Irvine Seniors Forum
Minutes of meeting 24th April 2018
Ian Wallace, Catherine @ Tony Maltby, Rosemary Byrne, Patricia Steed,Jackie Tremble, , Liz Sinclair. Andrew Pollock, , Jessie Mcharg, TristianLyndsay, Anne Mclintock,
Apologies KrysInglis Billy Inglis, Neil Small John Gray,Gwen Guthrie,Sheila Boyd,Jean Walker, Janice Murray, Annie Small
Chairs opening remarks she welcomed everyone to the meeting
Minutes of previous meeting agreed correct record
Matters arising
Rosemary gave an update of the meeting in Vennel Gardens. Staff have now been transferred under TUPE to the council safe guarding their jobs and continuing with the very popular service . A pat on the back to all who supported this project
Rosemary apologised for being unable to attend the event and asked for comments from any other members who did attend the intergenerational high tea. General feeling was that there was a very good response from our group. After a discussion it was agreed to contact Kimberly to see what further collaboration could take place. Ian to contact Kimberly.
Call blockers. Annie Small has indicated that she used the service and said that she was more than pleased when the council turned up the next day and fitted the call blocker. She asked that we advertise this as widely as possible and that we write to the council thanking trading standards for the work they have done in supplying call blockers to older people free of charge.
Web SiteIan told the meeting he had sent out emails with info on the web site to the people who were interested, he also sent out a copy of the paper Robb had brought to the meeting . Robb will be available to meet with the small group to progress the training for those interested. Rosemary asked for possible dates and venues , agreed that we will give Robb weekbeginning8th 9th May and rosemary will speak to Vineburgh about access to the computer suit. Ian ask the group if anyone had a look at it. he said they could access it on their phone most agreed that it was coming along nicely. He also pointed out that we still needed content. Computer training was available for beginners on a Wednesday morning from Third Sector interface. Check out their web site.
Treasurer’s report Krys gave an update of our finances . All accounts had been settled and we have £558.33 in the bank which is Grant money . She then gave told the meeting about the community grant meeting she attended on our behalf she felt it was very positive and made some suggestions as to what we should apply for . She said that the format had changed this year, Rosemary thanked her and ask the group for suggestions , these ranged from another open day but this time with freebies and may be in collaboration with other groups agencies , Podcasts and we also need to keep money for web hosting. Ian and rosemary will meet to get draft proposals drawn up
Scottish Pensioners Forum Ian has submitted the names for the Conference and AGM and will contact john about transport.
Unison Retired members Good turnout for the meeting and a small committee elected next meeting of the committee will be in the Unison Office in Kilwinning on 9th may at 10 am to draw up proposals for future meetings and events
Joint Elderly Forum ian said that there still had been no meetings since away before xmass and that he would contact bigjohn with a view of arranging an extra ordinary AGM.
Scottish Seniors Alliance Ian attended the meeting in Glasgow. Main items of concern was the funding . The Alliance was now a registered charity and received grants from the voluntary action fund .Officials had met with VAF who after a2-5 hour meeting said they were not happy with the evaluation supplied and that they were holding back the last quarters payment of £5000. This puts the alliance in the same position as we were in before getting the grant ie that we may have to close the office and pay off our admin worker off. The char suggested that all groups and individuals write to Jeannie Freeman explaining why this puts us in a difficult position and to reinstate the funds.
After a break the meeting broke in to groups to discuss the the Scottish governments consultation paper on Isolation and loneliness. He referred to the SSA news letter where he laid out some of the points ,he also asked that as many people respond to the consultation as possible . Some of the points were
With the closure of public toilets some people are enable to go out
removal of seating in public places
Cuts to bus services
cuts to community facilities
cuts and out sourcing of council services
no wardens in sheltered housing
Families are no spread out and don't live locally
we need more intergenerational work
more affordable integrated housing , older people who's houses are not fit for purpose (upstairs toile) for example may have to move to new neighbourhoods where they don't know any one
keep older people in their local communities
Lack of money Worst pensions in Europe
need a national strategy that's preventative reactive
shame of not having enough money
lack of mobility
AOCB May day rally will be held onsat 5th May leaving Vineburgh community centre at11 am
29th May !-30 in the Woodlands centre
Agenda 29 May
Minutes of previous meeting
matters arising
treasurers report