Contact: Judy Iannaccone

Director, CommunicationsFebruary 24, 2005

Phone: (714) 480-7503For Immediate Release


OrangeCountySmallBusinessDevelopmentCenter Centralizes in Move to CollegeDistrictBuilding

(Santa Ana) -- The Orange County Small Business Development Center (OCSBDC) has centralized its functions by moving into the building of its host, the Rancho Santiago Community College District, at 2323 North Broadway in Santa Ana. The center serves all small businesses and entrepreneurs in OrangeCounty making it important that it be located in the heart of the county.

“We are pleased about the move because our clients can access our workshops and business consultation servicesin one location,” said Mike Roessler, the center’s director.

The OCSBDC offers complimentary, personalized business assistance in a confidential, one-on-one setting. Eight experienced business consultants are available to help businesses with business planning, loan assistance, marketing, advertising, expansion strategies, business start-ups, financial analysis, strategic planning, and doing business with the government. The center also hosts valuable, low-cost seminars that cover a wide range of topics including accessingbusiness capital, writing a business plan and understanding payroll taxes.

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The center’s new location offers many advantages to its clients including easier access to freeways and ample free parking. The most important new advantage is that a variety of services are now on-site. The OCSBDC is located in the same building as the Center for International Trade and their close partnership has allowed the center to offer assistance in conducting business worldwide. The OCSBDC also provides business consulting and seminars in Spanish and Vietnamese.

“We are not all things to all people, but we are all things to some people,” said Enrique Perez, director of Rancho Santiago Community College District’sinternational business programs.

The Orange County Small Business Development Center (OCSBDC), an economic development program of Rancho Santiago Community College District, is partially supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), the CaliforniaStateUniversity, Fullerton and the California Community College Chancellor’s Office.

For more information, call (714) 564-5200 or visit .

About the Rancho Santiago Community College District

Santa Ana College and Santiago Canyon College are public community colleges of the Rancho Santiago Community College District, which serves the residents of Anaheim Hills, Garden Grove, Irvine, Orange, Santa Ana, Tustin and Villa Park. Both colleges provide education for academic transfer and careers, courses for personal and professional development, and customized training for business and industry.

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