Ms Le BailFrench 1

Phone: 06 33433 8 341

Villa 15Bonjour

Bienvenus en cours de Français!!

Welcome in French class! we are here to learn a new language and it can be very fun! It’s a way to communicate with so many new people and learn a new culture!

Course description:

The aims of this course are the development of genuine communicative competence in French and to foster cultural awareness of France and of the French speaking world and its people. Students develop the ability to communicate using the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. We will study as well French Speaking culture through projects, videos and songs.
This class prepares students for the Italian Scuola Media Exam of the corresponding level.

Text used and Supplies:

Le Kiosque 1 , Hachette. Student Activity Book The teacher provides additional material

Grading Policy (les notes)

Your grades are based on AOSR grading scale and are determined by the following: 20% class participation and behaviour 10% daily homework assignments 20 % oral performance (listening and speaking) 20 % written performance (essay and class work) 10% Quizzes 20 % unit tests 10% Final Exam

All late assignments will received greatly reduced grades (5% for every day late). Please be timely with homework, projects and all class responsibilities

Behaviour Expectations:

The main rule is RESPECT for the other students and the teacher. Disruption is not accepted!

  1. You are expected to arrive on time and prepared to learn. Before each lesson check you have your material, your homework completed and you’re ready for the lesson. Be ready to start working when the bell rings!
  2. You are expected to participate and communicate as much as possible in French. Don’t be concerned about making mistakes or mispronouncing words. Mistakes are a learning opportunity!
  3. Do your homework and correct it in class. Use your homework journal. Your parents will be contacted for any missing works or uncompleted homework. 5 points are taken off for every day late. In the word “Homework” there’s the word “home”. It means that works done in recesses won’t be accepted. Before doing written exercises, be sure you‘ve learnt the lesson. memorize your lesson the day before the class. The brain needs time to “digest” and the night helps to memorize.
  4. All absentee make-up work is the responsibility of the student. Any time you’re absent from class, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what the assignment was and to hand it in within a reasonable amount of tome (this will of course, vary with length of the absence). I strongly suggest that you get the phone numbers of trusted classmates so that you may call them should you have any questions on the assignments. Check your ed-line account! You will find the description of the class you missed and the homework.
  5. You are expected to be attentive, talk only when permitted, listen to the others and always raise your hand if you want to talk. Never interrupt the teacher or the others students!
  6. Presentation of your work is a part of your grade. Your work has to have a proper heading, including name, subject, date and assignment. Don’t write with red ink, write essays with pen (and no pencil), you can use the computer or not but always pay attention to let a double space for teacher corrections. I won’t accept not accurate works, torn, badly wrinkled or papers with “doodles”.
  7. You’re not allowed to eat or drink in the classroom.

If rules are respected, class time is really easier and we can really learn and have fun…