Peninsula Health CONFIDENTIAL - 1 -

Tuesday 22nd March 2011 Boardroom MEC.
10:30 - 12:00
Paul Colosimo (Chair) / Present / Wazed Ali
(Frankston City Council) / Gwen Austin
(Pastoral care) / Present / Jose Arrebola
(Principle Nurse) / Present / Alex MacLean
(Support Services)
Elaine Hillis
(CAG) Community Participation / Present / FiFi Boctor
(Community Representative) / Apology / Theresa Kudinoff
(Mental Health) / Tony Van den Blink
(Dom Care) / Kim Dobson
(Social Work) / Apology
Julie Grant
(Social Work) / Apology / Mark Davies
(Centrelink) / Apology / Karen Edis
(Nutrition, Dietetics & Volunteers) / Present / Jodie Jones
(Disability CAG / CRP) / Apology / Ahmed Zeed
(New Hope) / Present
Carolyn Marshall
(Early Intervention Chronic Disease) / Apology / Mitzi Medojevic
(Mental Health) / Present / Iain Edwards
(Community Health) / Simon Ruth
(ATSI , CAG Community Health) / Wendy Smith
(Convener) / Present
1.  / Minutes from previous meeting accepted
Additions to Agenda? / Several amendments were requested. See updated minutes Feb 22nd 2011
2.  / Welcome; / Welcome to Margaret McGrath new Consumer representative / Paul Colosimo
3.  / Peninsula Health “Cultural
Diversity Plan” / -  Final Plan; Comments re the new format
-  Action / Evidence / Outcome (do they need to be separated)
-  Executive Sponsor (Jan Child) would like to see the CALD Plan / CAG Disability Plan to run parallel
-  Noni Bourke Convenor Disability CAG
-  The development of Port Folio holders will share the work load more evenly
-  Specific elements of the Plan to be expanded
A) Quality,
B) Nursing
C) Nutrition & Food / Paul Colosimo
Elaine Hillis
Elaine Hillis
Jose Arrebola
4.  / Intranet Website / -  Slides of the new Intranet page shown and discussed including;
-  The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights in Victoria available in the 20 most used languages (Peninsula Health) and Braille copies available from the Social Work Department.
-  “How to book an Interpreter”
-  Links to various sites, including Government pages.
-  DIAC Calender2011
-  Cultural significant days and religious activities. Eg Ramadan.
-  At this stage only internal pages, external pages are a “work in progress”
-  External pages to be included;
-  CALD Plan when ratified
-  Community Advisory Groups
-  CALD minutes
-  Interpreter Services
-  Richmond Link to follow / Paul Colosimo
Karen Edis
5.  / PH Interpreter data / -  Language/dialec Identity cards progressing.
-  Peninsula Health to be a provider of these cards
-  E-Learning under way.
-  CALD – addressed in corporate / volunteer orientation. / Paul Colosimo
6.  / Signage / -  A slide of the sign to be erected on all Peninsula Health sites (24) shown
-  The top 14 languages (over the past 2 years) are to be displayed.
-  Query re the Social Work telephone number, being only available during working hours, was discussed and the meeting was advised a new answering system was being sourced
-  Is the telephone number for use by consumers? / Karen Edis
7.  / H.R. to provide; / -  Cultural Education Calender
-  Community Participation Planner; including ATIS & GLBTGIS
-  Residential Cultural Awareness training for both Patients and Staff
-  2012 Calender of significant Cultural dates.
8.  / Interpreter Information / -  Acute (Ian Carney) and Sub-Acute (Craig Clarke) doctors have been encouraged in the use of Interpreters
-  Good feedback from the Mornington Multi Cultural Day (Ahmed) has been received / Paul Colosimo
9.  / Pines Pride Day / -  Multicultural Village > Pines Pride Day
-  Margaret McGrath spoke of the “Pines Pride Day” well accepted possible involvement by Peninsula Health next year.
-  Community Notice Board
-  Promote Peninsula Health via Dandenong communities / Margaret McGrath
10.  / Non Clinical Training / -  2 sessions booked
-  8th April 2011 and 16th May 2011
-  Would like CALD members to participate / Paul Colosimo
11.  / Board Report / -  Updated information;
-  Calender
-  Cue Cards
-  Revised Terms of Reference
-  Outcomes / Elaine Hillis
12.  / Next Meeting/s / Tuesday 24th May 2011 MEC Boardroom. (April meeting cancelled due to Easter)
Fourth Tuesday of each month of 2011