Siler City NC STEP Community Leadership Team Meeting
November 10, 2011 Meeting Minutes
Community Leadership Team Present (30): Zoann Adams, Jean Baird, Donald Buckner, Greg Burriss, Debrah Chriscoe, Ricky Chriscoe, Pamela Citrynell, Travis Cohn, Nita Dukes, Dr. John Dykers, Mano Gallegos, Mike Gates, Dewitt Griffin, Diana Hales, Pamela Hawe, Sarah Kuhn, Linda Lehman, Vieda Mazur, Wanda Norwood, David Poe, Arthur Powell, Melton Powell, Angelina Schiavone (provided interpreting service), Donna Sivulka, Sammy Slade, Gabriel Soltren, Maria Soto, Alyssa Stepusin, Chuck Stires, and Sue Szary
Elected Officials Present: Mayor Charles J. Johnson, Town Commissioner Sam Adams, and Town Commissioner Elect Mike Constantino
NC Rural Center Staff Present: Chilton Rogers (NC STEP Coach)
Town Staff Present: Jack Meadows (Director of Planning and Community Development, NC STEP Community Coordinator) and Dee Lee Thompkins (Administrative Support Specialist)
Welcome and Announcements: The Community Leadership Team met on Thursday, November 10, 2011 at Rocky River Baptist Church Fellowship Hall at 5:15 p.m. Mayor Johnson welcomed and thanked everyone for coming. The following announcements were made: 1) Mr. Meadows reported to date that $16,083 of the $25,000 planning funds had been spent and that approximately $3,000 will be remaining once the branding consultants and recent travel and training is paid for; 2) Mr. Meadows directed those present to review the letter received from Arnett Muldrow & Associates which explains their progress; 3) Mrs. Rogers announced that the Rural Partners Forum will be held on November 16 and 17 in Raleigh, NC. Nita Dukes, Sarah Kuhn, Ann Bass, Mano Gallegos, and Wandee Norwood will be attending. 4) Mrs. Rogers announced that a Regional STEP training workshop will be held in Star on December 8. Mayor Charles Johnson, Jack Meadows, Travis Cohn, Wandee Norwood, Zoann Adams, Pam Hawe, Diana Hales, and Nita Dukes will be attending.
Final Review of Project Importance, Order, and STEP Dollars Allocation: Mrs. Rogers reviewed the STEP projects.
Art – Central Park $ 15,000
Art – Film Festival (Downtown Festival) $ 5,000
Art – Handcrafted Guide $ 1,800
Business – Bridges & Seeds Learning &
Microfinance Garden $ 7,000
Business – Business Corridor Wayfinding Signage $ 13,350
Business – Downtown Master Plan $ 9,000
Business – Downtown Façade Improvement
Grant Program $ 15,000
Business – Plugging Money & Energy Leaks –
Residential $ 15,000
Business – Welcome Center/Incubator $ 2,250
Marketing – Branding Implementation
(Welcome to sign,, etc.) $ 4,000
Marketing – $ 500
Retirement – Certified Retirement Community $ 5,000
Retirement – Pedestrian Planning Grant $ 3,100
Retirement – Rocky River Nature Trail $ 4,000
TOTAL $ 100,000
Jasmina Nogo was not present but provided a DVD to further detail the Bridges & Seeds Learning & Microfinance Garden project. Mrs. Rogers asked if all in attendance were happy with the project list and STEP money allocation as provided above. All present were happy!
Transition to Implementation
Presentation of Plan to Town Board to Secure its Approval: Mrs. Rogers asked that the final draft of all projects be submitted to Mr. Meadows by December 9th. Mrs. Rogers will prepare the final document and submit to Mr. Meadows prior to December 13th agenda deadline for the December 19th Town Board meeting. Mrs. Rogers asked the team to appoint a general spokesperson for the entire Team and a representative from each strategy committee for the presentation to the Town Board. Pam Hawe was appointed the general spokesperson, Donna Sivulka for retirement, Ann Bass for art, Gabriel Soltren for business development, and Diana Hales for marketing. Sarah Kuhn made a motion for Mrs. Rogers to attend the Town Board Meeting on December 19th, Vieda Mazur seconded and it was unanimously approved.
Mrs. Rogers reviewed a handout on Transition to Implementation and STEP Impact Evaluation. A contract with the Rural Center for the implementation phase may be completed in January 2012. Mrs. Rogers passed out an Assessment of Resources for Sustaining and Growing Your Local Economy Survey for everyone to fill out and return before leaving the meeting.
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM.