ASIA-PACIFIC TELECOMMUNITYThe 14th Meeting of the APT Wireless Group (AWG-14) / Document
18 – 21 March 2013, Bangkok, Thailand /
18 March 2012
Republic of Korea
response to apt questionnaire on Wireless power transmission
Name of the Replying Administration/Organization:
Contact Person (Name, Designation and Email):
Mr. Young-taek KIM ()
1. Applications
1) What WPT applications do you expect in your country? There may be various types of WPT applications including cellular phones, digital camera, wearable equipment, note PC, tablet, CE appliances, Electric Vehicles, Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, industrial tools/machines, etc. Please describe your expectations. You may provide specific use cases as well.
In Korea, WPT applications are as follows: a) Smart phones, b) On-Line Electric Vehicles, c) Industrial Robots, d) Wireless Sensor Network, e) Electrical train, f) toys, TV accessory, etc.
2. Market demand and forecast
1) Please provide the list of products which are currently on the market and are to be released implementing WPT technologies in your country
In Korea, various technologies and products have been developed since 2007. Main items are such as commercial products, developed prototypes, and so on for wireless power transmission as shown in Table 2-1-1.
Table 2-1-1 WPT commercial products and developed prototypes in Korea
Commercial Products / Smartphone (Tightly-coupled WPT) / Android charge battery cover / Samsung
Power Transmitter & Receiver (WCP-700) / LG Electronics
Power Transmitter & Receiver (iPhone, Galaxy S2) / LS Cable
Power Transmitter & Receiver (iPhone, Galaxy S2) / Wisepower
Power Transmitter & Receiver (iPhone) / HanrimPostech
TV Accessory (Loosely-coupled WPT) / Wireless Charger for 3D Glasses / Samsung
Developed Prototypes / Mobile device (~5W) / Wireless Power Transfer System for Multiple Mobile Devices / KETI
Desktop, LED sign board, TV and OLED lighting device (~40 W) / Wireless Power Transfer System in Middle Range / ETRI
Electric Vehicle (~50 kW) / On-Line Electric Vehicle(BUS) / Dongwon-Olev
Regarding commercial products in the Table 2-1-1, tightly-coupled WPT products by Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) specification and Qi certification are released to the market and the loosely-coupled WPT product was developed by Samsung Electronics as well.
Prototypes of WPT system for standing lamp, digital camera, media tablet, MP3 player, PC Monitor, LED sign board, TV, laptops and electric vehicle, electrical train are being developed by KAIST, ETRI, SAMSUNG, LG, LS Cable, SAMSUNG Electro-Mechanics and LG Innotek, etc.
2) Please provide information or estimates of current and future market size relating to market sectors for WPT devices and systems per application. You may include market size, market trends, prices, commercial timeline, and useful references (e.g. websites, documents).
The products utilizing wireless charging for mobile devices and consumer electronics consist of wireless charging pad and a receiver or a sleeve. Mobile devices and consumer electronics such as smartphones, digital cameras, MP3 Players, media tablets and game controllers can be charged by placing the equipment on the charging pad. The charging pad will be connected with a power source, and depending on the specification up to five smartphones can be charged at a single time. The receiver or the sleeve is used only for smartphones. The sleeve contains a receiver coil that enables the charging of the smartphone. The receiver coils are now being embedded in digital cameras and hence do not require an add-on feature. The model of the sleeves of the smartphones varies with respect to the model of the smartphone it is designed and used for. For example; the sleeve for iPhone 3GS is different from the sleeve of iPhone 4S and sleeve for different other models of Blackberry as well as Samsung smartphones.
Table 2-2-1 Global Wireless Charging Market Revenue, by products, 2010-2017($Million)
Source : MarketsandMarkets
The market for the charging pads as well as the receivers is expected to increase from $671.3 million in 2012 to $6,453.3 million in 2017 at a CAGR of 57% from 2012 to 2017.
Table 2-2-2 Unit Shipments and Revenue for Wireless Charging Pads, Korea,
2010-2017 (Million units, $Million)
Years / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / CAGR%(2012-2017)
Unit Shipments / 0.23 / 0.41 / 0.70 / 1.18 / 1.98 / 3.33 / 5.67 / 9.50 / 68.47
Revenue / 19.78 / 33.1 / 60 / 82.6 / 128.7 / 200 / 311.9 / 475 / 52.22
The unit shipments for wireless charging pads in the APAC region is expected to increase from 1.15 million units in 2011 to 25.60 in 2017 at an estimated CAGR of 67.08% from 2012 to 2017. The Korean market is expected to have the maximum number of units shipped in 2017 from 0.41 million units in 2011 to 9.5 million units shipped in 2017 at an estimated CAGR of 68.47% from 2012 to 2017. The average price of the pads is 61.3$ from 2010 to 2017.
Table 2-2-3 Unit Shipments and Revenue for Wireless Charging Receivers, Korea,
2010-2017 (Million units, $Million)
Years / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / CAGR%(2012-2017)
Unit Shipments / 0.23 / 0.41 / 0.7 / 1.18 / 1.98 / 3.33 / 5.67 / 9.50 / 68.5
Revenue / 12.7 / 21.7 / 35.7 / 57.7 / 93.2 / 150.0 / 243.8 / 389.4 / 61.3
The Korean market is eventually gaining momentum and is expected to have the maximum number of units shipped in 2017 from 0.41 million units in 2011 to 9.50 million units shipped in 2017 at an estimated CAGR of 68.50% from 2012 to 2017. The average price of the receivers is 48$ from 2010 to 2017.
3. Technologies
1) WPT technology may depend on application. Please describe technical and operational characteristics to implement WPT applications in commercial with respect to each application. These may include transmission technologies, transmission distance, transmission power, and any unique aspects.
There might be various WPT applied devices which include mobile phones, tablets, computer, headsets and associate devices. Following conditions are the fundamental requirements: simultaneously flexible charge multiple devices, deliver power at varying distances from charging surface, charge through surfaces such as desks, countertops and molded plastic parts while minimizing impact on transmitter and receiver design, not be impaired or affected by the presence of foreign objects (keys, coins, pens, magnetic strips) in charging field, tolerate accessories (cases, protective covers, skins, sleeves) on devices, discriminate between loads in the device that do not need charging and those that do, reliably deliver adequate charging power for a given devices (e.g. mobile phones 3.5 - 5W; tablets 6 - 11W; headsets 250 - 500mW), comply with global regulatory requirements
2) If there are some technologies found by researching in academia and industry, please describe also.
1) Tightly-coupled WPT (Magnetic Induction Type)
The tightly-coupled WPT system consists of a transmitter coil and a receiver coil. Both coils form a system of magnetically coupled inductors. An alternating current in the transmitter coil generates a magnetic field which induces a current in the receiver coil.
Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) is focusing on tightly–coupled (Inductive) wireless power transmission. WPC released their 1st version of specification based on inductive coupling in July 2010. And recently, they are planning to extend their standardization activities to apply a loosely-coupled technology.
2) Loosely-coupled WPT (Magnetic Resonance Type)
Loosely-coupled WPT system consists of a power transmitter unit resonator and power receiver unit resonators. Both resonators must have the same resonant frequency and the power is transferred from a transmitter to one or more receivers through coupling wave.
Alliance for Wireless Power (A4WP) is focusing on a loosely-coupled wireless power transmission technology that provides spatial freedom for charging of electrical devices and for multiple devices simultaneously. They released the A4WP technical specification version 1.0 based on resonance technology in January 2013.
3) Shaped Magnetic Field in Resonance (SMFIR) WPT
SMFIR is the new technology for Online Electric Vehicle (OLEV) which is an electric vehicle using electromagnetic induction. In March 2010, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) launched out a public transport system using a "recharging road". Electric power strips have been buried 30 cm (12 in) deep under the road surface and connected to the national grid. Pick-up equipment underneath the vehicle then collects power through non-contact magnetic induction which is used either to power the vehicle prime-mover or for battery charging. The demonstration system is a trackless train with an electric tractor hauling three passenger cars.
Gumi, a city in Korea is going to operate the world's first wireless electric bus from July 2013. Electricity is wirelessly fed into the bus from the tracks.
4) You may provide references of technical reports, websites, or any beneficial sources to share among APT countries.
Some useful websites are as follows: A4WP (, WPC (, KWPF (, TTA Website (
The information of TTA Standards and Reports on WPT are as follows:
양식의 맨 위
No / Standard number / Title / Issued date1 / TTAR-06.0112 / Evaluation Methodology on candidate technologies for Wireless power transfer / 2012-05-23
2 / TTAR-06.0109 / Requirements for Wireless power transfer(Technical Report) / 2011-12-01
3 / TTAR-06.0108 / Use case for Wireless power transfer(Technical Report) / 2011-12-01
4 / TTAR-06.0107 / Service scenario for Wireless power transfer(Technical Report) / 2011-12-01
5 / TTAR-06.0113 / Definition on efficiency of wireless power transfer for Mobile devices / 2012-05-23
6 / TTAE.KO-06.0304 / Interface definition for highly resonant wireless power transfer / 2012-06-12
7 / TTAE.KO-06.0303 / Control protocol of wireless power transfer / 2012-06-12
8 / TTAK.KO-10.0571 / Guideline for functional receiver components of wireless power transfer system via coupled magnetic resonances / 2012-06-12
9 / TTAK.KO-10.0590 / System Control Sequence of Resonant Wireless Power Transmission / 2012-10-09
10 / TTAK.KO-10.0632 / Evaluation Method of Ultrasonic Receiver Efficiency for Wireless Power Transmission / 2012-12-21
양식의 맨 위
양식의 맨 아래
양식의 맨 아래
4. Standardization/guidelines/regulations
1) Does your country participate in international standardization activities of WPT such as IEEE, ITU, ISO, IEC, etc.? If so, please provide WPT activity information of international organizations for standardization/ guidelines/ regulations.
Name of the organization / IEC TC 100Tech. Item
- Survey for Technical Reports regarding WPT
- IEC TC 100 Stage 0 Project
. Survey Completed: July. 2012
. Under Drafting Technical Reports
Name of the organization / ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 6
Tech. Item
- In-band PHY and MAC Layer Protocol of WPT
. Working Item was approved in Jan. 2012.
. On Circulation with WD (Working Document)
Name of the organization / ITU-R SG1
Tech. Item
- Recommendation/Report of regulatory and spectrum aspect on WPT
- Question ITU-R 210-3/1
. Question Updated in Nov. 2012.
Name of the organization / A4WP
Tech. Item
- Non-radiative near- and mid-range magnetic resonant coupling (highly resonant
coupling) (loosely-coupled WPT).
- Baseline Technical Specification completed 2012
Name of the organization / WPC
Tech. Item
- Tightly coupled inductive coupling solutions across a range of power levels.
Website lists more than 120 members and 80 certified products including accessories,
chargers and devices
- Interface specifications completed and available
2) Are there any organizations for WPT standardization/ guidelines/ regulations in your country? It may contain standards development organization, forum activities, or governmental organization.
WPT standardization-related organizations are Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) , Korea Wireless Power Forum (KWPF) and Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) . The scope of WPT technical standards development includes a broad range of core technologies such as loosely-coupled (Resonant) and tightly-coupled (Inductive) to be applied across a variety of use cases from low-power to high-power applications.
Korea Communications Commission (KCC) and its National Radio Research Agency (RRA) are charged with WPT regulation.
3) Please provide plans/ timeline and the current development status for standardization/ guidelines/ regulations in your country if available.
Please see the answer for Questions 4).
4) Please provide the name of the organization, contact point, plan, and status of their works if available.
Name of the Administrations / KCC/RRAContact point / Mr. young-taek KIM ()
Plan and/or timeline of standard/guideline/regulation development / On-going:
Frequency allocation in the band 6.78 MHz for WPT and technical regulation for out-of-band communication on WPT
Status of standard/guideline/regulation development / Completed:
Frequency allocated in the bands 19-21 kHz and 59-61 kHz for electronic vehicle
Operating in the frequency band 110 - 205 kHz and relevant regulation for in-band communication
Name of the organization / Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS)
Contact point
Plan and/or timeline of standard/guideline/regulation development / Developing:
- Multi-device charging management of WPT
- In-band Control of WPT
Status of standard/guideline/regulation development / Standardizing:
- IEC TC 100 Project PT62827
- Established: 10th Aug. 2012.
. PWI was approved in Jan. 2012.
. Under drafting WD (working document)
Name of the organization / Korea Wireless Power Forum (KWPF)
Contact point / Dr. Won-ho Jang ()
Plan and/or timeline of standard/guideline/regulation development / On-going:
Studies on standardization, spectrum and regulation on WPT
Status of standard/guideline/regulation development / Developing:
- Researching spectrum related to WPT
- Researching regulation related to WPT
Name of the organization / Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA)
Contact point / Mr. Dae-Jung Kim ()
Plan and/or timeline of standard/guideline/regulation development / Planning:
- Technology development
. WPT based on magnetic resonance
. WPT based on magnetic induction
Status of standard/guideline/regulation development / Completed (See Answer 3-3):
- Use Case & Service Scenario
- Definition of Efficiency
- Evaluation Method
- Technology development
. In-band communication for WPT
. Control for management of WPT
5. Suitable frequency bands and coexistence with the incumbents