Disability Inclusive Development/ Funding Potentials

5 Situation Analysis by Strategic/Thematic Priorities - Gaps and Opportunities

(Strategic Priority 1 DID to be considered throughout the analysis and recommendations, as well as gender equity and diversity considerations)

5.1 Strategic Priority 2: Inclusive, resilient communities (Community Based Inclusive Development, including Disaster Risk Reduction)

5.1.1 Gaps and Strategic options

5.2. Strategic Priority 3: Capacity and Systems Strengthening in Eye Health

5.2.1 Gaps and Strategic Options

5.3 Strategic Priority 3: Capacity and Systems Strengthening in Community Mental Health

5.3.1 Gaps and Strategic Options

5.4 Strategic Priority 3: Capacity and Systems Strengthening in (Inclusive) Education for Children with Disabilities

5.4.1 Gaps and Strategic Options

5.5. Strategic Priority 4: Emergency Response

5.5.1 Gaps and Strategic Options

6 Conclusion and Recommendations

Relevant Annexes, such as:

Annex 1: Disability Prevalence Data or Map

Annex 2: People met

Annex 3: Documents consulted

Annex 4: Workshop outcomes

Annex 5: Consultants’ short profile


[1]Moving from Margins: Mainstreaming Persons with Disabilities, British Council, August 2014

[2]Federation strategy attached as an annex