Need help with your risk assessment? Visit or contact your designated staff member

(For Societies/Committees: )

Society/Committee: Various (see bar crawl form) Date of Risk Assessment: 01/08/2017 – 31/07/2018

Event/Activity: Bar Crawl in SheffieldCompleted by (Name/Position): Students’ Union staff on behalf of Sheffield SU’s registered societies and committees.

Event/Activity Location: Various (see bar crawl form) Contact details(telephone & email): 0114 222 28689

Date of Event/Activity: Various (see bar crawl form)Other Persons Consulted (if any):Tim Bowell, Janet Turvey (Endsleigh), University Security Services,Advice taken from SU’s Alcohol and Societies/Committees Code of Practice.

Please note that this is a standardised risk assessment. If there are any specific risks associated with your bar crawl which are not covered in this risk assessment then you must inform the relevant staff member in the Activities & Sports Zone.

What might cause harm? / RISK
Who might be harmed and how? / CONTROL MEASURES: EXISTING AND PROPOSED
What are you already doing to control the risk?
What else do you need to do? / Action by who?
Person(s) / Action by when?
Walking between bars / Participants getting separated from the group and becoming lost. /
  • Every steward and as many participants as possible must have the lead event organiser’s mobile number and the lead event organiser must have every steward’s number. The lead event organiser and stewards must keep their mobiles on at all times and maintain contact until the event has finished.
  • There should be one steward per 20 students if the bar crawl is ‘led’. For ‘free moving’ bar crawls, stewards need to be placed around hot spots, e.g. traffic lights and cash machines.
  • Stewards should wear high visibility jackets.
  • The lead event organiser should be the main point of contact for the stewards, bars and policy. They should have no stewarding responsibilities.
/ Lead event organiser, stewards. / Before / during event.
Drinking alcohol / Participants suffer from illness and dehydration from excessive alcohol consumption /
  • The lead event organiser should visit every venue in advance to check that they have free tap water available and to inform them that the bar crawl will be taking place, with expected arrival times and number of students.
  • The lead event organiser is advised to only choose venues with free tap water available. All licensed establishments should promote sensible drinking.
  • If any participant becomes seriously unwell during the bar crawl, the lead event organiser should be notified and the emergency services (999) should be called.
  • Stewards should not drink alcohol during the bar crawl.
  • Students should be advised not to start the bar crawl before 8pm and reach their final destination by 11.45pm. They should stay in every bar for at least 30 minutes in each bar to allow for sensible drinking.
/ Lead event organiser, stewards, all participants. / Before / during event.
Hazards which may cause injury e.g. pavements, beer glasses, chairs / Participant or member of the public being injured and requiring first-aid. /
  • Stewards should help move students out of bars but not assist them to cross roads.
  • One or more stewards must be first-aid trained. If this is not possible, the lead event organiser should check that venues have first-aid trained staff available.
  • In case of emergency, the trip leader should carry the University Security Services number (0114 222 4085) and in case of serious injury, the emergency services (999) should be contacted.
/ Stewards, First Aider, venues (if applicable), Security Services (if applicable) / During event.
Carrying valuables in a public place / Risk of participant losing valuables or being mugged /
  • Where possible, participants should be encouraged in advance not to bring expensive valuables on the bar crawl. Participants should keep vigilant regarding their belongings.
  • Anyone who is a victim of a mugging should contact the police immediately (999). They should obtain a crime number if they wish to make a claim on their personal insurance.
/ All participants. / During event.
All society/committee policies (including the Rules & Safety Handbook and Alcohol Code of Practice) must be adhered to throughout the trip.
Societies/committees should hold a briefing for their stewards before the event to discuss the role, timings, relevant procedures and the importance of
staying in contact.
The lead event organiser and stewards should be aware of the Students’ Union Advice Centre’s guides to safe drinking, available on the Students’ Union website, particularly on the following topics:
i)‘Drinking and Partying’
ii)‘Out and About’
iii)‘Responsible Drinking’
Any accidents/incidents should be reported to the Activities & Sports Zone within 24 hours (Accident Reporting Form is obtainable from