Thursday 22nd August, 2013
8.00am – 9.30am in the Mt Eliza Boardroom
Name / Organisation / Attendance / Name / Organisation / Attendance
Joe Cauchi / Family Life / Present / Pat Griffin / FMPPCP / Apology
Rose Mary Dowling / Headspace / Present / Rob Macindoe / MPSC / Apology
Vickie Davies / Peninsula Health / Present / Margaret Martin / PH / Apology
Gillian Kay / FCC / Present / Diana Mummé / FMP PCP / Present
Leisl Jackson / PGPN / Present / Nick Orchard / Dept Health SMR / Apology
Joy Jarrett / RDNS / Apology / Terry Palioportas / PSS / Apology
Sue Glasgow / WHISE / Present / Lisa Rollinson / BSL / Present
Jenny Van Riel / MPSC proxy R Macindoe` / Present
Chair:Gillian Kay
Minutes:Diana Mummé
Agenda No. / Topic / Commentary / Person /Time1. / Previous Minutes /
- Endorsed
2. / Apologies /
- Noted.
3. / Conflict of Interest
Matters Arising from the previous minutes
4. / FMP PCP Strategic Plan 2013-2017 – Member Agency Forum 29/8/13 /
- Plans on track for Forum. Venue: Mornington Golf Club 9.30 – 1.00 - lunch included. A project planning template will be used to scope out the projects in terms of pieces of work / projects / specific actions
- Noted: The new Strategic Plan, which was endorsed as a work in progress at the Extraordinary Meeting on 25/7/13, carries with it a changed structure which means that the Health Promotion Collaborative and the Service System Redevelopment Committee will not continue to operate. Instead, task groups will be established around each priority area and the Chairs of these groups will be become voting members of the SDC.
5. / FMP ML and FMP PCP
e-Referral Project /
- David Hutcheson’s Project Initiation document tabled. Project plan explored.
- Concern was expressed about very short time frames – it does not allow sufficient time for a successful engagement process which results in buy-in to the project.
- Need to determine what a successful engagement process looks like prior to committing funds to it– i.e., they want a clearly articulated engagement plan that includes the people in the partner agencies who will use the system.
- Suggested that a small group might work with David over the development of the engagement plan. Jenny Van Riel, Ro Dowling and Vicki Davies will form that small group.
6. / FMP PCP Staffing /
- Integrated Health Promotion position filled – Dr Eunice Bruce. The Service System Redevelopment Coordinator position has a preferred applicant who has been offered the position and the contracting process is in progress.
7. / Social Return on Investment /
- SROI handout distributed. The PCP could join an SROI project at a cost of $5,000. Family Life is a member of the SROI Network and Jo Cavanagh (CEOFL) will provide an information session at Frankston Council later in August invitations to be sent.
Business Arising
8. / FMPPCP Membership /
- Diana reported that two organisations are interested in becoming members of the PCP – Skills Plus and PenLLEN.
- One organisation – Leisure Link - has pulled out of the membership due to loss of funding and program close.
- Decided to send the new MoU out to member agencies asking them to re-commit after the Strategic Planning Forum next Thursday.
- In discussion about membership queries arose about reciprocal guest arrangements between the SDC and partnering organisations. Decided that a formal process of invitation should be articulated in the SDC’s Terms of Reference under ‘Membership’.
9. / SDC Meeting Schedule /
- Gill noted that there have been a number of Extraordinary Meetings in recent months related to strategic planning and asked the Committee which of two options they would prefer:
- To return to monthly meetings at least for the next six months or so, or
- To continue with bi-monthly meetings and ‘slip in’ an Extraordinary Meeting as required.
- Decision: Bi-monthly meetings with Extraordinary Meetings as required.
10. / PCP Reporting /
- PCP reporting plans were explained to the Committee.
11. / Information Sharing /
- Gill and Diana reported on a Chairs and EOs meeting with Dept Health SMR – Chaired by Sandy Austin, Regional Director, and a subsequent meeting with Nick Orchard who will be DoH SMR liaison for FMPPCP. During meeting Sandy:
- expressed strong support for PCPs from SMR – that PCPs are their preferred platform for partnership work,
- outlined plans re Aboriginal Health. Funding to LG – one position to support Gathering Places, and 50k for PCP secretariat to support facilitation of health services through the Gathering Places. In relation to this point Joe Cauchi responded that in his view such funding should go direct to an Aboriginal organisation such as VACCHO. There was support for this view, suggesting that the PCP could explore partnering with an Aboriginal organisation.
- In the meeting with Nick Orchard he expressed strong interest and enthusiasm for the PCPs priorities of youth and health and wellbeing literacy and said that the Peninsula Model was attracting a great deal of interest within the Department.
12. / FMPPCP Finance Report /
- Finance report tabled and Diana noted that as of the end of July the budget has untied funds at $184,264.
Next Meeting
11. / Thursday 24thOctober 2013 commencing at 8.00am in the Mt Eliza Boardroom.
M:\Partnership Development\Strategic Directions Committee\Minutes\2013\Minutes SDC 27-06-2013.doc